Who is on Google+?

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Well, if you do end up with extra invites let me know. I'll just be sitting here in the corner. All by myself. Waiting.
Yes, but I really will invite you to google+.
Added at: 10:42
Going to be away for a little while. Keep PMing me and I'll send invites when I get back.
So, Google+ is eventually going to be open to everybody, right? I just want to know if there's any benefit to getting in early beyond 'dood, I'm in.'


Staff member
My biggest problem is that I have a metric fuckton of people it's pulling in due to it looking through my gmail account and pulling out every obscure person I've ever conversed with. So there's a ton of people I have no idea who they are.


Staff member
I know I don't have to add them, but I DO have to wade through them to find people I know and some people I know their handle and not so much their real name.
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