Julie and I are looking for a title on the Wii that plays like Heavy Rain or Indigo Prophecy (but not Manhunt). Any suggestions?
I honestly can't think of any of those. The closest would probably be Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, but that still has some action segments like a normal game.
Like this? It's sorta new type of hybrid... sure SSH is a solid choice... you can also try Fatal Frame, Disaster Report, Shadow of Destiny/Memory, Shen Mue or Still Life. (though none of those are for the WII, nor will you find a huge selection outside of MARIO MARIOOOO MARRRIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOO)
Fatal Frame is actually pretty hard, so I don't know if his girlfriend will like it. It's also kinda scary at parts.
Disaster Report is RARE, so it might be hard to find a copy, and can be very unforgiving. I was literally crushed by a falling bus within 30 seconds of starting the game the first time I played.
Shadow of Destiny/Memories is SO boring. I wouldn't inflict that onto someone knowingly.
Still Life is a straight up adventure game, but I remember liking it pretty well when I reviewed it. It's got a sequel too.
Shen Mue is probably the most Heavy Rain-like of the bunch, but it does have those fighting scenes which can be pretty brutal later on.
I liked Shadow of Desinty.
Julie would love Fatal Frame. She's... special like that.
Then you might want to get Fatal Frame 2 instead. It's not directly connected to the first game and is better on the whole.
Hailey Knight
Jay's being facetious (I think). That would scare the everliving shit out of Julie.
Hah, no I'm being honest. It's a good game.
Do a search on your tube for some gameplay, let Julie watch some and see if she likes it.
Hailey Knight
I wish I'd done some Youtube gameplay research on Indigo Prophecy. Julie did some after the fact and everything is saying "Play this on a console so it will be fun".
Will check out Fatal Frame though . Research, that is.
IP was great.... till... things get weird. At some point I felt I was playing TURBO SIMON SAYS
---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
The game has a lot of puzzle element, combat is not that predominant.