Whose richer: Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne?

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Both of them are considered to be the richest guys in both respected universes.
I got into an interesting conversation about the economy in the DC Universe, where half the world is owned by Wayne and the other half by Luthor.
I always assumed that Bruce had more money than Lex, as far as the IRS is concerned. Otherwise Lex is probably the richest man in the DCU earth.

I find the list posted invalid because Thurston Howell III was clearly just a millionaire. Maybe they're going off of inflation and taking other things into consideration as well, but he certainly was not more wealthy than Bruce Wayne.

Oh, well looking at it again they have Ebenezer Scrooge above both of them. I guess they must be taking variables into account to see what they would be worth today.

Come to think of it though, I've never been 100% sure on what exactly Waynetech does. I'd guess military stuff, but with Wayne's contempt for taking lives I can't imagine he'd develop weapons or anything. Maybe it's all body armor and non lethal weapons? His dad was a surgeon though, so I'd guess they have a lot to do with the medical sciences as well.
You guys are going at it all wrong. Without looking at that article, we should all know by know Scrooge McDuck is basically made of gold and shits diamonds. he can afford to pogo-cane right off of priceless gems without batting an eyelash.
Come to think of it though, I've never been 100% sure on what exactly Waynetech does. I'd guess military stuff, but with Wayne's contempt for taking lives I can't imagine he'd develop weapons or anything. Maybe it's all body armor and non lethal weapons? His dad was a surgeon though, so I'd guess they have a lot to do with the medical sciences as well.
It depends on the writer, but defensive/non-directly-lethal technologies definitely tends to be part of it, like enhanced body armor, knock-out gases, stealth aircraft, computer development, etc.
You guys are going at it all wrong. Without looking at that article, we should all know by know Scrooge McDuck is basically made of gold and shits diamonds. he can afford to pogo-cane right off of priceless gems without batting an eyelash.
He swims in money and, according to articles that say rich men are better at sex, fucks like a tiger.
You guys are going at it all wrong. Without looking at that article, we should all know by know Scrooge McDuck is basically made of gold and shits diamonds. he can afford to pogo-cane right off of priceless gems without batting an eyelash.
He swims in money and, according to articles that say rich men are better at sex, fucks like a tiger.[/QUOTE]

And nobody else in the cartoon (at least, that I can remember) could swim in the gold. They'd just crack their face into the top of the pile.
You guys are going at it all wrong. Without looking at that article, we should all know by know Scrooge McDuck is basically made of gold and shits diamonds. he can afford to pogo-cane right off of priceless gems without batting an eyelash.
He swims in money and, according to articles that say rich men are better at sex, fucks like a tiger.[/QUOTE]

You got all those articles wrong... is women that enjoy sex better if your wallet is bulging out of your pocket...


I'll tell you who's awesomer: Tony Stark. You don't see him whining all day about his parents being dead.

Philosopher B.

I'll bet Tony Stark and Bruce freaking Wayne don't need a boat to get through their money.

Notice how the sign says 'Money lake no. 1'.


Money Lake No. 1 is ok. It started to go to shit after they put that ice cream shop at Money Lake No. 3 and everybody started going there.
I'll tell you who's awesomer: Tony Stark. You don't see him whining all day about his parents being dead.
You don't see Bruce drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey, either. :p But mind you, Bats isn't even in my top ten favourite superheroes. I like 'em and all, but he's just a scared little boy lashing out at the world with his toys. I prefer the country bumpkin from another planet who does the right thing.

But as for the topic at hand? I'd say Tony Stark. Bruce Wayne's money is more confined within Gotham. Like Luthor and Metropolis, he basically OWNS Gotham and does have some pockets of money around the world, but it's mostly confined within the city. Stark? Stark has contracts all over the Marvel Universe and previously was a weapons manufacturer, which made him a LOT of money.


I'll tell you who's awesomer: Tony Stark. You don't see him whining all day about his parents being dead.
You don't see Bruce drowning his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey, either. :p But mind you, Bats isn't even in my top ten favourite superheroes. I like 'em and all, but he's just a scared little boy lashing out at the world with his toys. I prefer the country bumpkin from another planet who does the right thing.

But as for the topic at hand? I'd say Tony Stark. Bruce Wayne's money is more confined within Gotham. Like Luthor and Metropolis, he basically OWNS Gotham and does have some pockets of money around the world, but it's mostly confined within the city. Stark? Stark has contracts all over the Marvel Universe and previously was a weapons manufacturer, which made him a LOT of money.[/QUOTE]

I identify the best with Tony Stark, I guess. He's an egotistical asshole and pretty darn smart. Lord only knows if I had his type of cash...


