So, today, I took my girlfriend's car to the garage - warning lights had come on about the braking system and the ABS. Turns out there was nothing really wrong, just two of the three stop lights were out and, apparently, that generates an alarm. I knew the two lights were out, but I thought that was a consequence of something being wrong, not the actual thing wrong...
Anyway, so, I went to the garage. I also went grocery shopping, I took the laundry to the ironers', and I did the dishes. I inform my girlfriend that I've done all thrse things (phone), while she's at work.
Her reaction: she calls me back, and informs me that she had those light bulbs in the car, and if that was all that was wrong with it, I shouldn't've let the garage put in new lights.
Fair enough that she wants to tell me she has light bulbs in the car, but is it wrong of me to get a bit upset that that is the FIRST thing she tells me? "oh yeah, and thanks for the other things" was about 5 minutes of crp about the lights later. I mean, I'm pretty damn perfectionistic, both for myself and for others, but even I might've said thanks before complaining/criticizing. It's not terrible, ubt it's something she does regularly... As in, I vacuum the whole house and she complains that it wasn't thorough enough; I do the laundry and put things in the dryer which, according to the etiquettes, can go in and I hang up everything else...."oh, you could've just put in these pants and shirts as well, even though their labels says you can't, I always do that - no they're just taking up space here"..;.
I'm aware this is a bit of a whine, but seriously...Could she maybe just show a bit of appreciation BEFORE blasting me about the imperfections of my work? Now I just feel like I've wasted half my day and I'm sure as hell not going to do anything for her tomorrow. Am I being a baby?