Wow. The things you find.

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Staff member
I routinely check the new users history online to see if they are spammers, etc. Standard practice.

I did a Google search for one of our newest members and one of the forums they have been seen at is a survivalist site I'm not going to link.

Frightening site. The world is ending and they can help you prepare. They have interesting categories like:

Be Prepared: Discuss the methods of preparation, how to prepare, and what you need to do to survive when it all collapses.
Guns and Ammo: Discussions about the firearms that you'll need to defend yourself, your family, and your property.
Urban Survival: So, you're stuck in a city. Discuss tips and topics related to survival when living on the land is not an option.



Staff member
Just sounds like good sense to me. America's looking at governmental and societal collapse within our lifetime, after all.


Just sounds like good sense to me. America's looking at governmental and societal collapse within our lifetime, after all.

"...Well he'd better keep his hands off these bananas. Gonna need them when the radiation turns us all into monkeys."

Dumbass alarmists.


So... you do a "background check" on all new people?

That's aint creepy at all.... >.>


Staff member
Hello, kid.

Say, I'm currently doin' a little post-apocalyptic storytelling á la Book of Eli... Got any tips you could throw my way?


Staff member
Just sounds like good sense to me. America's looking at governmental and societal collapse within our lifetime, after all.
Please, they've been saying that ever since the wagon trains started piling up on the Pacific shore...

---------- Post added at 09:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

Ranger missed the joke.


Forgive me, I must now commit nerd seppuku. *stabs himself with a pencil*


Staff member
So... you do a "background check" on all new people?

That's aint creepy at all.... >.>
I do a cursory search on their names. A couple of times it's thrown up red SPAMMER flags. A lot of time a new account won't be flagged on the spamwatch websites because the name or IP they are using is too new. If I do a search for the name and they show up on 20+ forums then it's probably a spammer. And I only do it for new people who post and the post is difficult to read or nonsensical.

If you did this for a month you'd end up doing the same thing.


Staff member
Oh, and I didn't link directly because I didn't want them to get a bunch of traffic from here and start to get curious. I'm not exactly the most anonymous guy on the internet.
What's wrong with survivalism? Unlikely as it might be for such a total societal collapse to happen suddenly, these guys will be laughing to our graves if the worst happens.

*Goes to re-watch Jericho*
I imagine, in the face of total societal collapse, that 95% of these people will be too terrified and weak-willed to do 5% of the things they talk about on the internet.
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