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Why are Halforum posts so boring lately?




I have been searching for a post for my amusement, and one thing that sticks out is the boring selection of posts out there. A quick google search shows a lot of other people asking why the posts are so boring, too. Almost every forum I look at--high end, halforums end--all have rant, introduce yourself, funny pictures, and "say something about x poster" topics. Maybe post your own picture, and if they're super adventurous, post your own NSFW picture. The only answers I can find online are create your own forum or join a forum, but I don't believe it. I'm guessing it's just easier to post these topics for some reason. have you noticed this, too? Do you desire a post not on the bland menu? I miss amusing posts.





What is an example of a non-boring topic? Maybe it's you?




What is an example of a non-boring topic? Maybe it's you?
*cough* https://www.halforums.com/threads/why-are-car-colors-so-boring-lately.25563/ *cough*




So...this topic? :awesome:




They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.




You want drama. You big dick.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I just made an aggressive thread in all caps deal with it




To change the forum, first seek to change yourself:





I just made an aggressive thread in all caps deal with it




Sorry they can't all be arguments about steak, or how to wipe your ass.




I'm guessing it's just easier to post these topics for some reason. have you noticed this, too? Do you desire a post not on the bland menu?
People often go to forums in order to form new relationships or connections with others they wouldn't otherwise run into in their daily life. They often seek acceptance, affirmation, and friendship. If the members of the forum are often at odds with them on various topics, they'll wander off because their viewpoints are shouted down.

Thus many forums become reasonably bland echo chambers - everyone pats everyone else on the back. I've stopped participating in a subset of threads where I have a distinctly different viewpoint because people here attack me rather than debate the issue. I don't post controversial threads because I already know the outcome.

Further, most forums have a "please be nice" policy, but it's enforced in a way that lively debate is discouraged. Rather than removing the offending posts (usually personal attacks), whole threads are closed under the assumption that once a thread goes bad, it's impossible to save it. And generally that's true - it's really hard work to save a thread where someone has started attacking people rather than debating the topic.

So my suspicion is that it's endemic to the format and the method of managing the various forums. Bland forums with a few "key" attracting topics gain more new members than those forums that represent a large variety of conflicting viewpoints.

That, however, is merely one small part of what makes some threads interesting and not bland. There are certainly ways to encourage interesting threads that are not controversial.




You want controversy? I'll give you controversy.


Greedo shot first.




Oh yeah?

Well, you wear pants. So there.




You want controversy? I'll give you controversy.


Greedo shot first.




People often go to forums in order to form new relationships or connections with others they wouldn't otherwise run into in their daily life. They often seek acceptance, affirmation, and friendship. If the members of the forum are often at odds with them on various topics, they'll wander off because their viewpoints are shouted down.

Thus many forums become reasonably bland echo chambers - everyone pats everyone else on the back. I've stopped participating in a subset of threads where I have a distinctly different viewpoint because people here attack me rather than debate the issue. I don't post controversial threads because I already know the outcome.

Further, most forums have a "please be nice" policy, but it's enforced in a way that lively debate is discouraged. Rather than removing the offending posts (usually personal attacks), whole threads are closed under the assumption that once a thread goes bad, it's impossible to save it. And generally that's true - it's really hard work to save a thread where someone has started attacking people rather than debating the topic.

So my suspicion is that it's endemic to the format and the method of managing the various forums. Bland forums with a few "key" attracting topics gain more new members than those forums that represent a large variety of conflicting viewpoints.

That, however, is merely one small part of what makes some threads interesting and not bland. There are certainly ways to encourage interesting threads that are not controversial.
You're telling me. Every time I offer a counterpoint, apparently it means I hate everything.




You're telling me. Every time I offer a counterpoint, apparently it means I hate everything.
Imagine how Charlie must feel.








Damn you, I about choked on my drink.

I used to want to debate here, Stienman, but no one really wants to follow the same set of rules. What's the point of a debate when the only point is "winning"?




We need more Chaz




Chaz and JCM? They make things not-boring.


Wasabi Poptart

You want controversy? I'll give you controversy.


Greedo shot first.
Sauna pants are infinitely better than a sauna!




Would it make this post more exciting if I told you that while I post it Dave is covered in peanut butter?




