Could you just send me $15 a month for nothing instead?What about people like me, who haven't played in months (because I've got star wars to play!) but still pay the $15/month just because I'm too lazy to cancel?
Like mentioned, it only allows the reactivation of existing accounts. If you don't have an account right now you would be unable to use the Scroll of Resurrection. The level 80 boost also must be applied to an existing character, so you can't just make a new character and be 80, you have to pick one that you played before you quit.Doesn's the level 80 boost basically say "New players? Early game content? Hah!" ?
A free character boost to level 80 for the returning player.
A free upgrade to Cataclysm (If they don't already own it).
A free server transfer to the existing players realm.
A free faction transfer to the existing players faction.
And the normal 7 free days of play before you must resubscribe.
I don't know that I'd count them as truly desperate yet. Concerned, maybe worried, but more aware that there's a significant financial commitment required by a potential returning player, if their friends have moved servers, changed factions, or both. I'd see this as more of a motivator for people who started playing during the Vanilla WoW days, have a character that they really loved, that has a ton of gear and gold, that maybe made it through the end of BC or WotLK and then dropped out and they don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg to transfer that character to their friends' new server and faction; rather than for people like me, for whom characters and alts are a dime a dozen, who doesn't mind leveling back through the old content, who doesn't have any of the original nifty PvP titles and didn't raid Molten Core or Kara back when they were relevant. Or for people who want to get back into playing with their main and don't have the disposable income to throw around to pay for said transfers. I've paid for 3 server transfers and a faction change on my main, and my wife has paid for those same 3 server changes, and a guild move/faction change - but we had the money to do it.Holy desparation batman!
That's a good point. I haven't even been playing since Vanilla WoW and I already miss my nostalgic view of the game from TBC days.I actually think this is a good move in some ways, because I think that WoW has such a good job that they may have saturated the market to the point that it's easier for them to win back old players than to find new ones, but the real question is whether the old players coming back would even be able to recognize and enjoy WoW in its current state.
Edit: Not to say that the current state is bad, but it's more like when you go visit some place you haven't been in a long time. You have this image in your head that fuels your nostalgia, and then you get there and it's totally different, and your nostalgia is confused. And angry. And then you burn down the high-school
I actually feel that 84-85 drags out way more then a level should. It is a bit faster then 70-80, that is for sure, but the different between each levels experience requirements is pretty high, so while each level between 70-80 felt even, each level from 82-85 drags out more then the last.Leveling is stupid easy 80-85 and if you're in a guild even moreso thanks to the xp boost perks. My Rogue I boosted to 80 was halfway through 82 before I even finished Hyjal, and he's only done two dungeons. I think they just want people to hit 85 and be ready to jump right into MoP when it hits, as Blizz seems to be trying pretty hard to fix the various Cata blunders.
Never like that for me, I actually found 77-80 to be fast compared to the middle, 74-77, though a lot of that was due to gaining Cold Weather Flying at the time.To me the last level was always like that, every xpac. I think of it like checking the time right before you go home from work. That last hour always seems to take ten times as long.
See I'm the opposite after my first grind to High Warlord I quit PVP almost completely other than for achievements or quick HP to JP conversions. I've leveled all of my 85s exclusively through PVE content. Dungeon leveling with a Tank is like "Want an 85 in a week of casual play?".I also have 6 85s, but four of them I leveled almost exclusively through PVP, as I can't stand going through the zones at this point in the game. Not after the first two times leveling, way to linear. My hope is that they reduce the required experience in MoP like they did for WOTLK once Cata hit, and for BC once WOTLK hit. I also hope that they allow us to enter the MoP continents at 84 rather then 85, though I won't hold my breath on that one.
MoP is already a sun in my leveling nightmare because they are increasing the zone count so that each level will have two locations you can quest in rather then one, and the questing hubs will be more varied and less linear.
