Who likes pie?

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I have a hypothesis that birds just belong in pie. I love chicken pot pie. Every Christmas, my mother makes a pie out of leftover turkey. My quest in life is to eat as many birds baked into pies as I possibly can.
It looks like someone...

*slowly lifts sunglasses*

... is discussing pie.

*puts on sunglasses*


And I'm in Rob's camp. I prefer savory pies to sweet ones (though sweet pies are great too). Back in elementary school, when our teacher did an informal poll on which school lunch we liked the best, everyone except me said pizza. I said chicken pot pie.
Oh that blasted pie! Well soon my anti-pie ray will be completed and the world will be at my pie-destroying mercy!


Never been a fan, honestly. I do like meat pie, but that's about it.


...no, that's not a euphamism.


1. Cheesecake. It's PIE, dammit! Just ask Alton Brown!
2. Pumpkin pie
3. Cherry pie
4. Key lime pie
5. Sugar cream pie (my parents are from Indiana)


Staff member
I, taking after my dad, only like two kinds of pie.

Hot and cold.

EDIT: Ya know what I don't hate? I don't hate pie.
I, taking after my dad, only like two kinds of pie.

Hot and cold.
So you don't like lukewarm pie, huh?


It's nice that you respect your elders by serving yourself only after they've taken theirs.


To the angel of the church in Halforums write:
These are the words of FigimentPez, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of Dave's kitchen:

"I know your pie, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired flavor and do not need whipped cream.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, bland, cheap, unsightly and undecorated."

Revelation 3:14-17, Halforums International Version

The torches are on the left side of the room, the pitchforks are on the right, please no more than one torch OR pitchfork per person please. We barely have enough for everyone as it is. And please remember to return the pitchforks and torches after we're done lynching the pie-haters. And also, please don't forget to put out your torch ALL THE WAY when you return it to the pile. We don't want to cause a fire. Some of your torches were still glowing last time, almost set the whole place alight.
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