Someone on guild Mumble was complaining how they couldn't fly through the portal to get back.The server I was on crashed as I was doing the preliminary garrison quests. Now I'm back in Pandaria with no apparent way back while people in trade chat lol about having their garrison hearthstones.
Just as I post this I find the tiny dark portal.
Well, they kind of already had that in Pandarea with the gardening. That was basically farmville in WoW.This expansion is excellent stuff so far, and despite the freemium feel, the garrison is a fun time sink (also, they don't sell blizzbucks to speed shit up).
Silly Poe, you should have taken a swim speed potion before handSo, here's a weird bug I encountered. I took a wind rider on a new alt of mine, and instead of getting onto the back of a wyvern, I instead slowly swam through the air.
I'm still swimming as I type this, slowly going towards my destination.
This is going to take awhile...