Win 7 Pause and Go Breaks Problem

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So my wife's computer has been having little like LAG spurts while she's using it. Click a link, computer freezes up for a few seconds then resumes. Open a folder, computer freezes up for a few seconds then resumes etc.

So far we've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all her NVIDIA drivers which was the only FIX I could find online, anyone ever have this problem and find out how to fix it?


Staff member
Pauses upon trying to view a folder are most often hard drive issues, in my experience (IE, I agree with Ravenpoe).
There's always the idea of popping in a linux disc, and booting into that briefly as a test. If it accesses the internet fine, and can view stuff on your hard disk (photo albums maybe) without delay, then the problem may be a virus or something that's intercepting most of your actions.

I'm not saying install/replace, just use it as a test platform, no install required.
She's been using MSE since we got the system. Just now starting to cause a problem?

Still haven't solved the problem and tried about another hundred trouble shots. Still nothing.
Might be time to bust out the profiler, then.
It'll show you everything your computer is doing, then you just have to weed out what you're looking for.
It's a useful tool, if a bit like a firehose.

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