What about your city/town sucks?

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Philly bagels are awful. The Flyers are for dipshits. The Eagles suck. North Philly is a ghetto. South Philly is a ghetto. West Philly is a ghetto. To the east we have Camden, NJ.

The bums are ungrateful. I bought one a hot dog the other day, give it to him, instead of thanks I get, "is this all you can afford?" Fucking A.

Not a whole lot, it's a bit backwoods and the cops are like spiders in a bush ready to pounce you for going 2mph over the speed limit but it's not bad. My state however? Two words: Dallas Cowboys.



Not a whole lot, it's a bit backwoods and the cops are like spiders in a bush ready to pounce you for going 2mph over the speed limit but it's not bad. My state however? Two words: Dallas Cowboys.
I think there should be a national cagematch set up for all the retarded Cowboy's fans to fight all the retarded Eagles' fans. Fight to the death and then we shoot the last standing idiot. Everybody wins. The rivalry gets settled.

---------- Post added at 09:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

Nothing to do late at night.
You can always take up your state past time of corn husking.
It's roads and general city lay out have not been updated for the automobile. The city council debates the merits of chickens and cats instead of improving the city itself.


Staff member

Not a whole lot, it's a bit backwoods and the cops are like spiders in a bush ready to pounce you for going 2mph over the speed limit but it's not bad. My state however? Two words: Dallas Cowboys.
I think there should be a national cagematch set up for all the retarded Cowboy's fans to fight all the retarded Eagles' fans. Fight to the death and then we shoot the last standing idiot. Everybody wins. The rivalry gets settled.

---------- Post added at 09:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

Nothing to do late at night.
You can always take up your state past time of corn husking.[/QUOTE]

Fuck you both. GO COWBOYS!!!

There will be many Cowboys fans standing at the end of that fight. So Preach On Dave...

I love my state and town. There is some of the backwardness/close-mindedness that I'd like to see changed.


Staff member
To quote my brother: It's a purple and gold stain between New Orleans and Lafayette.

Seriously, I get tired of seeing purple and gold everything and seeing "Tiger" attached to every damn thing. And it's hard to find a good jazz show.


Staff member
Woo boy. A lot. (Sorry CajunGal)

1. NOTHING to do. I couldn't figure out what all these people in this reasonably large town did for fun at first. Then I realized they all hang out with family. Family this, family that. If you're not from here, there's nothing to do. There are like 5 last names in this town, and they're like exclusive little clubs. Sure, there's Mardi Gras and the Cajun culture stuff, but you burn through that fairly quickly. I had a friend here from Scotland who eventually quit his job and moved back. He described Lafayette as "one giant suburb". An excellent description, leading to...

2. NO NATURE. I'm an outdoorsy kind of guy. Due to the small amount of livable land in south louisiana, you can get pretty far out of town, and the houses are still close together. They have these weird narrow lots that have some decent amount of land to them, but because there's one major road through an area, they're long and thin lots. YOu could own 2 acres, but still be butted up on both sides, with a really long backyard.

3. OCEAN TEASE. The ocean is technically only about 22 miles away. I know this because I've measured it on a map. You can't drive there though, because it's all delta mud (see number 2). No, to get to the ocean, you have to drive at least an hour away. To get to a decent beach, expect to drive 3-4 hours.

4. NO PRIDE IN WORK. This is actually an epidemic in this country as a whole. But this city must be patient zero. They have it bad. At first, I thought I was just getting bad people, but it's gone beyond coincidence. Store clerks, waiters, nurses...they all can't be bothered to do their jobs. If you push them, you get an audible sigh, and then they move like they're encased in cold maple syrup.

5. CRAPPY CITY PLANNING (NO ZONING, NO ROADWORK). I have never seen a place so poorly zoned. There are HOUSES in the middle of Girard Park--a big park near this campus. At first I thought they were maintenance buildings, but no--they're houses. There are houses intermingled on the main business corridor. The roads, even the ones in the fancy neighborhoods, haven't been paved in years. When we asked visiting congressmen about it, they gave some well-rehearsed speech about the geology of the are to me--a geology professor. While partly true, it's also clear the roads haven't been resurfaced in many areas since they were built. Oh and about the fancy neighborhoods:

6. UNCOMFORTABLE DICHOTOMY OF WEALTH. Despite all of this, there are a LOT of rich people living here. There are neighborhoods full of mansions. Why? This is the heart of gulf oil country. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of poor people living here. But thanks to the top heaviness, everything costs a lot here. Real estate is almost as much as it was in Boston. But then I get paid according to state rates, which are averaged over the whole state.

Anyway, that's a short list of what I don't like about this town.


Staff member
Charleston is a corn field crater filled with meth-addled rednecks, up-their-ass college kids and the closest White Castle is 45 minutes away.


Staff member
Charleston is a corn field crater filled with meth-addled rednecks, up-their-ass college kids and the closest White Castle is 45 minutes away.
And before you can get there Neil Patrick Harris steals your fucking car!


Woo boy. A lot. (Sorry CajunGal)

1. NOTHING to do. I couldn't figure out what all these people in this reasonably large town did for fun at first. Then I realized they all hang out with family. Family this, family that. If you're not from here, there's nothing to do. There are like 5 last names in this town, and they're like exclusive little clubs. Sure, there's Mardi Gras and the Cajun culture stuff, but you burn through that fairly quickly. I had a friend here from Scotland who eventually quit his job and moved back. He described Lafayette as "one giant suburb". An excellent description, leading to...

2. NO NATURE. I'm an outdoorsy kind of guy. Due to the small amount of livable land in south louisiana, you can get pretty far out of town, and the houses are still close together. They have these weird narrow lots that have some decent amount of land to them, but because there's one major road through an area, they're long and thin lots. YOu could own 2 acres, but still be butted up on both sides, with a really long backyard.

