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Your Favourite Games




Spewing out of the the Final Fantasy thread, I'm curious about some of people's favourite games and why. Any system, any era, etc.

Some of mine, in no particular order:

1) Final Fantasy IV: Final Fantasy I was the first RPG that I played, but this one endeared me in every possible way. The characters, the story, everything just fit together perfectly for me. I have never gotten tired of playing it.

2) Civilization: Specifically, Civ IV these days, but I've probably clocked the most amount of hours in this series than any other. Just one more turn...just one more turn...

3) Gabriel Knight (Sins of the Father): I basically grew up on PC adventure games. They're likely my favourite game genre, to be honest. But Gabriel Knight, especially the first one? Man, I must've played and replayed that so many times. I love the story, characters, mythology, setting, everything.

4) Full Throttle: Any of the LucasArts adventure games could easily go here, but for some reason, Full Throttle always comes to mind first, for me. I think it was the wickedly awesome soundtrack. But really, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango. Any of them could easily be here, too.

5) WWF No Mercy: I'm loving Smackdown 2010, but for the longest time, I thought No Mercy was the best wrestling game. I clocked in so many hours making my own characters and such. And speaking of the N64...

6) Conker's Bad Fur Day: Just pure fun from beginning to end. The jokes were hilarious, the gameplay never got boring and the movie references were awesome. Top notch.

7) Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past): I'd played the other two on NES, but I loved this one most of all. I really didn't dig the later Zelda games, like on 64 and on.

8) Chrono Trigger: Sadly, I never played this on SNES; just an emmulator. But goddamn, I love this game. I keep meaning to go back and try playing it again for all the different endings.

9) Saints Row 2: This is basically how I wish the Grand Theft Auto games would be: fun, over the top and not taking itself even a bit seriously. Basically, a lot like the earlier GTA games.

10) Turtles in Time: If it wasn't adventure games I grew up on, it was arcade beat-em-ups like this. Every Sunday, after church, my parents would go to the flea market. I'd fly through it, looking at the tables briefly. Then my dad would give me $2 to play games in the arcade until they were done. And man, I loved those 4-player clusterfricks.

Honorable mentions: Deja Vu, Shadowgate, Noctropolis, Nightshade, Prototype, Dead Rising, Battletoads.

EDIT: Crap, I knew I forgot something. Half-Life 2 and its (thus far) two episodic sequels would be very high somewhere on this list, too.




I don't get to play many games, but here are a few things I've enjoyed:

1. Elder Scrolls III and IV
2. Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
3. Team Fortress 2
4. Portal
5. Final Fantasy Tactics
6. Mario RPG
7. Chrono Trigger
8. Mario 3
9. I've played a little bit of Fable 2 at Jake's house, and I like it.




Oh geez... there's so many games... but to choose the cream of the crop? I'm choosing the best games based on one thing... how it entertained me and was able to draw me back to PLAYING them again. Example : Super Mario is an awesome game and did wonder to the game industry and is probably the best game EVER but under my bar, it's GOOD but not MY favorite game.

Here's a TOP 20 (originally a 10 but comon, doesn't do it justice)

20. Assassin's Creed 2 - They took what needed to be improved in the first game and made everything better. Except the difficulty. Far too easy. What I loved most was the MAGNIFICENT WORK on Florence and Venice... which I visited last year. It felt surreal to revisit the same places and climb them while looking at it as a game. I closed my map and navigated the streets and honestly, 3 blocks down, turn left, 2 blocks, turn right and bam, I walked these streets in RL! WOW.

19. Uncharted Waters 2 - Naval trading RPG on the SNES by Koei. Sounds like a weird RPG but seriously, it had DAYS of gameplay, 6 different characters and a storyline that was really cool.

18. Odium - RPG/ Tactical Horror. You probably never heard of this... too bad for you. Storyline is great. Music is probably top 5 of all time in games.

17. Xenogears - Need to replay this great RPG... only not on the slow as molasses PS2. This game had possibly one of the best storylines ever... the mechanics of the game? Brilliant.

16. Jagged Alliance 2 - I wish this game was modded like crazy with new scenarios but alas nothing. Great gameplay. Company sucks though, they have been unable to make a good sequel since it came out in the 90ies.

15. Romance of the 3 Kingdoms (series) - My favorite is by far the 3rd though other versions like 2, 7,8 and 11 hold great gameplay though always halfassed efforts from Koei. I love the books, I love the movies, the TV shows, heck, I even have a Zhang Fei figurine on my desk.