You and I use the same mods! We should be bffs.Personally I use Bartender (Action Bars) and XPERL (Unit Frames). Simple, easy to use and highly customizable.
Oh, I'm sure. I'm not really complaining about not having my beta invite yet - I'm just bored of Cata and didn't get in to the D3 beta either, so I'm just killing time waiting for something to do in the meantime. I don't know that you could pay me enough to be involved in the beta this early on. I was in the WotLK beta pretty early and I remember the hell that was attempting to get DKs through their starting zone with a lot of the same issues.Beta is massively disappointing to me for a few reasons Gared and if I were you, I'd feel pretty good about not being in it yet.
#1 Monk is nowhere near ready for the big time. Missing entire talents, most of it's current abilities way out of whack (the very first AoE tanking ability it gets doesn't even create threat) and alot of animations are either missing or jerky. Monk is at least 5 updates away from being a real class.
#2 Panderan is maybe 60% ready. No voiced characters at all. Not a single Panderan npc in the game has a voice at the moment. There are missing animations, jerky animations and clipping animations. You can't even fully create/customize them yet. No racial mounts etc etc.
#3 The 1-10 Pandean island isn't complete. Some of the biggest cut scenes aren't implemented and all you get is "filler text" telling you what is supposed to be happening. Alot of the ambient sounds are missing and the good music is maybe 2 songs tops.
#4 500k people on 4 servers. I don't have to tell you the nightmare that's like at the moment.
#5 Even with all those people on 4 servers, there's next to none in the 18-80 level gap. So if you had plans on playing a monk from 1-85 and seeing how it grows, not only is the class not finished, you're going to be doing it solo.
-- I have no coment on the island of Panderia itself as I'm leaving ALL of that to be "fresh" for me when the xpac comes out, but I can imagine it's not fully ready either. So really Gared, you're missing more of a headache than fun at this point. A few builds from now though? When it's almost ready for release? That's when the Beta will be interesting to play.
That, with a few hours each morning of search for jobs, retweak resume, submit resume pretty much sums up my unemployment - it just happened to come after they nerfed the fun out of PvP. I have all of these achievements that I'll never complete for PvP on my main, because who the hell is ever going to amass all of the loot drops for AV turn ins when a battle lasts all of about 12 minutes, and that's only if someone screws up and resets the general? And furthermore, who's actually having fun with a battle like that? The only thing you're proving is that your side can run in a straight line and get enough people to the NPC to keep the tank alive for the 20 or 30 seconds it takes to drop the boss. Give me a good old fashioned clusterfuck at the bridge any day.Old days of PVP for me were more fun (because I played the OP class) but also at the same time a nightmare. 3 solid months of 12+hrs of pure PVP just to hit High Warlord..... I had no life for sure. I have no idea how that girl stayed with me during that time. All it was from me was wakeup, game, sex, game, food, game, sleep repeat for over 90 days.
AV is not really like that though, not as much as you think. It's more a mix now from the old slower days and the general race days before they added reinforcements.and people actually tried to do something other than rush through and kill the captain then head for the general. <sigh> ah, memory...
Nope, I play my warrior, mage, and now druid pretty much entirely through PVP in the end game brackets, and unless it is a premade using AVenabler, you still have to handle the towers, otherwise you will wipe. Every other attempt ended with the tank dying, everyone else dying, and a graveyard jump all the way back to our base, at which point it would devolve into the bridge war or IBGY war, depending on which side wiped it.That may happen in the middle brackets where you are right now, but as recently as last fall I moved my main to a new server and faction and decided to take him from his blues and greens from questing to full purple healing PvP gear, and with the exception of 5 or 6 battles in AV, every. single. battle was either "kill the captain then demolish the general" or straight-out "zerg the general and fail."
pm me the email you use for WoW, and I'll send you oneSo, who has a scroll for me?
My research paper is probably going to be done a whole month ahead of schedule, which means I may actually have 2 months of summer.