What are you doing for New Years?

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I'm driving to NYC with the wife to get my freeze on. What are you hosers doing tonight? (note, I'll have to read this tomorrow since I'm leaving in a little bit).
Up till midnight I'll be at home celebrating with my family. After that I'll probably go over to some friends' home in a nearby town and get hammered.


improv party at my place since two people that use to throw them every year is going someplace else :) so I take in the stragglers. We are probably doing rockband and some wii game (two separate room)

Wasabi Poptart

Watching the ball drop on tv, then listening to the sounds of handguns, shotguns and semi-automatic weapons going off all around my neighborhood.


Staff member
Hanging out with my boyfriend and a friend of ours... who I'd actually prefer not to see tonight. He's started getting his secondary edu certification, and after 1 month of classes, he thinks he knows more than me. We had this conversation about negative reinforcement, and he clearly didn't know what it was. When I defined it correctly, he played it off like he knew it the whole time and still acted like he was right. He can really talk out of his ass sometimes. I really hope he doesn't drink. That just makes it worse.

Bright side--I'm bringing a movie, so he won't get to talk much.
My original plan got canceled 3 days ago and I didn't feel like joining any of the ones people suggested... so I decided to stay at home by myself, buy beer, stock up on movies, rent the Ghostbusters video game, toke up... and enjoy my last day of the year in my underwear.

I'm actually very much looking forward to that :D


Staff member
Eh, not much. I've always found New Year's a rather lame "holiday". I think it just exists to turn Christmas into an even week. I watch the ball drop, but that's about it.

My dad felt under the weather so he won't be going to his parents' for New Years and will instead stay HERE where I was planning on being ALONE.



Probably stay home with my wife. We have a few bottles of bubbly that won't drink themselves. Although I think my wife might not participate in that since she had to much and passed out last night on the couch.
Nada. Stuck at the in-laws probably playing cards. Should be restful but not terribly fun. We are doing a late christmas here so festivities will take place tomorrow and Saturday.
Gonna get dinner with some of my good friends who are all in town for the holiday and then will rendezvous with some more and head over to the Tempe Block Party to partake in the festivities, watch fireworks, and see the Doobie Brothers.
I wasn't GOING to do anything. I planned on working on animations all night. But friends from here started pressuring me into doing something, although it seems their plans wound up falling apart. Anyway, now my very best friend from back home is coming up for a visit and she and I are probably going to get smashed off of Waynes Gretzky wine and play Katamari Damacy all night. I went from being totally dismissive of New Years to being totally excited. :D

Incidentally, I don't even really like wine very much, but I saw Wayne Gretzky wine sitting there in the LCBO, and I mean, how could I not buy it? Its Gretzky wine!
I still don't know what I'm doing :( I don't want to go to a party with work people because a few days ago I almost beat up one of my best friend's girlfriends, who was visiting him from Indianapolis. As much as I hate her, I don't want anyone to ring in the new year in the E.R.
I'm thinking about getting more creative than playing cards. We are in the house my wife grew up in. There are more creative ways to ring in the new year I'm thinking.
I'm thinking about getting more creative than playing cards. We are in the house my wife grew up in. There are more creative ways to ring in the new year I'm thinking.
Find the old box of New Years party stuff that every house has hidden somewhere in their attic/ basement, and party like its 1968! WOOOOOOO!
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