What if the NES Mario games were made for 2010?

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Staff member
Needs a special power-up available with pre-order. Heck, a different type of fire flower for Gamestop, Wal-Mart, Best-Buy and Amazon.
It needs you starting off uber-powerful with flower and everything. Then, you get to the end of the level and Koopa takes all your powers away.
What I think is funny is that, despite everything you need to know is right in the game, now...there is still an instruction booklet. I can understand if it was, say, Grand Theft Auto, where a map of the city comes in handy, but otherwise? I never even open it.

Heck, I miss the days when a controls walkthrough was option. Like a training scenario (like the first Half-Life or Tomb Raider training missions).


so what I'm reading, and just understanding.. is that Facebook and Microsoft achievement points are specifically designed by people to make them FEEL GOOD about WORTHLESS accomplishments???



Staff member
Heh. The facebook is not to far from reality.

Here is one for StarCraft II integration with FACEBOOK!!

I'm playing "The Settlers 7" and every goddamn round it asks me if I want to post my latest achievement to my facebook account. I don't even HAVE a facebook account. And even if I did, I would not think "I traded 50 bushels of grain in one game" worth updating everyone I know.
"World of Warcraft maker Blizzard is aiming to make its games more social by integrating them with Facebook."

"World of Warcraft maker Blizzard is aiming to make its games more annoying by integrating them with Facebook."

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