Mav said:
I don't mind the travel so much as I do the return trip... the recast timer on the Hearthstone is stupid.. Tell me as I level there are items or spells or tradeskill items I can buy/make to return to whichever Inn I am bound to? Not so bad if its just a fedex to point A to point B but if it's A-B-A-B or something...god that gets old.
Hearthstone used to be an hour up until just the most recent patch. Shaman and their Astral Recall are uber if that's still too long for you.
You can also take up Inscription (and Herbalism for the materials) to make Scroll of Recall which is a 1-time use hearthstone that uses really cheep materials. Inscription is also a really simple tradeskill that yields some good off-hand caster items (which means you'll want to stick with daggers instead of staffs)
Fed-Ex quests are pretty atrocious in Pre-BC (aka 'Vanilla WoW'), many of them really aren't worth the time, but most leveling guides will have you pick up the ones that are convenient. Grab the addon TourGuide, as well as Lightheaded, DoubleWide, and TomTom to make questing a hell of a lot easier, cutting out all the really annoying quests.
You still have to do your class-quests, and Warlocks are some of the worst, but definately not -the- worst. Look to Horde Shaman for those.
Mav said:
I still wanna know how the * a Warlock can out level a lvl 7 warrior has much superior health, armor and weapons compared to the lvl 10 warlock but having a pet seems to make a world of difference..
Ranged damage, basically. Warriors, which able to charge some of the time, still have to run around to everything they want to kill, while warlocks can jog to the middle of an area and bring everything around to them to make a nice pile of corpses. Each kill may take the same time, but since you're immediately engaging the next mob and not spending time running over to it, it takes less time in the end.
This is why Hunters are THE fastest levelers as not only can they kill stuff at range, they can auto-shot even when out of mana, so they're constantly killing things. Add in a run-speed buff and off they go.
In fact, warlocks are the ONLY class that has no means of moving from place to place faster.
Paladins: ret spec gives 15% movement speed, plus 20% riding speed aura
Hunters: BM spec gives 15% riding speed, plus 30% run speed aura
Druids: feral spec gives permanent 30% run speed in cat form and 40% run speed in travel form
Death Knight: Unholy spec gives 15% movement speed
Shaman: Wolf form gives 40% run speed
Rogues: Assassin spec gives 15% run speed, Sprint at 50-70% speed every 2-3 minutes
Mage: Blink
Priest: Bubble can be glyphed to give sprint speed for a few seconds
Warrior: can charge critters
Warlocks do get their lvl 30 and 60 mounts for free, more or less, but that's it, unless I'm forgetting something