I played https://squaredle.com 12/03:
*28/28 words (+8 bonus words)
In the top 14% by bonus words
Solve streak: 55

It took me an embarrassingly long time to notice the -tion suffix there, but once I did everything fell into place.
Last edited:
I played https://squaredle.com 12/15:
*70/70 words (+14 bonus words)
In the top 31% by accuracy
Solve streak: 301

maybe it's because I had to solve this one in five minute bits between hours of driving and while exhausted, but this one was incredibly hard for me.


Staff member
I finished this morning, but didn't post until now because I was grump that
"metrification" wasn't a bonus word. I'll admit that I was surprised that metrication is the more common version of the word, but I'm not sure why the scrabble word list that squardle uses doesn't include metrification.

I played https://squaredle.com 12/15:
*70/70 words (+7 bonus words)
In the top 12% by accuracy
Solve streak: 30

I played https://squaredle.com/xp 12/15:
*21/21 words (+1 bonus word)
Perfect accuracy