Who's "Bob Dylan?"

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Apparently, police in Long Branch, NJ, don't know:

You're Bob Dylan? US police want to see some ID
The article said:
By WAYNE PARRY, Associated Press Writer Wayne Parry, Associated Press Writer

Rock legend Bob Dylan was treated like a complete unknown by police in a New Jersey shore community when a resident called to report someone wandering around the neighborhood.

Dylan was in Long Branch, about a two-hour drive south of New York City, on July 23 as part of a tour with Willie Nelson and John Mellencamp that was to play at a baseball stadium.

A 24-year-old police officer apparently was unaware of who Dylan is and asked him for identification, Long Branch business administrator Howard Woolley said Friday.

\"I don't think she was familiar with his entire body of work,\" Woolley said.

The incident began at 5 p.m. (2100 GMT) when a resident said a man was wandering around a low-income, predominantly minority neighborhood several blocks from the oceanfront looking at houses.

The police officer drove up to Dylan, who was wearing a blue jacket, and asked him his name. According to Woolley, the following exchange ensued:

\"What is your name, sir?\" the officer asked.

\"Bob Dylan,\" Dylan said.

\"OK, what are you doing here?\" the officer asked.

\"I'm on tour,\" the singer replied.

A second officer, also in his 20s, responded to assist the first officer. He, too, apparently was unfamiliar with Dylan, Woolley said.

The officers asked Dylan for identification. The singer of such classics as \"Like a Rolling Stone\" and \"Blowin' in the Wind\" said that he didn't have any ID with him, that he was just walking around looking at houses to pass some time before that night's show.

The officers asked Dylan, 68, to accompany them back to the Ocean Place Resort and Spa, where the performers were staying. Once there, tour staff vouched for Dylan.

The officers thanked him for his cooperation.

\"He couldn't have been any nicer to them,\" Woolley added.

How did it feel? A Dylan publicist did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment Friday.
:facepalm: :rofl:

Philosopher B.

A second officer, also in his 20s, responded to assist the first officer. He, too, apparently was unfamiliar with Dylan, Woolley said.
For shame. Kids these days. :blue:


If it wasn't this, it would have been 'Serial killer claiming to be Bob Dylan was set free to murder again last night because two police officers took his word for it and didn't check ID'.
This reminds me, entirely tangentially, of a time when I was walking through the mall and some 14-year old (ish. He was definitely in junior high) kid wearing a Manson t-shirt was talking to his friends and expounding "He's the greatest counter-culture figure of all time!" and I interrupted him and said, "Really? You don't strike me as a Bob Dylan fan." "WHO THE FUCK IS BOB DYLAN YOU ASSHOLE?"

I enjoyed that moment more than words can say.


Garbledina said:
This reminds me, entirely tangentially, of a time when I was walking through the mall and some 14-year old (ish. He was definitely in junior high) kid wearing a Manson t-shirt was talking to his friends and expounding "He's the greatest counter-culture figure of all time!" and I interrupted him and said, "Really? You don't strike me as a Bob Dylan fan." "WHO THE smurf IS BOB DYLAN YOU *?"

I enjoyed that moment more than words can say.
Oh, Christ... which Manson are we talking about here?

If it's Charles, then I may be absent from the forum for some time. The population needs a-thinnin'.
Iaculus said:
Garbledina said:
This reminds me, entirely tangentially, of a time when I was walking through the mall and some 14-year old (ish. He was definitely in junior high) kid wearing a Manson t-shirt was talking to his friends and expounding "He's the greatest counter-culture figure of all time!" and I interrupted him and said, "Really? You don't strike me as a Bob Dylan fan." "WHO THE smurf IS BOB DYLAN YOU *?"

I enjoyed that moment more than words can say.
Oh, Christ... which Manson are we talking about here?

If it's Charles, then I may be absent from the forum for some time. The population needs a-thinnin'.
Marilyn. Are there even Charles Manson t-shirts?


Garbledina said:
Iaculus said:
Garbledina said:
This reminds me, entirely tangentially, of a time when I was walking through the mall and some 14-year old (ish. He was definitely in junior high) kid wearing a Manson t-shirt was talking to his friends and expounding "He's the greatest counter-culture figure of all time!" and I interrupted him and said, "Really? You don't strike me as a Bob Dylan fan." "WHO THE smurf IS BOB DYLAN YOU *?"

I enjoyed that moment more than words can say.
Oh, Christ... which Manson are we talking about here?

If it's Charles, then I may be absent from the forum for some time. The population needs a-thinnin'.
Marilyn. Are there even Charles Manson t-shirts?
I would not be surprised.


Eh...I get mocked for listening to classical music like Bach and Vivaldi.


WolfOfOdin said:
Eh...I get mocked for listening to classical music like Bach and Vivaldi.
But when was the last time a cop almost arrested Vivaldi?
There is so so so so so much missing from this story.

For example why in ever living fuck was Bob freaking Dylan wandering around a poor neighborhood? Was he visiting friends? Wasted beyond all belief? Looking for some crack? WTF was he doing there? Doing research for a new song?

