[MMO] WoW: Scroll of Resurrection Revamp

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Man, did I hate the number crunch guilds. The one I was in always tried to gear my tankadin like a warrior. I could not get it through their thick sculls that I needed (at the time, I don't know how tankadins work since NR) both time to build aggro, and at least some int in my armor to keep steady aggro. I know with the changes to judgements, mana falls from the sky for my pally, who's now a healadin.
I broke down and decided to give it another shot. I'm taking a short break from Eve while I wait for a decent internet connection. The thought of losing ships I spent close to a bil on due to getting disconnected regularly didn't sound fun. So, I got an scroll from Dave. Sorry Scythe, I got antsy and asked Dave too. He beat you to the punch.

I made it through all the Vashj'Ir quests with my DK so far. I like the long quest lines and the feeling you're actually doing something in the world. It does wear you out though. There's little to no choice in what quests you can do, so you feel like you're being drug along. I was also incredibly disappointed there was no Nesingwary quest here. It seems like the perfect zone for it, and would give a nice distraction. All said, I did enjoy the zone. It's definitely different swimming all the time, but seems to work. One thing that felt strange was they never told you how to get out of the zone other than hearth. I just magically had an underwater flight path that lead to an above ground flight path. Not a big deal, since by 80 you should be able to figure it out, but it was just odd.

I used my free 80 for a new Dwarf Warrior. I love fury warriors, but I hate leveling them. My main is an Orc Warrior and I've always wanted a Dwarf one. I've just started going through the Hyjal quests with him. I thought they were talking about making levels harder to get? It feels like I'm leveling a lot faster than I did in Wrath. Maybe it's just that all the quests are so chained together it's easier to run through them. In a few days I have my DK a bar away from 83 and my warrior almost to 81.

I'm enjoying it so far. No idea how long I'll stick with it, but it's got my attention for now.
Leveling is stupid easy 80-85 and if you're in a guild even moreso thanks to the xp boost perks. My Rogue I boosted to 80 was halfway through 82 before I even finished Hyjal, and he's only done two dungeons. I think they just want people to hit 85 and be ready to jump right into MoP when it hits, as Blizz seems to be trying pretty hard to fix the various Cata blunders.
Leveling is stupid easy 80-85 and if you're in a guild even moreso thanks to the xp boost perks. My Rogue I boosted to 80 was halfway through 82 before I even finished Hyjal, and he's only done two dungeons. I think they just want people to hit 85 and be ready to jump right into MoP when it hits, as Blizz seems to be trying pretty hard to fix the various Cata blunders.
I actually feel that 84-85 drags out way more then a level should. It is a bit faster then 70-80, that is for sure, but the different between each levels experience requirements is pretty high, so while each level between 70-80 felt even, each level from 82-85 drags out more then the last.

This was needed for the most part since we only had 5 levels, but makes it hard for me to even want to level once it slows down. This is why only two of my hordies have reached 85, the rest just stagnant in the areas between 82-85, I just have no desire to slog through 50-100 quests just to level once. It's mostly a psychological thing, as those dings break up the grind.
To me the last level was always like that, every xpac. I think of it like checking the time right before you go home from work. That last hour always seems to take ten times as long.
To me the last level was always like that, every xpac. I think of it like checking the time right before you go home from work. That last hour always seems to take ten times as long.
Never like that for me, I actually found 77-80 to be fast compared to the middle, 74-77, though a lot of that was due to gaining Cold Weather Flying at the time.

79-80 I could easily make in less then 2 hours, 84-85 will take me at least a day of pure playing and constant quests. This was even before the experience nerf for 70-80, now I can do it in less then an hour if I really wanted.

Really, all you have to do is look at the numbers. The average quest in Hyjal gives 20-30k. The average quest in Twilight Highlands gives 45-60k. Now look at the required numbers, leaving out the middle since it's pretty much an average ramp with each level gaining a little over the last.

70-71 - 1,523,800
79-80 - 1,686,300

Each level ramps up a little bit each time from the lowest up to the highest. The total amount of experience required is a little over 15 million to go from 70-80.

Now look at the Cataclysm numbers.

80-81 - 1,686,300
81-82 - 2,121,500
82-83 - 4,004,000
83-84 - 5,203,400
84-85 - 9,165,100

That equals to a total amount of experience over 22 million, each one ramping up sometimes millions at a time, while the quest difference between the lowest to the highest zone was only 30k at the most.

