You're WOTR experience, have you played M&B any? If so how did it compare?
Basically WOTR has pretty interesting bow and crossbow mechanics, particularly the reload one that borrows a bit from Gears of War. Melee however is atrocious. It just… feels off. It is clunky and encourages spam clicking instead of picking your shots since blocking is just badly implemented. A lot of people have posted how disappointed they have been with melee combat.
I do like the face plate feature where you can put on your faceplate to remove the crit bonus to being hit in most places in the face but not be able to see 50% of your screen.
Weapons are completely off with spear spamming being OP which basically everyone is now abusing as blocking spear attacks is near impossible and they hit harder than a 2 handed sword even when you're right on top of them.
Horses are bullshit, clunky to manoeuvre and can turn on a hair of a pin at almost no loss of acceleration.
I played a few hours and every single time I stopped playing because the game annoyed the fuck out of me. So I did myself a favour and spoke to steam support and got my money back.
IMO this game needed at least 6 more months of tests.
M&B and this? They simply do not compare at all