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Where oh where will Dave vacation?




In July I get my profit sharing/bonus check. This is no small potatoes. We're talking 15-20% of annual salary (before Uncle Sam dips his fingers in) so it's a lot of money. We're going to pay off some of our lingering bills and stuff like that, but there's something I really, really want to do.

My wife and I have never had a vacation together with just the two of us. Hell, we've only really had 1 vacation as a family! We never had a honeymoon and I'd like to give her one.

Having not done anything like this before (planning a trip) help me figure out where to go. A few notes. First, no 16 hour plane rides. No cruises (my wife is terrified of deep water). No snorkling/scuba diving for the same reason.

Ideas I have had:

  1. Train ride from Omaha to Chicago and stay in the Palmer House Hilton. We could just hang out & shop & be together.
  2. CARRIBBEAN VACATION! Starting at $500 a person for 4 nights, including the flights. Of course I can't find the dates that this is available...
Okay, that's all I got. She wants to see Ireland some day but I don't know how much that would cost. I don't want to spend more than a couple thousand but if it's a good deal I'll go higher.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii Motherfucker! Specifically Oahu.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

At the risk of sounding stupid, check with travel agents. They are always running specials - maybe they've got something in green for her?

Failing that, I've yet to hear from an unhappy couple who went to the Caribbean...




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Get the heck out of the midwest man!! STAT! Chicago is a great town, no doubt, but if you haven't been on vacation in a long time go to the Caribbean or fly to Florida and drive down the coast to Miami and see the Keys.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Where or where will Dave vacation?

Go anywhere you need a passport for Dave. Make it a real trip. No doubt it'll be something you will remember forever regardless of where you go, but go big.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii is prohibitively expensive, isn't it? I'll look at that.

I'm going to be checking with an agent.

The trip to Chicago is not about the location but the company. I stayed at the Palmer when I went on a business trip and she always expressed regret she wasn't there.

Still, she's never seen the ocean.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

How about Cancun/Playa del Carmen? There are some great packages out there and you'll see the most beautiful beaches ever, seriously, you'll think you're in like a beer ad or something, it's jaw dropping. Also the water is very clear and turquoise so it shouldn't make your wife deep-water nervous.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Not if you have the hookup and can get a 3star hotel on Waikiki beach at $90 a night because it is a military resort and you happen to know someone who can get you in.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Visit scenic southwestern Ontario!

I've been all the places in this ad except the national park...


Rob King

Rob King

Where or where will Dave vacation?

Still, she's never seen the ocean.
I always knew in some sort of intellectual sense that these people existed, but it still floors me to hear of them. I've never lived more than a 20 minute drive from the ocean. I actually get uncomfortable when I go to Toronto and realize that I am hours and hours and hours away from any salt water.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

You just can't beat the caribbean, imo. Well, I guess you could, but only by putting wireless access points in palm trees.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

There's people down here who've never seen snow....




Where or where will Dave vacation?

I've never seen snow :(

Except for once when we went to el Nevado de Toluca (tall volcano thing that has a snowy top lots of days a year), but that was more softish hail than snow :(




Where or where will Dave vacation?

There was snow in 49 states last year! (Damn you, Hawaii!!) How can someone say they haven't seen snow?

It's definitely going to be Hawaii or the Caribbean, I think. Maybe Jamaica?




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawai'i or the Caribbean are good ideas for sure. Be careful about heading out of the touristy areas, though - yes, you see more of the "real" culture, but interlopers aren't always welcome there. (One of my sister's former boyfriends got knifed for wandering into the wrong neighborhood in Oahu)




Where or where will Dave vacation?

I got body armor he can borrow :). I have never had problems with the locals though I know people who have, it all depends on your attitude and who you have with you....I walk around even the most white boy (haoule) hating areas without fear. Plus Dave can rent a mustang and add one more to my count... I play count the mustangs on my way to and from the beach I reach a hundred during the 20 mile drive easily.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii loves Mustangs, huh?

One more reason to visit.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

My Challenger is starting to have more friends on the road...I hate it, I remember when I was one of 3 on the island now there are a bunch :(




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Yeah, it might be different for military types, but everyone I've talked to who's gone to Hawaii says they're not always nice to tourists if you wander off the beaten path.




Where or where will Dave vacation?

They hate the military...Just stay out of Waianae and you are good.


Wasabi Poptart

Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii Motherfucker! Specifically Oahu.
This but wait until September/October :D


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Where or where will Dave vacation?

If she's never seen the ocean, you need to go somewhere with a nice beach and an ocean.

Crap, Julie's never seen an ocean either. I gotta work on that. (I live on the east coast, but Pacific beats Atlantic.)




Where or where will Dave vacation?

Still, she's never seen the ocean.
This must be corrected.


Element 117

Where or where will Dave vacation?

