What is your Phobia

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My wife and i have had our fair amount of discussion on these two thing.

One of the things I will not do is go bowling I hate the idea of puting on shoes that some other person has used.
They could of pissed on them, thrown-up on them, worn socks from ten days ago, or could of had athletes foot.
Even if none of the above happened there are multiple people that have used the shoes and sweated in them, but what the heck lets stuff the feet into them. I Told her if she wanted to go bad enough with me she let me buy my own pair of shoes.
I am nice about it I told her if she wants to go bowling to go with her friends and I find something else to do.

Then there is the feet. She hates that I will not massage her feet. To be fair I hate touching feet no matter who it is.
Why would anyone touch another persons feet?
They smell, spend all day in shoes sweating, when at home they tread across the floor thru the filth, and then there is the bath room they touch the floor that is cover in germ infested filth.
It is as bad as wanting to rub someones ass right after they are done taking a crap.

Now that I am done what is yours.
Wow dude that's pretty messed up... (kidding!!)

Feet are just something that either you're really really into... or you're not.

I have the usual suspects to some degree. Spiders, while they don't usually bother me, can sometimes give me the heebies. Usually if I see one on the wall/ceiling close to bedtime - it has to die. Usually the fluffier it looks the easier I can deal with it. Its the stickly spindly leg things that freak me out. Way back when in the days of EQ, my first venture into EC - wayyy off in the distance I could see the silhouette of a humongous wooly spider. Didn't bother me. But then I saw the silhouette of a Crag Spider... yeeps!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

My other main one - i don't know what you'd call it. I don't really have a fear of heights. What DOES bother me, though, is the fear that when I'm looking over the ledge of a large height (stairwell railing, balcony, stadium overhang), that the voices in my head will suddenly take over. I'm not depressed, nor suicidal. Just the small voice in my head that says "go ahead - jump" will sometime just win. All it takes is a split second. Kinda the same reason I don't want to own a gun, although I don't mind the concept. Don't analyze me - its just weird that way /shrug.


Wow dude that's pretty messed up... (kidding!!)

Feet are just something that either you're really really into... or you're not.

I have the usual suspects to some degree. Spiders, while they don't usually bother me, can sometimes give me the heebies. Usually if I see one on the wall/ceiling close to bedtime - it has to die. Usually the fluffier it looks the easier I can deal with it. Its the stickly spindly leg things that freak me out. Way back when in the days of EQ, my first venture into EC - wayyy off in the distance I could see the silhouette of a humongous wooly spider. Didn't bother me. But then I saw the silhouette of a Crag Spider... yeeps!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

My other main one - i don't know what you'd call it. I don't really have a fear of heights. What DOES bother me, though, is the fear that when I'm looking over the ledge of a large height (stairwell railing, balcony, stadium overhang), that the voices in my head will suddenly take over. I'm not depressed, nor suicidal. Just the small voice in my head that says "go ahead - jump" will sometime just win. All it takes is a split second. Kinda the same reason I don't want to own a gun, although I don't mind the concept. Don't analyze me - its just weird that way /shrug.
Life would be dull with out all those small voices vying for my time.
Its all those voices that makes me feel happy.
Without them my list of friend would be very short.


Spiders are my phobia I suppose. I always thought that people with arachnophobia wouldn't be able to be around them at all or couldn't look at pictures that kind of thing. But I was reading a psychology journal one day and it said that one of the characteristics of phobia is that the person changes things his life to accommodate avoidance of the phobia. That was when I realized that walking all the way around my house or crawling over a snowbank to get to the back to avoid my front door (where the spiders live in the hedge) would constitute avoidance.

While I was typing that out the K key on my laptop popped off. Thats my other phobia not having a computer. I will also say that feet have nothing on how disgusting my keyboard is under the keys. Yikes.
Slight fear of heights, for one. Not enough to be unable to get on an airplane, but it does make me feel nervous. Ditto for ladders.

The fear I discovered in wrestling school (and one of the major reasons I couldn't continue) was that I have a fear of being lifted up.


you all are just giving Shego more ammunition to use against you
What about you my young brother?
I could name a few things that you hate\fear.
Thankfully for the both of us we have the treaty.
So cheers you are in the free or now.
I feel anxiety whenever I'm stuck in a crowd. I'm not sure I'd call it a full phobia, I can deal with it if I have to, but I feel extremely uncomfortable if I'm in a huge place surrounded by a sea of strangers.
Snakes. Although I love being scared by them in tv and in movies. The thought of running into them in the wild or any other place (like my bathtub!) terrifies me.

Element 117

My wife and i have had our fair amount of discussion on these two thing.

One of the things I will not do is go bowling I hate the idea of puting on shoes that some other person has used.
They could of pissed on them, thrown-up on them, worn socks from ten days ago, or could of had athletes foot.
Even if none of the above happened there are multiple people that have used the shoes and sweated in them, but what the heck lets stuff the feet into them. I Told her if she wanted to go bad enough with me she let me buy my own pair of shoes.
I am nice about it I told her if she wants to go bowling to go with her friends and I find something else to do.

Then there is the feet. She hates that I will not massage her feet. To be fair I hate touching feet no matter who it is.
Why would anyone touch another persons feet?
They smell, spend all day in shoes sweating, when at home they tread across the floor thru the filth, and then there is the bath room they touch the floor that is cover in germ infested filth.
It is as bad as wanting to rub someones ass right after they are done taking a crap.

Now that I am done what is yours.
How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
Spiders. But...only if its in an uncontrolled environment. If I know the spider is there and I can observe it, I find it interesting. If there are spiders above my head moving around. I freak. I was playing paintball in the woods once (Florida) and one of these fuckers was above my head when I looked up.

I think I unloaded my hopper into it until there was nothing but a single leg hanging in a mess of a web.

I swear to God, Tarrik, if that spider's size is "as pictured"....
It is, welcome to the South.

Just thank God they are not aggressive.[/QUOTE]

Ayup. We gottem here, too. I was doing a night walking patrol in our Central Precinct, walking down one of the lanes (Alleys, for you damnyankees *grins*) at night, and I walked right up to one without knowing. When I FINALLY noticed the gorram thing, about the size of my face and right in front of my eyes, I did some straight-Matrix(tm) shit right up under the web.

From then on, all lanes were cleared with a baton every few steps, just to be sure.


I used to suffer Consecotaleophobia and Geniophobia, but after a week eating at Sushi King and watching Jay Leno I just have a mild case of Anablephobia now and then.


I'm afraid, every day, that I won't find someone again. After having been married twice, being a single father now and just hitting 30... being a geek doesn't help. I really feel that my only options are people who would end up being future exes.

I've tried a few online sites. The two geek ones (Soulgeek and Gk2Gk) have so few members and most haven't been online for a long time. Match.com/Eharmony etc are mostly for non-gamers/geeks (note I said mostly) so the fear grows daily.

What keeps me strong are my kids. I make every day count because of them, but the thoughts of always being alone creep up on me after they've gone to bed or are visiting their mother.


I can massage feet. I like getting my feet massage. In China, they wash your feet first THEN massage. That is cool
Bowling? I got my own shoes and ball baby!

My phobia? cockroaches. I don't know why, those gives me the heebie jeebies. Spiders too, but they don't freak me out like cockroaches.


Would you massage a guy's foot?

My feet are kind of tired, would you give me a foot massage?

Element 117

what about dogs between 4 and ten meters high? That might scare me.
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