What The Smurf, NPH?

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I have an intense, definitely-not-heterosexual love for Neil Patrick Harris. I avoided the chipmunks movie like the plague, but I'll probably go to see this.
So are they providing voices then or are they being digitally transformed into little blue things?


Staff member
So are they providing voices then or are they being digitally transformed into little blue things?
They blew the bank on NPH, so they gotta squat down and hold their breath. That's all that's left for special effects.


They already made a live-action smurf movie. It was called Avatar.


Staff member
Besides, according to South Park the future will be ruled by otters and guys with either 80s hairdos or condom hats.

Also, on the topic: I wonder if Gargamel will finally find out what his real motive is.
I thought it was always said he wanted to capture them because they were an element in a potion thing?

oh hey, wiki confirms:

His main goal in life is to destroy the Smurfs and/or capture enough of them to create a potion to turn base matter into gold.
There was also something about wanting to eat them...
His motivation changed over time in the comics. It changed in this order:

1. Capture a Smurf to make a Philosopher's Stone.
2. Capture one for the Stone, then make a stew out of some of the others.
Rob is obviously just making a homage to your quote deary. Me, i'm stealing it, but adding "as long as she don't talk during!"
Katy Perry is like the personification of "my type". I can't stop looking at her every time she's on. Seriously, she's like a hair beneath Scarlett level.
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