WoW Cataclysm! (Possible Spoilers)

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Personally I love the uproar I've been seeing about Ony and this info. People take this game for granted, it's hilarious.

I'm looking forward to having more to do in Azeroth, and I'll definitely be making a Troll Druid if that's real. :thumbsup:


@Li3n said:
No, because what's on paper is WC lore, and just because he's the author doesn't mean we don't get to complain when he changes it for no reason (seriously, you couldn't just make the Dranei split from the Eredar before Sargeras?).

I just get pissed when they do stuff like downgrade Illidan to a 25 man raid boss that dies, or magically bring Onyoxia back to life for a "new" raid encounter. Progress the story, but don't bring back old crap and don't make epic villains anticlimatic.
Chazwozel said:
@Li3n said:
No, because what's on paper is WC lore, and just because he's the author doesn't mean we don't get to complain when he changes it for no reason (seriously, you couldn't just make the Dranei split from the Eredar before Sargeras?).

I just get pissed when they do stuff like downgrade Illidan to a 25 man raid boss that dies, or magically bring Onyoxia back to life for a "new" raid encounter. Progress the story, but don't bring back old crap and don't make epic villains anticlimatic.
I don't think Illidan dies, though, Maeiv and Akama take him away or something. Not sure as I didn't get to him, but yeah, as far as I know only Kael and Vashj actually die for good.


A couple of things, first: Onyxia is back as a one time event for the anniversary, the raid is lore-free, it's just a fun event for the players. Not everything has to be dripping with huge amounts of backstory, some stuff is just for fun.

Also, in regards to night elf mages there is a quest on the PTR right now that involves a highborne mage speaking with Tyrande, which is rumored to be the setup for the mage class. There is also a quest on the Tauren side that involves a conversation between two Tauren that talks about how they follow the night elven druidic traditions which favor the moon, even though the Tauren strive for balance.


I'm excited of the prospect of Dwarf Shammies and Human Hunters, my two favorite races.

Though I wish this was already in place when I had started playing, I really dont wanna devote time to rerolling a new toon, I'm still a good ways from 80 on my main as is..
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