[MMO] WoW: Scroll of Resurrection Revamp

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As we all know, Blizzard had lost a decent amount of subscriptions during the last year. As such, they are starting to bring out more big guns to help retain or bring back players. One such change is the new Scroll of Resurrection.

For those unfamiliar with the service, it was a way for an existing player to send out a invite to allow an old player the chance to sign on and play his old characters again for 7 days without a fee, and if he signs back up, will grant the existing player a free month of service. It was decent, but not something to really get excited about.

The NEW Scrolls of Resurrection include...

A free character boost to level 80 for the returning player.
A free upgrade to Cataclysm (If they don't already own it).
A free server transfer to the existing players realm.
A free faction transfer to the existing players faction.
And the normal 7 free days of play before you must resubscribe.

While not confirmed, it is also rumored that, much like the Touring Rocket, they will be adding a special flying Spectral Mount for the existing player for successfully getting the old player to resubscribe.

Have to say, that is not to shabby. If anyone wants to get back in the game down the line, just message me, I can throw out a scroll or two.


Is there a requirement for the level 80 boost? Or could I buy the game, quit playing immediately, then be invited back and go straight to level 80?
What about people like me, who haven't played in months (because I've got star wars to play!) but still pay the $15/month just because I'm too lazy to cancel?
I thought about resubbing when this came out for about a minute. I tried to get my authenticator reset to be ready, cause I got a new phone, and got the web page is under construction notice from the support site. That's all it took for me to remember it wasn't worth it. :-/
The Scroll is only usable to reactivate existing accounts, as far as I know. So new players wouldn't be able to use it.
Doesn's the level 80 boost basically say "New players? Early game content? Hah!" ?
Like mentioned, it only allows the reactivation of existing accounts. If you don't have an account right now you would be unable to use the Scroll of Resurrection. The level 80 boost also must be applied to an existing character, so you can't just make a new character and be 80, you have to pick one that you played before you quit.

The whole thing is designed to be a way to get players that quit but are interested in coming back an ability to easily get back together with old friends that still play. One of the larger detriments to returning players is finding out all those cool people you play with decided to move to another server, or changed factions/servers, or are now weeks worth of leveling ahead of you, etc... This allows you to quickly and easily bypass those detriments, thus people who are on the fence are more likely to give it a chance again.

It's a marketing thing, obviously, but I ain't complaining. I have a few friends that are really interested in it.


Staff member
A free character boost to level 80 for the returning player.
A free upgrade to Cataclysm (If they don't already own it).
A free server transfer to the existing players realm.
A free faction transfer to the existing players faction.
And the normal 7 free days of play before you must resubscribe.

Holy desperation batman!
Holy desparation batman!
I don't know that I'd count them as truly desperate yet. Concerned, maybe worried, but more aware that there's a significant financial commitment required by a potential returning player, if their friends have moved servers, changed factions, or both. I'd see this as more of a motivator for people who started playing during the Vanilla WoW days, have a character that they really loved, that has a ton of gear and gold, that maybe made it through the end of BC or WotLK and then dropped out and they don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg to transfer that character to their friends' new server and faction; rather than for people like me, for whom characters and alts are a dime a dozen, who doesn't mind leveling back through the old content, who doesn't have any of the original nifty PvP titles and didn't raid Molten Core or Kara back when they were relevant. Or for people who want to get back into playing with their main and don't have the disposable income to throw around to pay for said transfers. I've paid for 3 server transfers and a faction change on my main, and my wife has paid for those same 3 server changes, and a guild move/faction change - but we had the money to do it.
12 million subscribers, lost 2million, large flows of customers no longer quitting, steady at 10million.... yep... desperation city!
Hm... I could finally get my druid up to level 80. I've made 2 druids and I've always gotten stalled at the outland content because I pretty much hated it other than some of the dungeons.
Hell, these days all you need to do to get through the outlands content is spec resto and run random dungeons until your eyes bleed - especially since you only need to get to level 68 before you can head off to Northrend. I've been very pleased at the fact that on my recent alts I didn't have to spend 2.5 damn levels in Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley. Healers are always in short supply.

Of course, given the choice between having to run dungeons until my eyes bleed or being able to resub and get a boost - I'd probably take the resub option.


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16% loss of revenue is a pretty significant event for any company.

I actually think this is a good move in some ways, because I think that WoW has such a good job that they may have saturated the market to the point that it's easier for them to win back old players than to find new ones, but the real question is whether the old players coming back would even be able to recognize and enjoy WoW in its current state.

Edit: Not to say that the current state is bad, but it's more like when you go visit some place you haven't been in a long time. You have this image in your head that fuels your nostalgia, and then you get there and it's totally different, and your nostalgia is confused. And angry. And then you burn down the high-school.
I actually think this is a good move in some ways, because I think that WoW has such a good job that they may have saturated the market to the point that it's easier for them to win back old players than to find new ones, but the real question is whether the old players coming back would even be able to recognize and enjoy WoW in its current state.

Edit: Not to say that the current state is bad, but it's more like when you go visit some place you haven't been in a long time. You have this image in your head that fuels your nostalgia, and then you get there and it's totally different, and your nostalgia is confused. And angry. And then you burn down the high-school
That's a good point. I haven't even been playing since Vanilla WoW and I already miss my nostalgic view of the game from TBC days.
There's no way they could ever entice me back. They are dead to me ever since making it impossible to have epic battles on the Goblin zepplin with my human paladin (among many other things).