How the fuck is Ebenezer Scrooge richer than Tony Stark? I call article Bullshit.
The list is probably normalized to 2010 inflation scales. If you were to project Scrooge's fortune to today, he'd be a rich old fuck.
How the fuck is Ebenezer Scrooge richer than Tony Stark? I call article Bullshit.
The list is probably normalized to 2010 inflation scales. If you were to project Scrooge's fortune to today, he'd be a rich old fuck.[/QUOTE]
And most likely quite fucking dead.
Honestly? If they go by that standards they could probably put anyone's name on that list with little to no explanation.
"Oh noes! Stocks dropped in Tony Starks Super Hero Indestructible Underwear Company. Put him down a few notches."


Staff member
Hey wait...did you...did you just figure out the list is just a cute, stupid thing?





How the fuck is Ebenezer Scrooge richer than Tony Stark? I call article Bullshit.
The list is probably normalized to 2010 inflation scales. If you were to project Scrooge's fortune to today, he'd be a rich old fuck.[/QUOTE]
And most likely quite fucking dead.
Honestly? If they go by that standards they could probably put anyone's name on that list with little to no explanation.
"Oh noes! Stocks dropped in Tony Starks Super Hero Indestructible Underwear Company. Put him down a few notches."[/QUOTE]

Ok you're taking a list with Scrooge fucking McDuck on it seriously. Stop and think about that.
Here's the thing. If it's Forbes, you would expect them to do a little bit of research on the subject. Even if they are fictional characters, you could still potentially chart wealth through different factors either using real life stock or comic book indications as a basis. But if they are just throwing darts at a mass of pictures I think I can feel a little cheated.


Here's the thing. If it's Forbes, you would expect them to do a little bit of research on the subject. Even if they are fictional characters, you could still potentially chart wealth through different factors either using real life stock or comic book indications as a basis. But if they are just throwing darts at a mass of pictures I think I can feel a little cheated.

Here's the thing. It's Forbes. They could give a fuck about cartoons and comic books.
Here's the thing. If it's Forbes, you would expect them to do a little bit of research on the subject. Even if they are fictional characters, you could still potentially chart wealth through different factors either using real life stock or comic book indications as a basis. But if they are just throwing darts at a mass of pictures I think I can feel a little cheated.

Here's the thing. It's Forbes. They could give a fuck about cartoons and comic books.[/QUOTE]
And yet they have a list of the richest fictional characters.
Here's the thing. If it's Forbes, you would expect them to do a little bit of research on the subject. Even if they are fictional characters, you could still potentially chart wealth through different factors either using real life stock or comic book indications as a basis. But if they are just throwing darts at a mass of pictures I think I can feel a little cheated.

Here's the thing. It's Forbes. They could give a fuck about cartoons and comic books.[/QUOTE]
And yet they have a list of the richest fictional characters.[/QUOTE]

Knowing the geek quotient of some of my friends in the financial industry, and hearing tales of their own experiences, I have no problem imagining a furious backroom argument by the Forbes editing staff that took at least 30 min.
Speaking of comparisons between Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, has anybody ever wondered who'd win if Alfred and Jarvis got into a fight?
Speaking of comparisons between Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark, has anybody ever wondered who'd win if Alfred and Jarvis got into a fight?
Alfred by default.

I think Jarvis is dead.

Oop, I lied, he's not. However since Alfred's been everything from an ex-commando to an actor, and Jarvis has just been ex-RAF and a champion boxer, I'm going with Jarvis.

Philosopher B.

Depends if Alfred is played by Michael Caine. Because Michael Caine will f!ck up your sh!t.


Staff member
It's pretty hard to top off Scrooge McDuck, with his five multiplujillion, nine impossibidillion, seven fantasticatrillion dollars and sixteen cents. Of course, a lot of that is likely in assets that are not easily turned into liquid currency, such as the first coin of King Croesus, the Golden Fleece, the crown of Genghis Khan (although that got dumped into the Tra La La maelstrom), the wealth acquired from the sunken treasure fleets of the Spanish Main, and so on and so forth.

You guys are going at it all wrong. Without looking at that article, we should all know by know Scrooge McDuck is basically made of gold and shits diamonds. he can afford to pogo-cane right off of priceless gems without batting an eyelash.
He swims in money and, according to articles that say rich men are better at sex, fucks like a tiger.[/QUOTE]

Like a tiger? Probably... considering that back in his Yukon days he got his freak on with Glittering Goldie O'Gilt (after the caper involving her slipping him drugged coffee and stealing his chunk o' gold). At least, that's what is implied as their fight escalates in The Prisoner of White Agony Creek.

Kitty Sinatra

But as for the topic at hand? I'd say Tony Stark. Bruce Wayne's money is more confined within Gotham. Like Luthor and Metropolis, he basically OWNS Gotham and does have some pockets of money around the world, but it's mostly confined within the city. Stark? Stark has contracts all over the Marvel Universe and previously was a weapons manufacturer, which made him a LOT of money.
I hate to bring the real world into this, but I don't see how being a weapons maker brings in the really big bucks. Forbes list of billionaires is topped by Gates and Buffett, with telecom and software guys in 3rd and 4th. Number 5 is the founder of IKEA.

I don't really feel like going beyond that, so I'll just ask you why you think the really big money is in weapons?
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