Yes, you can level up pretty quickly, mostly due to the large amount of heirlooms and the linear quest flow making it easier for the average player to stay on the ball, but for a power player that usually knows all the questing spots, it ended up slowing me down greatly compared to what I had in WOTLK, that added with the linear nature of the quests made it twenty times more repetitive, since you had no choice but going Deepholme, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands in a row, all with the same quests in the same order most of the time.
I agree on 79-80, now that you have me thinking about it. Icecrown and Storm Peaks were quick and easy, and small too, which helped a lot. Twilight Highlands tends to be where I clean up 84-85, and even though I know the zone like the back of my hand now (6 85's altogether, working on a Rogue now) it still drags in places (I'm looking at you, Thunderbrew wedding).
I also have 6 85s, but four of them I leveled almost exclusively through PVP, as I can't stand going through the zones at this point in the game. Not after the first two times leveling, way to linear. My hope is that they reduce the required experience in MoP like they did for WOTLK once Cata hit, and for BC once WOTLK hit. I also hope that they allow us to enter the MoP continents at 84 rather then 85, though I won't hold my breath on that one.

MoP is already a sun in my leveling nightmare because they are increasing the zone count so that each level will have two locations you can quest in rather then one, and the questing hubs will be more varied and less linear.
I like the sound of MoP so far, which surprises me. I really thought I was done after the Firelands patch. I never got into WoW PvP for some reason, at least not since the introduction of arenas. I wish I had used my SoR level boost on a Mage or Priest instead of a Rogue though, got so many melee as it is...
I also have 6 85s, but four of them I leveled almost exclusively through PVP, as I can't stand going through the zones at this point in the game. Not after the first two times leveling, way to linear. My hope is that they reduce the required experience in MoP like they did for WOTLK once Cata hit, and for BC once WOTLK hit. I also hope that they allow us to enter the MoP continents at 84 rather then 85, though I won't hold my breath on that one.

MoP is already a sun in my leveling nightmare because they are increasing the zone count so that each level will have two locations you can quest in rather then one, and the questing hubs will be more varied and less linear.
See I'm the opposite after my first grind to High Warlord I quit PVP almost completely other than for achievements or quick HP to JP conversions. I've leveled all of my 85s exclusively through PVE content. Dungeon leveling with a Tank is like "Want an 85 in a week of casual play?".
I read Ghostcrawlers post-Cata interview, and it sounds like they really understand what went wrong and are trying to fix it. It's another reason I signed back up. I want to be at 85 come MoP.
So I've been using Tukui forever, and sadly the creator has quit the game, so it'll be defunct soon. Any recommendations for solid UI stuff? Hotbars and Character panels are the big ones for me, but any type of "package" UI like Tukui that looks minimal and clean would be superb.
Never really got into Tukui, while I did like the design, it felt overly minimalist. As a person that plays most of the time as a Clicker, I like my buttons to be a medium size. As for anything like it, do a search for "Tuk" on wowinterface and usually you can find a lot of similar offshoot versions of the UI, maybe find one that is supported. Otherwise just check out the compositions page.

One I hear is pretty good is LUI.


Back before I customized my UI using various mods (Dominos for the bars), I used a small one called TidyBar. It basically takes the original UI designs and shrinks it down so it's much easier to use. The three main bars are consolidated into the bottom center, side bars act like normal, and the menu/bag/etc buttons are in a little hidden box in the bottom right that pops out when you hover near it. I like it, since it does not try to look all space-age and keeps the wow aesthetic, I mostly stopped using it because it lacks the ability to customize.


If you want to build your own, I always recommend Dominos for the action bars. Unit panels are a little hard for me to recommend because I don't use any new ones, I just use the new built in tools to move around the existing panels, and even that is only really for organization, since I use TidyPlates for knowing my enemies health and HealBot for knowing my allies (and my own).
I used a bunch of apps, the only one I would never want to be without is voodoo, which is why healing in swtor still makes me cry.
I don't think I've ever really found anything to be truly necessary aside from a threat monitor of some sort, coordinates when questing, Bartender, and my Nostromo. Even Healbot seemed a little over-the-top to me when I was (very briefly) raid healing Naxx back in early WotLK. Sure, there were plenty of things I had at one point or another, like FlightTime to tell me how much longer it was going to take for me to finish my flight from UC to Stranglethorn, or an XP calculator to tell me how many more kills I needed to my next level, or Scrolling Combat Text to augment the existing combat notifications, but I never found any of them to be downright necessities.

You know how I know I'm truly hooked on WoW? Even talking about which addons I use makes me want to go home and play some, even though I'm pretty much just killing time until my beta invite arrives (which may be a while yet, if Shego just got hers last week, and she's been around longer than I have by at least a couple years).
Beta is massively disappointing to me for a few reasons Gared and if I were you, I'd feel pretty good about not being in it yet.