How about Cancun/Playa del Carmen? There are some great packages out there and you'll see the most beautiful beaches ever, seriously, you'll think you're in like a beer ad or something, it's jaw dropping. Also the water is very clear and turquoise so it shouldn't make your wife deep-water nervous.
Seriously. Just don't drink tap water.




If you're in a hotel the tap water will be fine, anywhere else, no, we put chlorine in our tap water it's not designed to be drunk, which makes tourists used to drinking tap water sick.


Rob King

Rob King

Isn't chlorine in tap water everywhere? It's sure as hell in our tap water here.




Yeah, but I'm talking a LOT of chlorine and other disinfectant stuff... to compensate the high possibility of bad pipelines in rural areas and shit tap water is designed to get there clean, but not to be consumed by anyone. Potable water is a whole 'nother industry. It's water that's perfectly safe to bathe in, brush your teeth, fill your bong, whatever... but if you drink it you will most probably get very bad diarrhea, yeah.




I thought the diarrhea was caused by microorganisms caused by insufficiently sterilized water. Huh.
There are plusses and minuses to going places off-season. Less crowds and inflated prices, but very often in tropical places, it's getting into hurricane or rainy season...




I'm going to vote "Last minute warm place hook-up". If you have a few days leeway both sides so you can wait a day or two and stay longer/shorter than planned, and you're not too choosy ("anywhere in the Caribbean" = yes; "a five-star resort within 200 yards of the beach in Havana" = no), you can get simply amazing deals that way.
Heck, friend of mine went on a two week trip to Tenerife in a 5 star+ suite for €550 :confused:




Turku Medieval Market?

Naaah, just kiddin' ya :p

Caribbean sounds nice, though... and I concur, get out of the United States! See the world! Explore strange new countries and new tourist shops!




Where or where will Dave vacation?

There was snow in 49 states last year! (Damn you, Hawaii!!) How can someone say they haven't seen snow?

It's definitely going to be Hawaii or the Caribbean, I think. Maybe Jamaica?

Snow in all 50 states on February 12th, 2010 :)





Where or where will Dave vacation?

There was snow in 49 states last year! (Damn you, Hawaii!!) How can someone say they haven't seen snow?

It's definitely going to be Hawaii or the Caribbean, I think. Maybe Jamaica?

Snow in all 50 states on February 12th, 2010 :)


That's what I thought but I didn't find anything on Hawaii so I amended my post. Thanks, Ross!

---------- Post added at 08:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

And what is considered off-season for the Caribbean?




Where or where will Dave vacation?

There was snow in 49 states last year! (Damn you, Hawaii!!) How can someone say they haven't seen snow?
Well I've seen only 2 honest to God, real accumulations of snow in my 41 years. I've seen snow about 10 times but you could usually see the grass through it.


Wasabi Poptart

I thought the diarrhea was caused by microorganisms caused by insufficiently sterilized water. Huh.
There are plusses and minuses to going places off-season. Less crowds and inflated prices, but very often in tropical places, it's getting into hurricane or rainy season...
A friend of mine had this happen to her honeymoon. She and her husband got a great deal on a week-long vacation at an all-inclusive resort on the Caribbean side of Mexico. Two weeks before they were supposed to go the place was hit by a hurricane.




I've stayed at that hotel, it's beautiful. Priceline often can find you a good deal on rooms there. I was able to stay at the Palmer for 100$ per night for like 1.5 weeks.

That said my suggestion is the Carribean. Chicago is awesome, but its still America, its really not that different, even from...Omaha. You could fly there and stay at a resort, or, I have heard really good things about cruises. Like really good things. Like once you start doing them you never stop.




Cruises = Deep Water

I think that would freak her out.



Where or where will Dave vacation?

Hawaii is prohibitively expensive, isn't it? I'll look at that.

I'm going to be checking with an agent.

The trip to Chicago is not about the location but the company. I stayed at the Palmer when I went on a business trip and she always expressed regret she wasn't there.

Still, she's never seen the ocean.
Never... this must be rectified. Stat. Go to the Keys. Nice drive down there to the tip. Or go with the go somewhere you need a passport suggestion.




Toss in another vote for the Caribbean.

Turks & Caicos is gorgeous if you can find a good deal. As are the Caymans. Fuck, pretty much any island down there.

I will add that if you do that, make sure the island you end up staying on caters to more than scuba diving, since you say your lady doesn't like it.




Bermuda is not Caribbean (geographically), and it is mad expensive, stay away.



Cruises = Deep Water

I think that would freak her out.
that kinda sucks :( I love cruises. It is practically a worry-free vacation. Food, lodging, and entertainment all in one place and one price (minus excursion if you want to get OFF the boat)

Edit: I would say a beach, or possible a cabin in the woods with horse riding.


General Specific

General Specific

a cabin in the woods
I know a little place like that...

Trust me. :biggrin:




Ireland. Basically any part thereof. Just don't do your own driving, unless you're proficient in left-handed, perilously-narrow-road driving and have a stomach for driving in steep hill country.



Another vote for the Caribbean.

