Women Sues College "I can't get a job"

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Mentioned earlier on Twitter that I'd like to punch this bitch in the face. Only Madeline Kahn can properly express my loathing.

No.fucking.way. :facepalm:

The college and/or degree doesn't guarantee anything. You still have to work and prove yourself after graduation. What a stupid dumbass. I hope that this case gets laughed out of court.

EDIT: If she's worried about paying back loans, she should contact a financial advisor or the loan provider. They have arrangements for graduates who can't find work. It's pathetic she would try to hide behind that excuse.
Maybe if a college degree wasn't worth as much as a high school diploma USED to be worth, she wouldn't have so much trouble finding a job. The whole fucking education system needs to be overhauled... someone should not have to go into serious debt just to be able to get a living wage.

Joe Johnson

Wait, what is Monroe college? Is it one of those technical schools that advertise on TV with "We guarantee job placement after you receive your diploma"?


Joe Johnson said:
Wait, what is Monroe college? Is it one of those technical schools that advertise on TV with \"We guarantee job placement after you receive your diploma\"?
I read about this story this morning before breakfast.

It's a college in Bronx. No.

The plot thickens..http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/08/03/new.yo ... topstories

As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.

2.7 grade-point average. Good? Oh but she has a solid attendance record (like anyone gives a flying fuck about that) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though, I want to drop kick this girl in the face.


Chazwozel said:
As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.

2.7 grade-point average. Good? Oh but she has a solid attendance record (like anyone gives a flying fuck about that) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though, I want to drop kick this girl in the face.
Hey! That just means she'll be there every day to fuck up the job, and sometimes get things right!

I like this little gem from Chaz's link.
"It doesn't make any sense: They went to school for four years, and then they come out working at McDonald's and Payless. That's not what they planned."


elph said:
Chazwozel said:
As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.

2.7 grade-point average. Good? Oh but she has a solid attendance record (like anyone gives a flying smurf about that) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously though, I want to drop kick this girl in the face.
Hey! That just means she'll be there every day to smurf up the job, and sometimes get things right!

Haha 2.7 is C+ average. Since when is C+ average competitive? What is this girl smoking? She really has a fucked up view of reality. C+ average for a degree in administrative services... she's either dumb or an ignoramus or both.
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Well, i wish her luck to find a job in her field NOW.

Oh yeah, sure companies aree going hire that whiny bitch who's sue happy and thinks others had to do her jobsearch so she can continue living in her imaginary world where she is not one of thousands of students with equally bad gpa's on the market.

As some may know, i work in HR and i hire dozens of people every year. Degree= you get an appointement then degree's worth: 10%. Skills: 50%, personnality: 40%.

Good luck bitch
Math242 said:
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Well, i wish her luck to find a job in her field NOW.

Oh yeah, sure companies aree going hire that whiny bitch who's sue happy and thinks others had to do her jobsearch so she can continue living in her imaginary world where she is not one of thousands of students with equally bad gpa's on the market.

As some may know, i work in HR and i hire dozens of people every year. Degree= you get an appointement then degree's worth: 10%. Skills: 50%, personnality: 40%.

Good luck bitch
Yay! I can score 60% if I try really hard! :-P


Joe Johnson said:
Wait, what is Monroe college? Is it one of those technical schools that advertise on TV with "We guarantee job placement after you receive your diploma"?
Oh my bad. Monroe College is a community college. 2.7 GPA from community college. This keeps getting better all the time. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Math242 said:
i would not hesitate in hiring you to be my personnal slave !

Dude, why would you hire me for that, when you could hire some hot female creature of the huma persuasion? Silly, silly....
What a twit. I haven't had the best post-college job experience, but I had a 2.5 and completely understand that I fucked up and will be lucky to work my way into something better.
Wow. Seriously... this is like... retardation.

"I'm mediocre, you should cater to me, gimmie mah 6 digit job!"



I had a 3.98 GPA through out college, I scored a 172 on the LSATs and got an almost free ride to law school, I was admitted to an insanely hard dual doctorate program....

And I still don't take that as a slam dunk when I apply for a job somewhere.

And hell, the bulk of the time the job doesn't give a damn what your GPA was, they care about your major and the personality and skills you bring into an interview. They care about letters of recc.
either bitchy bitch is going to flip burgers for a long time or a crappy company looking for free national attention is going to hire her and then fire her when the media no longer gives a shit.

either is fine with me


Chazwozel said:
Haha 2.7 is C+ average. Since when is C+ average competitive? What is this girl smoking? She really has a smurfed up view of reality. C+ average for a degree in administrative services... she's either dumb or an ignoramus or both.
Not to give her any "ammunition" or anything, but a 2.7 is actually a B-, not a C+. That oughta mean an immediate CEO position, right? :rofl:

B- average in administrative services at a community college...oy vey. A little knowledge is extremely dangerous in someone this stupid.

If there's a company out there willing to take a risk on someone who's shown that she's willing to sue at the first sign of trouble, then more power to them, and they deserve all the hell that's coming their way.

Business Information in Information Technology is not only a very broad degree but is a very over-saturated one. People trying to get into IT right now need to have either a lot of experience, a pretty decent sales technique or a Masters degree.

Drop the lawsuit, change your name so nobody knows this was you and move on. Good luck and yes, I *DO* want fries with that.

Joe Johnson

In the 5 years I've helped hire people, we've never once looked at someone's GPA. I don't even think most people put it on their resume. I guess if you're just starting out, maybe.

I can't imagine this case will go anywhere - we can only hope.
Hiring Manager (working through a stack of resumes): "Hmm... this one is mediocre, but maybe. I'll just google 'Trina Thompson' and... :Leyla: :Leyla: :Leyla: "
Man, one of my best friends in college pulled a 4.0 on his BA and a 3.4 or higher on his MBA, plus he had a summer internship working with the DOE over at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation; and his first real job out of college? He worked at Check-into-Cash.

Granted, Washington State University isn't the most prestigious university in the country, and I'm sure he could have done better if he had taken the time to meet with career councilors to learn how to apply for jobs; but still, you're expecting the world to hand you a job on a silver platter in this economy with a 2.7 from a community college? I'm pretty certain you can get a 2.7 from a CC just by showing up every day (hence her good attendance record) and spelling your own name right on your test papers.

Business Information in Information Technology is not only a very broad degree but is a very over-saturated one. People trying to get into IT right now need to have either a lot of experience, a pretty decent sales technique or a Masters degree.
Ah... that explains everything. There was a reason I dropped out of the MIS program and changed my major to CS (but eventually dropped out anyway).


Staff member
My wife worked briefly at a Jason's Deli with a Master's degree. You do what you have to do until the job you want opens up.

When I got my Masters degree I quit my job to look full time for work. I was unemployed from February to August and when I did find a job it was "must have high school diploma". I guaranteed them a year and they hired me. WAY overqualified, but finding a job in my field was difficult as hell. Suck it up, Trina!
You guys are rather... strange.

Around this time last year I wrote a long post, on the original halforum boards, about how I was getting in on a lawsuit towards my technical college, in order to get back some of my tuition money. You all told me to go for it.

Now this woman is pretty much doing the same, for similar reasons that I took part in my lawsuit, and she is somehow the super-bitch.

Sometimes I just don't understand this place.

I don't remember the particular details of your case and whether your school has a placement office, what promises were given, etc. But in this case she was a substandard student of a community college getting a degree in a highly competitive field, suing the school that gave her said degree because she is not a strong enough candidate to get a position.

We take things here on a case-by-case basis.
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