Who Watches the Watches?

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Your article directly links to my misconception, I though self winding analog watchers were industry standard these days. I suppose that there must be a market for cheap motor analog watches with replaceable batteries. I myself haven't seen a digital watch for over a decade, mostly large face simple traditional nurse watches.
Your article directly links to my misconception, I though self winding analog watchers were industry standard these days.
They are for watches over $50. Cheaper than that tends to be electric, or battery-powered quartz, instead of kinetic.

And for that matter, self-winding watches tend to have batteries anyway, you just don't need to replace them. :p
I'm probably a bit of an odd duck... I can't find a comfortable wristwatch because my wrist and forearms are too thick, so I use a fairly non-descript pocket watch.
I bought a fairly expensive digital watch not long ago, after much argument with my female friend at the jewlerry store. She kept trying to sell me these nice fancy steel banded dress watches while I had my hand set on the nigh industructable gshocks. These things are awesome and chunky. In the end I got it and she admitted that it was very matching to my personality but still wants me to buy a dress one. I wear it on weekends mostly as during the week I don;t really need to know the time.
I also use it for quick conversion to other timezones and various stopwatchy and timery things. I am strange in that I dont really care which arm I wear it on nor whether it is on the inside or outside. Depends on what I am doing at the time is wear I will place it.
I'm not a big fan of watches, I just don't like the feel of jewelry of any kind. I also don't really care what the time is, there's a clock just about anywhere that you would happen to need to know the time anyways. I do have a Skagen that I wear occasionally though. I like it because it's thin and light. It also has a nice, simple, and clean face on it. I hate cluttered watch faces, I just want to know the damn time.

Philosopher B.

I used to wear a watch, but I had this nervous tick where every time I entered a room, I'd automatically glance at it even if I didn't give a shit about the time. I eventually got tired of that shit and just stopped wearing one, and now when I am desirous of finding out what time it currently it, I simply whip out my phone.

Joe Johnson

I stopped wearing a watch back in the "cheap pager" days. Haven't looked back. (of course, I use a cell phone now - not a pager).
I DO miss my Big Ben watch though. It was one of the few that actually fit my flimsy, thin wrists.
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