Wow dude that's pretty messed up... (kidding!!)
Feet are just something that either you're really really into... or you're not.
I have the usual suspects to some degree. Spiders, while they don't usually bother me, can sometimes give me the heebies. Usually if I see one on the wall/ceiling close to bedtime - it has to die. Usually the fluffier it looks the easier I can deal with it. Its the stickly spindly leg things that freak me out. Way back when in the days of EQ, my first venture into EC - wayyy off in the distance I could see the silhouette of a humongous wooly spider. Didn't bother me. But then I saw the silhouette of a Crag Spider... yeeps!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!
My other main one - i don't know what you'd call it. I don't really have a fear of heights. What DOES bother me, though, is the fear that when I'm looking over the ledge of a large height (stairwell railing, balcony, stadium overhang), that the voices in my head will suddenly take over. I'm not depressed, nor suicidal. Just the small voice in my head that says "go ahead - jump" will sometime just win. All it takes is a split second. Kinda the same reason I don't want to own a gun, although I don't mind the concept. Don't analyze me - its just weird that way /shrug.