14. Lufia (1 and 2) - Great RPGs on the SNES. The music fucken ROCKS!!! Combat is solid, storyline is pretty decent.

13. Bioshock - A distant cousin to System Shock 2. It's a solid game though FARRRRR TOOOOOO EASY. Good story but please.... the sequel wasn't anywhere as good. Oh... and EVENNNNNN EASIERRRRR. But it was gorgeous. Did I mention it was easy as fuck?

12. Dead Space - Firstly, System Shock 2 did it better. Though this game is brilliant. And I can safely say that I have in actuality shat my pants while playing it. I actually ran from battle few times like a French soldier. Oh... I made up for it and finished it on Insane.

11. Elder Scrolls 3 & 4 - Fantastic series. Honestly, you can play this for months without seeing it all. I think I finished Oblivion and visited every single place in the game and the expect and probably played over 200+ hours.

10. Left 4 Dead - Great experiences in COOP. Though, 2nd one is better mechanically I still love the first better.

9. Military Madness - Most of you won't know this game. It's a turn based strategy on the TG16. Fantastic game. Remake has been done recently... DOES NOT DO IT JUSTICE.

8. Final Fantasy 6 - Yeah, I said this many times. Best of the FF series.

7. NHL 94 - Why 94? Because it was the first game you could play 4 players in this game. Do you have ANY idea how often I took Gretzky's head off? The series has had its ups and down but still has been a yearly choice for me. Still play regularly with my buddies on my old systems along with the new NHLs as well as NHL Hits 2005 if one of us cannot make it.

6. KOTOR (1 and 2) - So... many choices... if you wanted to be a fucken asshole, this game did it for you with style. Bioware games are fucken awesome. Can't wait for their MMO, doesn't look like it'll suck a dick. Oh and quotes like this give the game great replay value:

Canderous: "Remember, we're talking about the Force here. At this point, Malak himself could drop out of the sky, and I wouldn't bat an eyelash."

HK-47: I'm 98% percent sure this miniature organic meatbag wants you to help find his fellow miniature organic meatbags.
Revan: And the other 2 percent?
HK-47: The other 2 percent is that he is just looking for trouble and needs to be blasted, but that might be wishful thinking from my part.

I hope whoever wrote this material is driving an expensive sports car right now, he/she earned it.

5. Mass Effect (1 and 2) - The 2nd being the better game. Let's be honest, it's a damn shame to have this game in 5th place, in fact, even an insult to some but my top 4 cannot be moved. I love this game... it came out when? January? I've finished this game 5 times already. I've done it all... even Jack. When the fuck is the 3rd one coming out???

4. Pirates - The original. Sure, the remakes are great and I still play that one that came out in 2004 or so. I don't know.... something about this game is awesome. Every replay is totally different in a vast open non-linear game mode that puts you out there and build your dynasty.

3. Chrono Trigger - I was barely a teen when this game came out. I turned down the offer of getting my first handjob ever from a hot portuguese girl in favor of this game. I will not deny my geekness but trust me, I made up for it later and got far more than a simple handjob. Thus you heard from me first, Chrono Trigger.... better than a handjob. The numerous combos and the storyline of this game was amazing. From what I read, it was a production of a Japanese video game dev all-star team. Goddamn this game was sweet.

2. Baldur's Gate 2 - I spoke to some of my D&D buddies the other night and came THIS close to losing a lot of respect for someone who's most likely reading this. :) This game is the epitome of awesomeness. There's no reason a person who's a fan of RPGs has not played this game and all its expansions. BG1 gets honorable mentions as well. I probably played this game 10+ times completely.

1. System Shock 2 - There's no denying it. This game is vastly unknown to the masses of the mundane but every single time I took the time to burn the game for someone and shown it to them... it changed them. Sure, games like Dead Space are great but give those bells and whistles to SS2 and you'll have the best Sci-Fi RPG/FPS Horror gendre you'll ever play. The concept of being stuck in a ship and the point of it is to BE VERY CONSERVATIVE with your VERY LIMITED ammo is great. No other game has gotten back to this... Bioshock was neat but a distant cousin to this great game. Oh, I love playing this game coop and on impossible mode. I've been looking for a partner in crime and of you guys interested?




Great list, man. I haven't even played half of those, I don't think. Damnit, I forgot Pirates, as well. Though, honestly, I could probably say say "Sid Meier" games and be happy. Pirates, Masters of Orion, etc.