#1 Monk is nowhere near ready for the big time. Missing entire talents, most of it's current abilities way out of whack (the very first AoE tanking ability it gets doesn't even create threat) and alot of animations are either missing or jerky. Monk is at least 5 updates away from being a real class.

#2 Panderan is maybe 60% ready. No voiced characters at all. Not a single Panderan npc in the game has a voice at the moment. There are missing animations, jerky animations and clipping animations. You can't even fully create/customize them yet. No racial mounts etc etc.

#3 The 1-10 Pandean island isn't complete. Some of the biggest cut scenes aren't implemented and all you get is "filler text" telling you what is supposed to be happening. Alot of the ambient sounds are missing and the good music is maybe 2 songs tops.

#4 500k people on 4 servers. I don't have to tell you the nightmare that's like at the moment.

#5 Even with all those people on 4 servers, there's next to none in the 18-80 level gap. So if you had plans on playing a monk from 1-85 and seeing how it grows, not only is the class not finished, you're going to be doing it solo.

-- I have no coment on the island of Panderia itself as I'm leaving ALL of that to be "fresh" for me when the xpac comes out, but I can imagine it's not fully ready either. So really Gared, you're missing more of a headache than fun at this point. A few builds from now though? When it's almost ready for release? That's when the Beta will be interesting to play.
Yes we are still in "Phase 1", you have to go in expecting to see a the bones for the most part, it will take some time before the real meat comes out.
Beta is massively disappointing to me for a few reasons Gared and if I were you, I'd feel pretty good about not being in it yet.

#1 Monk is nowhere near ready for the big time. Missing entire talents, most of it's current abilities way out of whack (the very first AoE tanking ability it gets doesn't even create threat) and alot of animations are either missing or jerky. Monk is at least 5 updates away from being a real class.

#2 Panderan is maybe 60% ready. No voiced characters at all. Not a single Panderan npc in the game has a voice at the moment. There are missing animations, jerky animations and clipping animations. You can't even fully create/customize them yet. No racial mounts etc etc.

#3 The 1-10 Pandean island isn't complete. Some of the biggest cut scenes aren't implemented and all you get is "filler text" telling you what is supposed to be happening. Alot of the ambient sounds are missing and the good music is maybe 2 songs tops.

#4 500k people on 4 servers. I don't have to tell you the nightmare that's like at the moment.

#5 Even with all those people on 4 servers, there's next to none in the 18-80 level gap. So if you had plans on playing a monk from 1-85 and seeing how it grows, not only is the class not finished, you're going to be doing it solo.

-- I have no coment on the island of Panderia itself as I'm leaving ALL of that to be "fresh" for me when the xpac comes out, but I can imagine it's not fully ready either. So really Gared, you're missing more of a headache than fun at this point. A few builds from now though? When it's almost ready for release? That's when the Beta will be interesting to play.
Oh, I'm sure. I'm not really complaining about not having my beta invite yet - I'm just bored of Cata and didn't get in to the D3 beta either, so I'm just killing time waiting for something to do in the meantime. I don't know that you could pay me enough to be involved in the beta this early on. I was in the WotLK beta pretty early and I remember the hell that was attempting to get DKs through their starting zone with a lot of the same issues.
Right now I am holding off on the beta till we get a bit more changes to talents through and things like pet battles. I only quested in the Jade Forest and am leaving the rest alone, just to have areas that will suprise me. I am focusing mostly on just general mechanic changes for my bug reports, I am sure some of the other 100s of thousands of players will be able to get the visual and zone bugs.

