Wii: Games like Heavy Rain/Indigo Prophecy

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Julie and I are looking for a title on the Wii that plays like Heavy Rain or Indigo Prophecy (but not Manhunt). Any suggestions?
I honestly can't think of any of those. The closest would probably be Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, but that still has some action segments like a normal game.
Like this? It's sorta new type of hybrid... sure SSH is a solid choice... you can also try Fatal Frame, Disaster Report, Shadow of Destiny/Memory, Shen Mue or Still Life. (though none of those are for the WII, nor will you find a huge selection outside of MARIO MARIOOOO MARRRIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOO)
Fatal Frame is actually pretty hard, so I don't know if his girlfriend will like it. It's also kinda scary at parts.

Disaster Report is RARE, so it might be hard to find a copy, and can be very unforgiving. I was literally crushed by a falling bus within 30 seconds of starting the game the first time I played.

Shadow of Destiny/Memories is SO boring. I wouldn't inflict that onto someone knowingly.

Still Life is a straight up adventure game, but I remember liking it pretty well when I reviewed it. It's got a sequel too.

Shen Mue is probably the most Heavy Rain-like of the bunch, but it does have those fighting scenes which can be pretty brutal later on.
Hah, no I'm being honest. It's a good game. :)
Do a search on your tube for some gameplay, let Julie watch some and see if she likes it.
I wish I'd done some Youtube gameplay research on Indigo Prophecy. Julie did some after the fact and everything is saying "Play this on a console so it will be fun".

Will check out Fatal Frame though :). Research, that is.
IP was great.... till... things get weird. At some point I felt I was playing TURBO SIMON SAYS

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

The game has a lot of puzzle element, combat is not that predominant.

It's all about the atmosphere.
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