3. OCEAN TEASE. The ocean is technically only about 22 miles away. I know this because I've measured it on a map. You can't drive there though, because it's all delta mud (see number 2). No, to get to the ocean, you have to drive at least an hour away. To get to a decent beach, expect to drive 3-4 hours.

4. NO PRIDE IN WORK. This is actually an epidemic in this country as a whole. But this city must be patient zero. They have it bad. At first, I thought I was just getting bad people, but it's gone beyond coincidence. Store clerks, waiters, nurses...they all can't be bothered to do their jobs. If you push them, you get an audible sigh, and then they move like they're encased in cold maple syrup.

5. CRAPPY CITY PLANNING (NO ZONING, NO ROADWORK). I have never seen a place so poorly zoned. There are HOUSES in the middle of Girard Park--a big park near this campus. At first I thought they were maintenance buildings, but no--they're houses. There are houses intermingled on the main business corridor. The roads, even the ones in the fancy neighborhoods, haven't been paved in years. When we asked visiting congressmen about it, they gave some well-rehearsed speech about the geology of the are to me--a geology professor. While partly true, it's also clear the roads haven't been resurfaced in many areas since they were built. Oh and about the fancy neighborhoods:

6. UNCOMFORTABLE DICHOTOMY OF WEALTH. Despite all of this, there are a LOT of rich people living here. There are neighborhoods full of mansions. Why? This is the heart of gulf oil country. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of poor people living here. But thanks to the top heaviness, everything costs a lot here. Real estate is almost as much as it was in Boston. But then I get paid according to state rates, which are averaged over the whole state.

Anyway, that's a short list of what I don't like about this town.
Welcome to Philadelphia! Where you get a dirty look at McDonalds because you walked in the door to order food.


Staff member
Stupid-ass city politicians. This city's supposed to be the Culture Capital of 2011, and how does it show?
- The city shuts down branch libraries.
- A lot of the cultural festivities are outsourced.
- They consider it good policy to level beautiful olf buildings to make way for a new mall.

Oh, and there's a bridge sinking. Was a major thoroughfare just a week ago... So far it's sunk about two and a half feet, and it keeps going at the speed of an inch a day. God-fucking-damn you lazy seventies architects... It got a little absurd yesterday when there were rumours that a movie production company wanted to buy the bridge to blow it up in the filming of a new Finnish thriller, but apparently that was a false piece of news.

Philosopher B.

There's nowhere to go/nothing to do. There used to be a theatre near here (a very scary, sticky theatre) but that's long since gone.
I um... like it here. Nothing sucks all that much till you get to the suburbs ruled by Palin-ites. :noidea:

EDIT: Not being able to buy beer and wine in the same store kind of sucks.

Wasabi Poptart

1. Too close to Tijuana. The smog comes up north into my town every morning. When I clean the window screens I have to throw away the rags I've used because they are stained black from the pollution mixed with dust.The sewage from "TJ" washes into the ocean not far from where we live and has caused the beach to be closed many times.There are always Border Patrol helicopters flying around. There are signs warning to watch for people running across the highways. It's a little scary sometimes.

2. Drugs and violence. It's not all about the people coming over the border either. There are a few Asian gangs and white supremacist groups in the area in addition to the Latino gangs. There have been kidnappings and people held for ransom. Two years ago, there was a teenager on a bicycle who was sexually assaulting women in an area about 3 miles from my house. There is a park on my block where I used to take my son every night to play after dinner. We don't go anymore because of the people doing drugs and selling drugs out in the open. The cops don't do anything to them except tell them they have to leave. Once the patrol car turns the corner, the dealers and users come right back. I had a guy break into my yard one morning ( I say he broke into the yard because we have a gated fence, it's not an open backyard). Oh and there are random shootings, too.

3. Homeless people. I have never in my life seen so many homeless people since I was in NYC. They sleep in tents behind businesses, underneath the underpasses/overpasses of the highways, in the parks, and in parking lots. They stand out in front of the entrance to shopping centers with their cardboard signs that have things written on them about being vets or little quips like "I may be ugly, but that doesn't mean I'm not hungry". Quite a few are mentally ill or addicts. A few I have genuinely felt bad for. It really is a problem in the area though because some of the ones who have camped out in brushy areas have started wildfires and some that live in the storm drains have clogged up the pipes with their belongings and garbage.


Staff member
I um... like it here. Nothing sucks all that much till you get to the suburbs ruled by Palin-ites. :noidea:

EDIT: Not being able to buy beer and wine in the same store kind of sucks.
Well the alcohol flows freely in Louisiana. You can buy just about anything in a grocery store. You can even buy daiquiris drive-thru (straw and all). After all, DUI (or DWI for you texans and new yorkers) is the state sport.
I just want to thank you all for making me feel better about where I live. Being in Michigan, that's really saying something.


Hmmm I really love my town. I guess that lack of variety in groceries is annoying especially fresh produce. Sometimes the river floods but I live on a hill so it doesn't matter to me. Oh I know, I wish there were more theater and plays.
One of the most unsafe foundries on the entire east coast is about 4 blocks from here. Gangs - a garage just up the street got spraypainted "Eastside Bangers" this year. The neighbors suck. If you don't binge drink, get high, and have 6 kids before you're 30, you don't fit in. Oh, and if you don't fucking spray your shorts while watching high school football and wrestling (GAY) you might as well be an alien. Then there's officer tape-measure. "You're supposed to have a 24" cleared walkway within 24 hours of a snowfall." "Yeah, I shoveled, see the path?" "It's only 22 inches wide." Fucking $75 ticket.
The Metropolitain. Heck, all the damn highways. It's pathetic.

Other than that, my city fucken rocks... :D
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