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Why did nobody remind me that "A Dance With Dragons" came out this week?!? You fuckers failed me!

Prepare for your demise!
BTW, no spoilers, but do they by any chance reveal Jon Snow's mother? Saw some stuff on the around that was a confirmation of my suspicions, but i stop reading at once because of the spoiler potential.
Dave, your 4e nerd rage in that other thread reminded me, I think you'd really like the pnp rpg Pendragon. You play as a line of knights in service to Camelot, one heir at a time. Your characters are expected to die, either at war or of old age.

There's an official campaign for it that's 90 sessions long that takes place over the course of 90 years.
I gave you your copy on the 12th Dave, it's in your bathroom, on the toilet, underneath your hat. And your glasses are on your head.

Senility folks, it ain't pretty.

I have 3 chapters left and have seen strong hints to the popular theory, but nothing really flat out. It may pop up in the last 3 chapters though, who knows. Though you do find out reasons behind some events of the past.


Sadly, I don't feel like this book was worth waiting 6 years for. Less happens than in a middle of the series WoT book I swear to god. I can see the potential for bad ass in the next book mind you, but this book is just more set up.
(Maybe this thread should be moved and renamed, unless we just want to make a new one for Dance in the Media forum)

I have 3 chapters left and have seen strong hints to the popular theory, but nothing really flat out. It may pop up in the last 3 chapters though, who knows. Though you do find out reasons behind some events of the past.
Funny thing is that i haven't read the books (when my friend recommended it to me the show was already in the planning stages, and LotR taught me that reading the books [after i saw the 1st film] will just make me nitpick the show to death and enjoy it less), but i did read the description of the Starks on wiki and seeing how Jon came to Winterfell him being a you know what was my 1st thought... and i didn't even know the other details before seeing the show and reading up on the dead during rebellion Starks ...

Plus, reading a series while it's not finish just leads to pointless stress...
Wait, so is this the spoiler thread now, or no?

Anyone else think that the introduction of "young griff" was a bit sudden? I know there's been a few hints in previous books, but this still felt a little abrupt
Well i didn't say anything that would be on the back of the book as an introduction to it... and Dei said even less, i don;t know why spoiler tags where even used in his/her post there.
Looking over Wikipedia:

"After A Storm of Swords was completed in 2000, Martin began writing A Dance with Dragons, the intended fourth volume which would pick up the story five years after the previous volume. Martin found it difficult to make this work without an over-reliance on flashbacks. At the World Science Fiction Convention in Philadelphia on 1 September 2001, Martin announced that he was scrapping more than a year's work and writing a different fourth book that would fill in the gap, named A Feast for Crows. He found it extremely difficult to go back and start again, especially as this novel was not planned for in his scheme for the series, and work on the book progressed slowly.

y May 2005, A Feast for Crows had become longer than A Storm of Swords (the manuscript for which had been 1521 pages) and Martin's publishers said they could not publish the book in one volume.[16] They suggested splitting the book in two and releasing the volumes as A Feast for Crows, Volume I and A Feast for Crows, Volume II, but Martin was unhappy with this idea. After discussing the matter with his publishers and his friend and fellow writer Daniel Abraham, Martin decided to split the book by character and location instead. The published A Feast for Crows thus contained all of the characters in the South of the Seven Kingdoms, while A Dance with Dragons contains the characters in the North, the Free Cities and in Slaver's Bay."

No wonder it took so long. There were two books there he never intended to even write, and probably by dividing it geographically instead of chronologically made it so he had to fit things for the 5th book to the 4th rather than just continuing along and having the freedom to change some things if needed from effects happening concurrently elsewhere.

I imagine the next two books will go along more quickly and smoothly for him to write since he'll be going to back to the usual structure. Apparently he's already written 100 pages of book 6. So hopefully it won't be another incredible wait.
Once I read Dance, I could see exactly what writer's blocked him so bad. (Also, 100 pages of Book 6 means NOTHING, he had a shit load of content done for Dance going into it. The man is totally perfectionist to a fault, and he could just as easily throw all that written material away if he randomly decides he hates it.)
Once I read Dance, I could see exactly what writer's blocked him so bad. (Also, 100 pages of Book 6 means NOTHING, he had a shit load of content done for Dance going into it. The man is totally perfectionist to a fault, and he could just as easily throw all that written material away if he randomly decides he hates it.)
I don't blame him; plenty of writers reach a point in their narrative where they think up a better idea than they'd planned and need to go back and change everything leading up to there.

Nonetheless, I have a strong feeling the next two books will not be the challenge this was because of returning to form AND since that's where he wanted to start things in the first place, and only did books 4 and 5 because he didn't like telling all this stuff in flashbacks.
5 years forward from Storm of Swords. So just measure how much time has passed since the end of Dance, and subtract that from 5.

Unless he's changed his over-arching plan.
Well, the first 4 books happened over the course of 2 years and Dance is more or less in the same timeframe as Feast plus a few months, so if Winds is 5 years forward from Storm, it's still basically going to be 3-4 years forward from Dance.

So Jon's (presumed) salvation is going to happen in flashback?
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