I played https://squaredle.com 08/16:
57/57 words (+14 bonus words)
⏱ In the top 7% by speed
Solve streak: 34

I didn't really think I solved it all that fast. I guess it was hard for a lot of folks lol

I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/16:
*23/23 words
In the top 18% by accuracy

I *almost* had to use a hint to clear some letters..but then I saw there was a 9 letter word, and it cleared out some stuff and it all fell into place :)
I played https://squaredle.com 08/22:
52/52 words (+20 bonus words)
In the top 6% by bonus words
Solve streak: 5

I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/22:
*20/20 words (+7 bonus words)
In the top 10% by accuracy

I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/22:
*20/20 words (+12 bonus words)
In the top 2% by bonus words

Might be me but I found the express MUCH harder than the normal one today
The F and L words were especially hard for me to see today, but I try to avoid using hints on ex if I can. It just feels lame lol.

once I started seeing all the "-ing" words, it all fell into place.
I played https://squaredle.com 08/24:
*46/46 words (+16 bonus words)
In the top 4% by bonus words
Solve streak: 1

Most of the long ones came to me quickly, but some of the shorter ones were tricky.
-lessness...saw that, got the biggest word immediately, and just blasted them out from there. Kind of fun, kind of annoying when most of the entire board is built on the same couple suffixes.

I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/24:
*21/21 words (+3 bonus words)
Perfect accuracy
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