Why I Hate Public Transport

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Basically. Grow a bit of stubble (or a 30cm long beard, nothing in between. Seriously), buy a barbecue, some snags (sausages), a carton of Emu Bitter, and find an old car to "fix up" and never bother doing any actual work on it and you're fucking true blue Aussie matey!
See thats the problem with living on the wrong side of Australia.... Emu Bitter *shudder*


I don't have many bad public transport stories to tell. I tend to cycle everywhere.

. (It's not a rickroll)

Awesome short film from Germany called "Schwarzfahrer."

For those who don't know, "Schwarzfahrer" translates to "Black Rider" and is someone who rides the trolley without purchasing a ticket. In the context of this video, it is also a pun.
I took the bus between the mall and my college for a couple years between being a concurrent student and getting my license. I'm afraid I don't recall anything TOO weird happening. Were a couple of annoying douche bags though. Once this guy got up to stretch and did a couple pull-ups on the holding bars when the bus was pulled over. The driver yelled at him to cut it out, and the guy got offended and started yelling back, in very slurred speech. He ended up getting thrown off the bus. The bus was in the middle of switching drivers, so the guy tried to get back on when the new driver was in, only to get told off by the new driver too, who had witnessed the event. Though to be fair, the first driver was kind of a prick with a short temper to begin with. He seemed to be in a bad mood any day I had him.

Another day some punk kid tries to get on the bus after dropping a couple cents into the machine, lacking the full ticket price. The driver stops him and tells him he has to pay the full price or get off the bus, and the kid expects the bus driver to be able to open the machine to give him his money back. Dude, seriously, you KNEW you didn't have the full ticket price, why would you drop what change you have into something you can't get it back out of? The idiot refuses to leave the bus, and than to make a point sits down on the stairs blocking the door from closing making sure the bus couldn't leave. The driver called the police to come get the kid, but another passenger paid the rest of the kid's fee so we could just go. I say it would have been worth waiting for the police to arrest the knucklehead. Or at least someone could have simply kicked him out onto the curb Sparta-style, the way he was sitting would have made it very easy.
Basically. Grow a bit of stubble (or a 30cm long beard, nothing in between. Seriously), buy a barbecue, some snags (sausages), a carton of Emu Bitter, and find an old car to "fix up" and never bother doing any actual work on it and you're fucking true blue Aussie matey!
See thats the problem with living on the wrong side of Australia.... Emu Bitter *shudder*[/QUOTE]

We also have export for the lower classes :p or swan draught for the really fancy people.

XXXX and VB suck the big one. Coopers is ok.


I have no public transportation horror stories, because Detroit has no public transportation. I think there might be a bus, somewhere. Oh and the People Mover monorail but it doesn't go anywhere really.

I've been riding the DC metro and have no particularly interesting stories. Once this obnoxious 10 year old kid sat next to me and tried to give me a hard time, asked me what I was reading, so I started reading Bulgakov's Master and Margarita to him in Russian. I've had to stare down obnoxious ten year olds a few times, I don't feel like I should have to take crap from anybody on a train. Once this guy who was an obvious crack addict came up to me asking for money, I ignored him and he tapped my hands to get my attention and we got in a big shouting match that resulted in him freaking out and threatening me with a pipe. But he didn't hit me. Called the police at the next station but he got on a train going the other direction before they got there.

I think it's a felony to beat up crack addicts in dc...
That's because they are the mayor.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe this got no-sold. Marion Barry jokes are like crack to me.
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