Staff member
It reminds me immensly of MTG. I remember once, about 3 years ago, trying to get back into the game after having quit right around Ice Age. I was so completely confused as to what all this new stuff was that I just gave up.
Ugh, I hate trying to get back into MTG. Every couple of years it sounds fun, and then my wife and I go buy some starter decks and a few packs of cards, and have no fucking clue what the hell all these new additions are or what they do, and go back to playing for a couple weeks with our old, early 2000's tourney legal decks instead, and then lose interest because we know each others' moves with those decks.


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Do NOT log in to your account before you get this. I logged on to my account to update my information and it invalidated me from the Scroll. Just a friendly warning.


Staff member
If anyone has any scrolls, I'll take one. I'm more interested in the areas I haven't visited than the 80.
So I finally got around to playing some last night (thanks ScytheRexx). Before I quit I had leveled a frost mage to 80, & had 5 other toons at lvl 70-71. Never raided or ran dungeons much (low tolerance for jackassery i.e. pickups) & no guild activity (bad play schedule). I popped into SW to get my flying license & immediately got a summons for a quest line. After 30 minutes of running around SW going "where the F*CK am I?" I ended up on a boat that appeared to end up crushed by a kraken. After waking up in a sunken boat I got told to go kill some stuff... OW OW OW! So apparently I now hit like a pussy & go down like a cheap hooker. It didn't help that the naga had charge that negated any of my freeze effects, but ouchie. I was reminded of the EQ days of PoP where yard trash started swinging for 1K all of a sudden.

Look forward to checking it out some more. Was mainly interested in the free Cata upgrade just to check out some of the old world changes/
I mentioned this in the other thread but I will mention it here for those that quit playing a long time ago. The SoR does not just give you free Cataclysm, it brings you up to the level to play Cataclysm. That means if you don't own WOTLK, you get that for free too.


Staff member
I know I've said some of this before, but here goes. First, thanks to ScytheRexx for the scroll.

So I played an 80. It was about the same as playing a 1 but with more buttons to push, and different pictures on the screen. I always think WoW will be different, but every time they update it, they actually add more of what I don't like. Everything is so overbalanced that class and race don't seem to matter. Level doesn't seem to matter at all since the PVE world just scales up with you. The quests are still the same type. I rolled a Worgen and a goblin, and the starting areas were fun, but as soon as you get back out into the main world, its back to the same old grind.

I actually look back fondly on the first times I played this game, what, 7 years ago? I played an undead priest, and it took FOREVER to get to level 10. And that was cool. Those levels meant something. Now you get to 20 by sneezing, and a priest can kill as well as a warrior. I'd love to see Blizzard make those low levels meaningful again, but I guess the story has moved on. Part of it is me. The spooky mystery of being dropped into alive, moving 3D Azeroth is a kind of magic that only happens the first time you play, I guess. I'd also like to see Blizzard somehow vary the beginning part of the game. Not sure how they would do this, but

Redthirtyone: had the same experience. Oo I'm 80! Oh, just a naga! Oh, I'm dead in like two hits!
So yeah - found the problem. The first quest reward piece of gear that I got was a helm that was like +150 sta +150 int OVER what I was already wearing. Then I went to the AH & had a looksie at the gear there for sale. EVERYTHING I found was similar. +150 sta/int upgrades all over the place on green drops. The stats for gear TRIPLED or more in the 15 months that I was gone. I told my friend I didn't recall having 15K hp / 14K mana before I quit. Guess that shoulda been a tipoff.

I bought a few pieces of gear & got myself up around 22K hp / 19K mana & went hunting again. Much better. More dps & could take a few more hits.
Even without the gear stat jump, they did increase the damage of the monsters compared to the original design, which was supposed to let you even quest at 78 if you wanted. One of the reasons Cataclysm as been getting a lot of flak from fans is because they used it as an experiment to listen to the vocal minority that wanted more "difficult" content, from dungeons to quests, and it made it so everything dragged out a lot more then usually. One of the reasons WoW lost nearly 2 million players since Cataclysm released. MoP will not be so unforgiving on the curve and gear requirements for questing, or so I hear.
I like raids being harder, I hate stuff that I needed to PuG with alts being harder, because it just ended up pissing me off. (And really, Cata's idea of making dungeons harder was by making it harder on healers, which took forever to sink into the heads of stupid tanks and DPS, which also basically pissed me off more... until I outgeared the shit of heroics again)
Raids being hard is fine, though everyone likes that we now have LFR as a easier alternative.

The fact is people like choices, even those that may not find going to ElististJerks and crunching numbers as a necessarily part of the experience. They removed a lot of choices for those people in Cataclysm due to the agenda of a small minority of players like TotalBiscuit, and they ended up suffering a lot for it. The hardcore will always have normal raids and heroic raids, which even I know I will likely never be pulling off because I just don't care enough to min/max myself to the level progression guilds min/max themselves, and I am fine with that as long as I have heroics and battlegrounds with a decent reward structure that allows smooth progress, something I can take my main or alts into with a general idea that I will succeed rather then fail over and over. MoP is making this even better by making quest dailies give gear currency, including Valor Points, and as a person that likes a casual style of play I can't wait.
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