One of these days, I need to give Dead Space a second chance. I honestly wasn't crazy about it. It wasn't all that scary for me. To be honest, it felt like...I don't know...space whack-a-mole. I could pretty much tell exactly when and where a monster was going to pop up. I've probably watched and played too many horror movies and games.




Which ones Nick? Which ones did you not play?

Sid Meier makes great games. To be honest 20 games is far too limiting.

Oh and Dead Space? What difficulty? How far in? My first gameplay was on hard.... it was HARD. I can tell you this game has many ways to show your dude getting sliced the fuck up. Even in death you are entertained.




I honestly didn't get too far into Dead Space. It just didn't hold my interest. I think because a co-worker kept going on about how scary it was and...it just wasn't for me. In fact, as far as the horror genre goes (even space horror, like Aliens), I thought it was pretty cliche. I'd see where one of the baddies would pop up from a mile away, so when they did finally pop up (out of a grate or playing possum on the floor), it was just "Okay, here we go and up and zap and down." Like I said: space whack-a-mole.

Sid Meier's games? I'm not sure what ones I've not played. The ones I mentioned (Civ, MOO, Pirates) are the only ones that come to mind, off the top of my head. Wasn't there some kind of wizardry kind of game like Masters of Orion? Loved that one, too.




Here we go, top 10. Not sure how close the order is since it's hard for me to really pick and choose ultimate favorites, especially since the list is a little diverse.

1. Chronotrigger
2. Tie Fighter
3. Final Fantasy Tactics
4. Morrowind
5. Diablo 2
6. Master of Magic
7. Super Smash Brothers Brawl (simply because it's the one video game my wife and I can play together)
8. Perfect Dark (multiplayer)
9. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
10. Warlords 2




Civilization IV
Fallout 2
Baldur's gate 2
Mass effect 1 & 2
Dawn of war 2
Deus EX

so many more i forget




Allright my favorites have to be

1. Kotor - meatbag
2. Zelda Ocarina of Time - the first zelda game I played. The music and all the diverse lands just made it an incredible game.
3. Mario Kart - me and my friends will still play the 64 version when they come over. I love racing games and when playing with other people it cant be beat
4. Conkers bad fur day - the enemies were hilarious. It spoofed on everything. I still quote it sometimes though few ever get the reference.
5. Tony Hawks Pro skater 2 for dreamcast - I liked the music the gameplay was fun and the controls amazing. I am so tempted to go and buy a dreamcast just to play this game again.
6. Soul Caliber 2 - I played this for days and I still dont know why I love it so much.
7. Kingdom Hearts - cool worlds and the ability to build awesome gummi ships. my friend and I had built tons of star wars ships and then the goofiest flying contraptions we could think of. I just wish flying them was a little more important for the game.
8. Rogue Squadron - speaking of flying games, this one is definitely up there with the best.
9. DDRmax ps2 - Good mix of songs and always a good workout.
10. Mario Party - the original where stealing from other players was common place and friendships almost didnt last the night.
11. Resident Evil 4. It was a close one between this and RE2. 4 is just a perfect culmination of gameplay and making you have to be fearless to get through it. RE2 will still hold a place in my nightmares for those damn lickers.
12. Super mario brothers 3 - Great game. Loved beating up the koopa kids.

There are my favorites. I like having different varieties of games to choose from and these represent them so well.


Philosopher B.

Army Men II





5. Mass Effect (1 and 2) - The 2nd being the better game. Let's be honest, it's a damn shame to have this game in 5th place, in fact, even an insult to some but my top 4 cannot be moved. I love this game... it came out when? January? I've finished this game 5 times already. I've done it all... even Jack. When the fuck is the 3rd one coming out???
I hear you man... I have played through this game at least 5 times... setting up all my possible save games for Mass Effect 3. Different romance arcs, paragon vs renegade karma, massively different choices on saving the world. I am so stoked for Mass Effect 3. I even played through the first Mass Effect multiple times to get different story options for the second one :).

Other games I really enjoyed:

Dragon Age Origins:
This is what fantasy role playing games are supposed to be like... story and character driven... and I think this game delivers. I played through it multiple times too to see what all the origin stories were like as well. Basically I this is one of the few RPGS that I think measures up to Baldur's Gate II (another game I love and have played to death)

This little known game was a gem of the time. It is an adventure RPG type game set in medieval Germany with great combat rules and a non-linear plot allowing you to do pretty much whatever you want whenever you want. It can get a little repetitive late game but I spent many MANY hours on this great little game. It absolutely requires the most up to date patches though as the game was released in a super buggy state.

