What Are You Thankful For - Non-Avatar Edition

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For those who will be too busy tomorrow eating to hang out here, tell us what you what you are thankful for this holiday.

I've made my list already, although I now realize that I shamefully left off the weirdness of Halforums. To the editing booth!

EDIT: And corrected.
Here is a quick off the top of my head list

Video Games
High Speed Internet
Star Trek
Oh hell, I almost forgot, new PSP games: Ghostbusters, Lego Indiana Jones, Ratchet and Clank Size Matters, and in a mere couple of weeks Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Huge thanks to Halforums for that stack.


What am I thankful for?

I'm thankful for my family and friends
I'm thankful that I still have a stable job and a house
I'm thankful for this forum to keep in tough with my online friends
and I'm thankful I'm still healthy to play DDR ;)


Staff member
-Loved ones
-my education
-my good health
-the cooler weather
-That I didn't get in a wreck today (some girl in the parking lot totally almost drove right into me)
-Not having to live in a dorm
I'm thankful my dad will be here for Thanksgiving again this year. My father works as the lead mechanic at one of the oil fields in the Arctic Circle of Alaska for ConocoPhillips. He's been doing it for almost 25 years now, working there two weeks straight then coming home for two weeks. Up until last year, he always missed Thanksgiving, coming home the week afterwards. But the last two years he's come home right before the holiday weekend. So this is what I'm thankful for this year.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm thankful that my husband was not deployed to parts unknown this year, my pregnancy and subsequent delivery were relatively uneventful, all of my family members are healthy and happy, for my sister-in-law who is more like the sister I never had, and for my wonderful friends both IRL and online.

My son said he is thankful for apple pie, pumpkin pie, and coconut pie. LOL
I'm thankful that despite the past couple weeks of emotionally draining and physically exhausting circumstances, I still have faith that things will turn out okay.
I am thankful for my health, my opportunities I've had in grad school, my great P.I., my mom and dad, girlfriend, and for the men and women who have served in the military to keep me safe, and for freedom.

And, I am thankful for Dave and the crew and members here.


I'm thankful for my girlfriend. She's a real sweetheart and I know I probably don't deserve her, but I cherish her everyday.

I'm thankful for my family, who always has my back when i need them.

I'm thankful for my health. ]

I'm thankful for good books

I'm thankful for LOTRO damnit, and the hours of boredome it's saved me from, and the great people I've met through it.

Philosopher B.

I'm thankful for my writing, which fends off my depression.

And my cat.

And pie.

---------- Post added at 03:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 AM ----------

I'm thankful for good books

That, too.


Staff member
I'm thankful for my boyfriend, who came to see me while I was baking. I JUST finished... been goin since 4 pm. It was so nice having company.
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