Would it make this post more exciting if I told you that while I post it Dave is covered in peanut butter?
Sorry that makes it sound more frightening.




I'm not allergic to peanut butter if it helps. Also what would happen if North_Gusto and Celine Dion had a baby?




Would it make this post more exciting if I told you that while I post it Dave is covered in peanut butter?
Only parts of me. Only parts.




Only parts of me. Only parts.
You heard him folks! Now place your bets! What parts of Dave are covered in peanut butter?

I'm giving 4 to 3 on mouth, 5 to 6 on fingers, and 1 to 10 on dingler!




What odds can you quote me on butt cheeks?




Buttocks are 5 to 3.
Knees 8 to 1.
Moobs 1 to 1.




Oh yeah?

Well, you wear pants. So there.

You wound me, Terrik, you wound me.

And heck, I'd love a good debate on a topic but I know for a fact that I'm too thin-skinned. Or I have a tendency to read jabs at my person as "fighting words".
Added at: 21:24
Sauna pants are infinitely better than a sauna!







What's the point of a debate when the only point is "winning"?





You wound me, Terrik, you wound me.

And heck, I'd love a good debate on a topic but I know for a fact that I'm too thin-skinned. Or I have a tendency to read jabs at my person as "fighting words".
I like a debate, but it always seems to degrade to ad hominems, and people taking it personally that I disagree with them. Or continually making the same point that I already addressed like 5 times.




This isn't the right room for an argument. This is abuse. You want HalforumsB, along the corridor.


Wasabi Poptart

*waves her hand* This is not the debate you were looking for.




Fade doesn't like that...




I've been too busy to stir shit. Work's been a real bear lately. Haven't updated my political thread even in I can't even remember how long. I need to hurry up and win the lotto so I can retire and snarl at you jackanapes full time.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

The important thing is it's not my fault. I was never interesting to begin with. :awesome:




The most interesting conversations I've had on Halforums recently have been via PM.

Deal with it.


Philosopher B.

Let's be honest with ourselves, we haven't had a really good thread since 'Do You Wipe Sitting or Standing up?'




Let's be honest with ourselves, we haven't had a really good thread since 'Do You Wipe Sitting or Standing up?'
I guess we need more drama. Any idea how to attract more assholes and trolls to the site?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Well, we had the Bastard Factory bitch here for a bit, but SOMEBODY had to go and lock that thread.




Well, we had the Bastard Factory bitch here for a bit, but SOMEBODY had to go and lock that thread.
Gee thanks a lot Gusto!




Chaz and JCM? They make things not-boring.

You can't handle Chaz. The minute I bring him back, you'll all be whining like little babies for his demise.
Added at: 17:40
I've been too busy to stir shit. Work's been a real bear lately. Haven't updated my political thread even in I can't even remember how long. I need to hurry up and win the lotto so I can retire and snarl at you jackanapes full time.
Nigga, please. You haven't been threatening since you posted a picture of your Ewok ass in ImageForums.




Let's be honest with ourselves, we haven't had a really good thread since 'Do You Wipe Sitting or Standing up?'
Any idea how to attract more assholes to the site?




Well, we had the Bastard Factory bitch here for a bit, but SOMEBODY had to go and lock that thread.
And I was rocking it.

Was the best fun in months.
Added at: 19:56
I've been too busy to stir shit. Work's been a real bear lately. Haven't updated my political thread even in I can't even remember how long. I need to hurry up and win the lotto so I can retire and snarl at you jackanapes full time.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I have been searching for a post for my amusement, and one thing that sticks out is the boring selection of posts out there. A quick google search shows a lot of other people asking why the posts are so boring, too. Almost every forum I look at--high end, halforums end--all have rant, introduce yourself, funny pictures, and "say something about x poster" topics. Maybe post your own picture, and if they're super adventurous, post your own NSFW picture. The only answers I can find online are create your own forum or join a forum, but I don't believe it. I'm guessing it's just easier to post these topics for some reason. have you noticed this, too? Do you desire a post not on the bland menu? I miss amusing posts.

The drama happens in flashes now, so unless you're around to see it unfold, you miss it. Maybe you should have less of a life so you can just hang around here all day.



