Whine like a baby, now with 500% more drama!

Just let 'er rip, at some distance from the sexytimes room(s). Failing all else, you're releasing pressure that could build up during a crucial moment. That's my thought process, when I get like that... and I'm still alive to talk about it, so there might be some merit there...
Weird. Maybe everyone beat you to it. Depending on what you're trying to remove rust from, a ball of aluminum foil works pretty well, too.
Potassium permanganate is another idea also. Works really well. Sometimes harder to find considering it has...other uses as well.

Potassium permanganate is another idea also. Works really well. Sometimes harder to find considering it has...other uses as well.

I remember a purple liquid in chem class that did what you were talkin' bout. Guess that was it. Hell of a lot of uses, fruit preservation, bio-medical stuff, craaaaaaaaazy.


A friend I haven't been able to hang out with in awhile decided to give me crap when I asked if they wanted to hang out...

the fuck..
A friend I haven't been able to hang out with in awhile decided to give me crap when I asked if they wanted to hang out...

the fuck..
Meh, some people just like to make people look bad even if their in the right. How many times I've lost arguments just to not lose my friends.
I had one show up at my door today. Hadn't talked to her in almost a year and just poof, shows up at my door for idle chit chat.
I got a friend like that, though he usually comes here for my brother and just as infrequently. I remember I tried getting some "substances" *wink-wink* from him and told him to come back in 2 weeks. Haven't seen him in months. White trash dealers, just plain unprofessional
OK, depression, you don't like me and I don't like you, so why don't you go away for a couple of days and let me actually enjoy a weekend for a change? Kthnxbye.
I hate driving my friends to the movies. Not because their bad company at the movies oh no, but because they always want to get fast-food afterward. I've stayed away from fast-food for the past 4 years and these d-bags are constantly tempting me.
I hate driving my friends to the movies. Not because their bad company at the movies oh no, but because they always want to get fast-food afterward. I've stayed away from fast-food for the past 4 years and these d-bags are constantly tempting me.
All your posts about your friends make it sound like you can't stand being around any of them. Maybe you need to consider getting new ones?
Your kind-of not far off Officer.It's hard to find new friends though, especially with similar interests to you. All the people I know who like the same stuff as me are complete self-absorbed jerks who only care about them-selves. "Man, my tires just popped." says me"Huh...that sucks." Would it KILL them for a little sympathy? And why are so many Japanse animation fans so...Christian? I don't mean to say there's anything wrong with being Christian it's just whenever I talk about drinking they always give me the same "Dude, drinking is bad! You know what that does to your liver right?" YES! I know what it does to my liver! I am a responsible damn drinker! FUCK-YOU! Can I go ONE day with-out some Naruto fan-fic writer trying to friggin' convert me? Not to mention I'm one of the only geeks I know who have read an American comic book. It...irks me.

So it's either hang out with people I have nothing in common with who abuse me, or hang out with people I have stuff in common with who don't like doing ANYTHING.
....aince when are anime fans christians?

The 'fanfic' writers I know are way into homoeroticism. ESPECIALLY Naruto fanficcers. Seems kinda off base for someone to criticize drinking then write 220 fics about Naruto banging Shikamaru.
....aince when are anime fans christians?

The 'fanfic' writers I know are way into homoeroticism. ESPECIALLY Naruto fanficcers. Seems kinda off base for someone to criticize drinking then write 220 fics about Naruto banging Shikamaru.
These are the nerds I know. These are the nerds I know. Though I'm not sure about the homoerotic stuff, I just know it's fan-fiction. I haven't read it on account of ...well it's fan-fiction what can I say?
AN: STOP flaming! if u flam it menz ur a prep or a posr! Da only reson Dumbledeor swor is coz he had a hedache ok an on tup of dat he wuz mad at dem 4 having sexx! PS im nut updating umtil I get five good revoiws!
Evony isn't a Mary sue ok she isn't perfect SHES A SATANITS! n she has problemz shes depressed 4 godz sake!

In chapter nine she reveals she hasn't read all the books? How do you write fan-fiction for something with-out reading the source material? Oh man fan-girls are rediculous sometimes.