No PS2 or PS3?I wish I could replay this game just to take down the flying desert colossus again.
I'm gonna buy the HD version soon; either with Ico or just by itself from PSN.
No PS2 or PS3?I wish I could replay this game just to take down the flying desert colossus again.
Don't leave us in suspense man, which version!?Double Dribble
Mostly because of the memories I have playing it allllll day, every day.
The one with the sweet-ass graphics.Don't leave us in suspense man, which version!?
Playing sports in a world that hates and fears them! Dododododoooooooooododo.Dododododoooooooooooooooooododo.DOO-DOON!Not gonna lie, I played the shit out of both those games... however they're inferior to.....
Geno needs to make a comeback.Favorite Game:
Alot of people are writing the "favorite game" but leaving out the "why".
All of the mario rpg games are awesome, fun little titles that combine fun actiony elements to it.Mario and Luigi Super Star saga. How many rpgs have you played that use button combos? Also subsequently, Paper Mario. The sequels are all-right, but not the same.
I've got the goddamned magnifier for my gameboy still.. why the hell did I even buy that thing?? I've got the e-reader too, solely for Animal Crossing... I get around nintendo stuff and logic goes out the fucking window, I just start thinking with my dick man, I tell ya what...somewhere in my house I have a game boy camera (and printer!), a gameboy player attached to my GameCube, an e-reader, and a virtual boy.
I met Robert Woodhead recently and will probably interact with him more in the near future. His a HUGE EvE nerd and is very involved with the meta game of it (as am I.)....Wizardry....