This is the second time the arcade has not submitted my ridiculous high score. I just got 7689 on the Wacky Ballz Blast game, but then it went to a black screen when I hit submit and stuck there. No High score submitted.
I even have screenshot proof:
You didn't submit your best score. That sucks.
General Specific
That the thing, I DID, but the damn thing froze on me.
That game in particular, as others have said, you have to submit your best shot the very instant you make it. I found that one out the hard way too.
But in general, I've found I'm mostly able to avoid the dreaded "your score will not be submitted" screen by:
1) never refresh, never use forward/back buttons. Always launch a game using a link from this site. Launching in a new tab is ok, but...
2) once that game is going NEVER EVER open anything else from the website in another tab/window whatever. You want absolutely no traffic between you and halforums from the time you launch the game to the time you submit your score.
General Specific
Yeah, well, it's ok. Ii really just wanted to let Hylian know that I'm better than him.