WTF? Is this CRAZY WEEK?!?

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I agree completley. Everone I know, including myself, is drowning in some kind of personal/issue drama shitstorm right now.

I'm glad it's everywhere though. A friend and I were joking last night that it had something to do with the large box of OLD transformers we acquired on the cheap. It's like everything went downhill after we got it.

Kitty Sinatra

It's November. The dreariest month of the year. This should be totally expected

Past November dreariness: JFK assassinated (Nov 22); Gruebeard born (also Nov 22). It's all a part of the conspiracy.
Apparently the local crapiness started on Halloween night around here, when a police officer was shot to death while sitting in his car with a rookie officer following a traffic stop. Add in the fact that today, as the officer's memorial was wrapping up SPD officers following up on a lead regarding the first officer's shooting chased and shot a man who fled from them with a gun drawn.

Though the best thing I have heard in weeks came from the audio clip from the memorial service the news radio station I listen to played, from the slain officer's best friend and former partner (quoted because I can't link to it and spoilered for potential general emotional overloadness).

\"I remember one night we had pulled this guy over, I can't even remember why, and it turned out that he had a warrant. Tim (the officer who was killed) said 'I'm sorry, but you have a warrant.' The guy hung his head a little while I started putting the cuffs on, when Tim said 'But I have some good news.' The guy looked up at Tim like he'd just said cookie to a puppy, and Tim said 'I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.' The guy yelled at Tim 'Man, that's cold,' and sat down in the back seat. I was laughing so hard I couldn't drive for a couple of minutes, and we giggled all the way back to the jail. Even the suspect was laughing by the time we got there.\"

Aside from that, I'm fairly certain my fiance has that there pig flu everyone's so up in arms about, and I worry about her health (and mine).
Ame seems to be slightly on the wasted side of things :-P

Anyway, yeah, things suck right now.
And that tim thing is just plain cold, man. Hilarious, but cold.
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