Honestly I'm thinking high off his ass. And I can honestly see not recognizing somebody in a place you would never imagine them to be.


Bob Dylan was merely trying to see how many roads he'd have to walk down, so he could be called a man
*shrug* I wouldn't recognise Bob DYlan if he stood in front of me, either. I'm familiar with his work - heck, I've seen him in concert! - but I sure as hell wouldn't recognise him. Probably wouldn't recognise Madonna or Bono or whoever you care to name, either. I like their music, I listen to CDs, I don't psend my time keepign up with how they look. I'd probably recongise Bob Dylan if he looked like he does on the cover of one of my CDs, but otherwise....
Frankly, if I was a cop, and someone claimed to be Bob Dylan, I'd treat it much like one claiming to be the pope, or the King of the USA. As in, I wouldn't believe it for a second.


Bubble181 said:
*shrug* I wouldn't recognise Bob DYlan if he stood in front of me, either. I'm familiar with his work - heck, I've seen him in concert! - but I sure as hell wouldn't recognise him. Probably wouldn't recognise Madonna or Bono or whoever you care to name, either. I like their music, I listen to CDs, I don't psend my time keepign up with how they look. I'd probably recongise Bob Dylan if he looked like he does on the cover of one of my CDs, but otherwise....
Frankly, if I was a cop, and someone claimed to be Bob Dylan, I'd treat it much like one claiming to be the pope, or the King of the USA. As in, I wouldn't believe it for a second.
Well it's not that he didn't believe him, it's that he didn't know who Dylan was.
I fail to believe that Bob Dylan is such a rare name that there's only one of them around in the good ole' USA.
Heck, there were two *famous* Michael Jacksons, even.
As a made up name it's prob not that common...

Also, they called the cops coz some old dude was wondering around? man you guys sound so paranoid.
@Li3n said:
As a made up name it's prob not that common...

Also, they called the cops coz some old dude was wondering around? man you guys sound so paranoid.

They probably assumed that he had alzheimers or something and was just wondering around and not even sure where he was at.


The way Dylan is speaking these days, Im surprised they managed to understand anything beyond "I´m bubh dylhn anh"

Angry mexican in 3...2....


Staff member
I can't believe I can't think of any better Dylan puns.

"Sorry about arresting you, Mr. Dylan."
"You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don't think twice, it's all right!"
Dubyamn said:
There is so so so so so much missing from this story.

For example why in ever living smurf was Bob freaking Dylan wandering around a poor neighborhood? Was he visiting friends? Wasted beyond all belief? Looking for some crack? WTF was he doing there? Doing research for a new song?

Honestly I'm thinking high off his a**. And I can honestly see not recognizing somebody in a place you would never imagine them to be.
Yeah, because a guy known for his social conscience would ONLY be in a poor neighborhood because he was stoned/hunting for drugs. And it's not that he wasn't recognized. It's that they didn't know who he was. When he was in town. For a concert. With two other big names. That presumably the police would be aware of.

EDIT: Never mind most of that last part. Man, the article in the OP is shittly written. But one quote from the officer really stood out to me
Officer Kristie Buble said:
Now, I've seen pictures of Bob Dylan from a long time ago and he didn't look like Bob Dylan to me at all.
Well no fucking shit. He's aged about forty years from his heyday.
Dorko said:
Yeah, because a guy known for his social conscience would ONLY be in a poor neighborhood because he was stoned/hunting for drugs.
I'm saying that's what I'm thinking. If you believe he was there to look at the retro victorian architecture or trying to turn some young hood's life around I'm not ruling that out. I'm just wondering WTF was he doing there wandering around when he is so clearly out of his element that somebody called the cops about him?
phil said:
@Li3n said:
As a made up name it's prob not that common...

Also, they called the cops coz some old dude was wondering around? man you guys sound so paranoid.

They probably assumed that he had alzheimers or something and was just wondering around and not even sure where he was at.
And instead of talking to him to see they just called the cops... (ok, to be fair, calling the cops over here would prob end up with the old guy even worse off).
I have another piece of heretic mindset I get flak for anytime I say it out loud.


Bob Dylan's greatest contribution to mankind was introducing the Beatles to cannabis.

That's right. You read me.
I'm not even saying it as a Beatles fan, but as an observer of human culture. The impact the Beatles had post-cannabis was bigger, culturally, than what Dylan ever did. Worldwide.

the greatest thing bob dylan did, far overshadowing him being the voice for an entire generation and helping out many social causes, was getting a rock band on drugs. a rock band whose largest influence was on the musical direction of other rock bands.
that's my point, dylan was dylan for one generation.

since, he's pretty much become an "oldies music" kinda guy. Ask anyone under the age of 20 what's their favorite Dylan album and they'll stare at you blankly.

Do the same with Beatles and you'll get a much more widespread response. Cause their impact on the general psyche is still one of the biggest in the history of any musician, ever.

That being said, Allen, I meant "biggest contribution to mankind" when I said "greatest". I meant great as in sheer size, the merit of being all for social causes is another debate entirely. I'm arguing here for actual, quinatifiable, impact on human kind.
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