If you and your wife drink enough rum, you wont have to worry about anything. I am willing to bet a bottle of rum on it. :)




.... But the rum is GONE!







Hawaii Motherfucker! Specifically Oahu.
I second (third?) Hawaii. I loved visiting there. It was expensive, but there are some really fun places to visit.




If I go to Cancun I wonder if I can get one of our Mexican forumites to visit...




a cabin in the woods
I know a little place like that...


Trust me. :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

How did you find a pic of my house?




But if I go to Hawaii I can buy Doc a beer or three...



But if I go to Hawaii I can buy Doc a beer or three...
Well, it looks like he's in the army, so he probably deserves a beer from all of us.




I vote cancun. Beaches are beautiful, especially when they are that clear. I couldnt imagine living further than 5 mins away from the beach. Hell I can throw a rock in the water from my house on a good day. 2 throws if my shoulder is playing up. However I have yet to see snow. Hopefully next year I will though. I vote wait save the money , wait till winter and come to australia. Nice warm beaches, And if you are anywhere near me I shall buy you some of our local drink.




Australia is a biiiiit further away than the rest of our suggestions, though. 'bout half the planet further, really.




My wife and I are working out where to go for our honeymoon. Australia is the front-runner at the moment. We could rent a house together for a few days, Dave. :)




Dave, I'll buy you a beer or 12. I will also go skydiving and scuba diving with you :).


General Specific

General Specific

a cabin in the woods
I know a little place like that...


Trust me. :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

How did you find a pic of my house?[/QUOTE]

Ha! You fell into my trap!

Everyone, Sixpack is a Deadite and we will have to decapitate and dismember him!




Dave, I'll buy you a beer or 12. I will also go skydiving and scuba diving with you :).
Probably won't happen, Doc. Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick! I checked the prices and it just doesn't make economic sense to go there. It's TWICE as much as we'd pay going to Cancun!




Visit me.




I'm so glad y'all get to go! I didn't have any helpful suggestions, but have a great time. :)




I'm so glad y'all get to go! I didn't have any helpful suggestions, but have a great time. :)
You should promote your home state and suggest visiting New Orleans...




She actually wants to visit Nawlins some day. that is a possibility. If they have any beaches left after the oil spill.




Ahhh, Louisiana beaches. You like mud and bloated, dead catfish, right? How womantic...

No, but really, I don't visit them much. Last time I visited a Louisiana beach was probably 5 years ago. The city's lots of fun, though. I get to go again in June. :D




My heart! It breaks :(




For the price I would have to pay to go to Hawaii I could fly YOU to Cancun with us and still save money! Sorry, man. I would LOVE to go to Hawaii, but I don't think my check will be high enough to justify it.




Take her to Dallas for next years Superbowl.

Or Halifax, we have beer.


General Specific

General Specific


MARVEL at the buildings on BOTH SIDES of the street!

BOGGLE at being able to drive through a city in 1 HOUR or LESS!

MEET so many rednecks that you will RUN SCREAMING back to your home state!





Visit me.
Visit him.




Visit me.
Visit him.[/QUOTE]

Gusto....we meet again.

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

Take her to Dallas for next years Superbowl.

Or Halifax, we have beer.
ill be in Dallas on vacation in 30 days! Wooooot!




Dave, I heard that southwestern Kansas is beautiful this time of year.




Niagara Falls.

Bonus points if you can recreate any of the scenes from Superman 2.




There's always the Florida Keys, but that's still in country, and I guess half the point is getting outside the country...




Niagara Falls.

Bonus points if you can recreate any of the scenes from Superman 2.

Slowly I turn, step by step...




There's always the Florida Keys, but that's still in country, and I guess half the point is getting outside the country...

Off the Florida Keys.....
There's a place called Kokomo.....
That's where you wanna go...to get away from it all....


Element 117


and esp




Where else can you get such a gourmet WOPR?




WOPR? he sucks a Chess.



Acapolco is REALLY nice, me and the wife went there for our first "without Kids" vacation.

-St Martain in wonderful I hear

check out www.rci.com I think they have an non-member section...cruises are fairly cheap if you take an interior room.




Dude.. don't go to Acapulco. Seriously. Compared to Cancun, Acapulco is like... Ravenloft. Ugly beaches, ugly town.

Plus, not that it would matter much in the tourist areas, but there's been some violent activity down there these past coupla months. Again, it's more of a "bad part of town" sort of thing, but I'd steer clear anyway from Acapulco this year.

It's unfair to compare it to Cancun, though... that place is literally awe-inspiring. You'd probably find it cheaper to go to Acapulco, but believe me.. not worth it. If you want to consider other Mexican beaches that are not Cancun first go to Playa del Carmen (which is like 30 min from Cancun and you should try to visit if you go anyway) which is also Caribbean and just as or more gorgeous than Cancun... if that's still not an option then Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta... maybe Manzanillo. Not Acapulco, though... I'm not being funny this time, either.