In the meantime, I decided to play my NE DK in the lower level battlegrounds. I must admit Shego, get a blood DK with a healer and you are nearly unstoppable in the middle brackets. Got 30 killing blows in one game, a new record for me (old record was 27 or so on my mage), though that was mostly because the Horde got cocky and kept rushing my position one after another without grouping together while the healer kept me topped off. Sadly the rest of my team was not so great, and we lost because no other bases could be held.
Oh I know what that's like. I was an ENH shaman when WF could proc off itself on a 2h weapon. I was also a Ret Paladin at the start of Wrath. However sadly, as I mentioned before, my WoW PVP days are behind me. Whenever I'm forced into PVP I use my rogue or Mage simply because I like popping in, killing a High Value target (healer/ccer etc) and getting out without dying.
You know, more and more often these days I find myself missing the old days of PvP in WoW; back when AV matches could take days (or at least hours) and people actually tried to do something other than rush through and kill the captain then head for the general. <sigh> ah, memory...
Old days of PVP for me were more fun (because I played the OP class) but also at the same time a nightmare. 3 solid months of 12+hrs of pure PVP just to hit High Warlord..... I had no life for sure. I have no idea how that girl stayed with me during that time. All it was from me was wakeup, game, sex, game, food, game, sleep repeat for over 90 days.
Old days of PVP for me were more fun (because I played the OP class) but also at the same time a nightmare. 3 solid months of 12+hrs of pure PVP just to hit High Warlord..... I had no life for sure. I have no idea how that girl stayed with me during that time. All it was from me was wakeup, game, sex, game, food, game, sleep repeat for over 90 days.
That, with a few hours each morning of search for jobs, retweak resume, submit resume pretty much sums up my unemployment - it just happened to come after they nerfed the fun out of PvP. I have all of these achievements that I'll never complete for PvP on my main, because who the hell is ever going to amass all of the loot drops for AV turn ins when a battle lasts all of about 12 minutes, and that's only if someone screws up and resets the general? And furthermore, who's actually having fun with a battle like that? The only thing you're proving is that your side can run in a straight line and get enough people to the NPC to keep the tank alive for the 20 or 30 seconds it takes to drop the boss. Give me a good old fashioned clusterfuck at the bridge any day.
The thing about it though was I *had* to play that many hours a day to keep up against the competition. You could lose your rank from week to week and to go up in rank you had to have more honor than anyonelse. On my server I was competing against Honor Farm bots and friends who took turns taking shifts on singular characters.

I eventually helped establish a political system for "granting" ranks. We were the "1%" and we controlled who got what rank what week. Sure some rogue person could try and shift it, but we controlled the top 5 ranks by having the most played characters at that time. My problem was I didn't trust anyone enough to know my personal details so I did all my grinding solo....
and people actually tried to do something other than rush through and kill the captain then head for the general. <sigh> ah, memory...
AV is not really like that though, not as much as you think. It's more a mix now from the old slower days and the general race days before they added reinforcements.

Yes, the beginning is still a race to the general, but that is only because if the two factions hit eachother head-on, you may get stuck in a 40 minute back and forth slugathon that goes nowhere until one side or the other hits the reinforcement limit.

The rest of the game is about sending teams around and back to retake the towers, while making sure you have enough sitting in the towers to defend them from the enemy doing the same thing. Every tower that is alive adds both a guardian and health to the final boss, and only after at least two towers are down do you have any chance of actually killing the boss, thus why it's very important to retake your own towers while guarding the ones you attempt to destroy.

A lot of the PVP happens in this area, as groups move around while the major force prepares in the enemy base. It is rarely a pure race, unless you get a really sucky team, since the team that does the recap process is the one most likely to win. If you bum rush the boss and ignore towers you pretty much lose.
That may happen in the middle brackets where you are right now, but as recently as last fall I moved my main to a new server and faction and decided to take him from his blues and greens from questing to full purple healing PvP gear, and with the exception of 5 or 6 battles in AV, every. single. battle was either "kill the captain then demolish the general" or straight-out "zerg the general and fail."
That may happen in the middle brackets where you are right now, but as recently as last fall I moved my main to a new server and faction and decided to take him from his blues and greens from questing to full purple healing PvP gear, and with the exception of 5 or 6 battles in AV, every. single. battle was either "kill the captain then demolish the general" or straight-out "zerg the general and fail."
Nope, I play my warrior, mage, and now druid pretty much entirely through PVP in the end game brackets, and unless it is a premade using AVenabler, you still have to handle the towers, otherwise you will wipe. Every other attempt ended with the tank dying, everyone else dying, and a graveyard jump all the way back to our base, at which point it would devolve into the bridge war or IBGY war, depending on which side wiped it.

Out of all the AVs I have played since the beginning of this year (hundreds) I have only had the zerg be successful once, and have never had the other team successfully zerg our general. This count both low brackets, mid brackets, high brackets, and endgame brackets.
Maybe I'm just stuck in a really shitty battlegroup then, because it seems like every stinkin' battle I'm in, half the people are screaming "zerg Van" or "zerg (Horde General)", another ten or so are all about dropping the captain and then running down to the general, and maybe 10 seem to grasp that if you don't drop some towers along the way, we're screwed - and then the other side wins while everyone bitches that we lost because we didn't follow their set of orders.

Edit: Though I'd have to say then that I've been stuck in two really shitty battlegroups, because my server transfer took me out of Emberstorm and dropped me in Cyclone, and there's little to no difference in behavior.

Edit redux: And now that I think of it, Reckoning wasn't much better.
Guess who just got their BETA INVITE?

I'm not sure I want to do it, though, or just wait for release. I kinda want everything to be new and fresh when it finally comes out.
So, who has a scroll for me?

My research paper is probably going to be done a whole month ahead of schedule, which means I may actually have 2 months of summer.
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