What are people afraid of?

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Top 5 and don't you forget it.

Cept you, Zen/Cajun/Lally/Wildsoul/Littlesin/Howdroll :heythere:
Too lazy to do the image stuff. These are good:

lost faith in
pain is
the path
am I
stupid chi
they have s
sexy is
give me a
waiting for
isn't a
my kitten
math can
education can't
education can
education does
my liver

hrm... I could play with this forever... neato.

If, for some reason, I was ever required to do a "best 50 threads of halforum of all time" for Rolling Stone or something..... I'd pout this way up top.


If this doesn't make the hall of fame, then we should get rid of it completely.
That's the second time I've seen that, and for some reason the idea of someone asking Google why they fart so much is absolutely hilarious to me.
What is it with Google and nipples? Why are nipples so important to the Internets? Could the internet run without nipples?

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