Master of Orion
Master of Magic
Sins of a Solar Empire
Fallout 1, 2 and 3
Doom 2
Duke Nukem 3D
X Wing vs Tie Fighter (I don't think they've made a star wars flight sim game as good as this one to date).
The Ultima games (from 4 to 7 plus both underworlds)

There's plenty of others but these are the ones that jump out to me at the moment.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight


Final Fantasy Tactics
Resident Evil 4
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Shadow of the Colossus
Chrono Trigger


Left 4 Dead
Super Smash Bros. Melee




I hate ranking things, so I'll go by genre.

Adventure game: Grim Fandango
2D Platformer: Super Mario World
3D Platformer: Psychonauts
Strategy: Master of Orion 2
RPG: Planescape Torment
Action RPG: X-men Legends 1 & 2
Sports: Super Dodge Ball
Beat-em-up: TMNT IV: Turtles in Time




Impossible to list favorites in any order so I'll try my best (Also know that I'm doing some VERY drastic cuts for size sake)

Final Fantasy Tactics (as seen in the Final Fantasy thread)

Xenogears (Easily one of the best storylines and characters of any RPG out there)

Lunar Silver Star/Eternal Blue (A storyline for the ages, characters you feel for genuinely, villains with real purpose and feeling. Simplistic but not boring gameplay. Amazing game. Easily one of my favorite.

Fallout 3 (Everything great about the post-apocolypse era of gameplay, while keeping a 50s feel? Fantastic music? Amazing RPG/FPS gameplay? Insane customizations and a mod community that puts most developtment companies to shame? Yeah it's a favorite)

Uncharted Waters 2 (Wow Jay, I can't believe I'm not the only one here that played the hell out of that game. The premise sounds boring as all sense would dictate but wow, the game addicted me to no end. Catalina ftw!)

Team Fortress 2, L4D1&2, WoW, UO, EQ, FFXI (MMOs, the bane and reason for my existance.)

These are off the top of my head... give me a few hours and I'll come up with more for sure.




No attempt at order/ranking. I'm just gonna stream 'em off as they come to mind.

Myst/Riven - Seriously, the first game(s) that made me wish I could hurry up and get done with work so I could get back home and play them. The environment is pretty small, but the scope is just outstanding. I only list the first couple of games on purpose, I wasn't as impressed with the Journeyman Project-style play of the later sequels, they seemed far more contrived and were nowhere near as immersive and mind-blowing as the first two.

Master of Orion/MoO II - The original MoO got me started, but MoO II perfected the formula that kept me coming back again and again--so much so that I actually tracked down the Mac ports of the games so that I could play them on more of my computers. My father's life has never been the same since he was introduced to the game. In fact, he has played MoO II almost exclusively every day for the past 15 years. The man has some serious patience. Of course, he did raise me, so that's pretty much a given. I tried MoO3. It sucked. I have SoaSE, just haven't installed it yet to know personally whether it is indeed the spiritual successor.

Starflight - My first 'serious' game at a time when I was experimenting with things like Space Quest, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Dark Castle, and the like. No game I have ever played since Starflight has had a larger game world, more to explore, just been that freakin' huge.

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors - I have all the AoE games (finally picked up AoM today, in fact! (but haven't played it yet)), and even though AoE3 may be the prettiest of the bunch, AoE2 is the one that still gets dusted off the most. The expansion fixed pretty much everything that was annoying about the original (Farm queues!), and the random map generator means there is plenty of replayability (v. CPU or v. Human).

Thief/Thief II - Still the most exciting, adrenaline-filled game I've ever played. Skulking, hiding, trying to line up the perfect shot, getting jumped by zombies, feeling my heart pound in my ears. The only game I've played in full (4.1) surround to really heighten the experience. And oh, does it ever. When someone jumps out from behind you, they really jump out from behind you. I think Yahtzee does a pretty good review of what makes this game so good.

Diablo/Diablo II - Games which caused me to truck my entire desktop (and accompanying 20in monitor) over to friends' houses in order to properly LAN together and defeat the forces of darkness. Plenty of replayability on the quest for loot. Even bought a second copy of the game just so I could have another computer to join the game and pass items back and forth between my characters.

Dungeon Siege - Linear? Yes. Diablo clone? Yes. But it was the first game that really took (pretty good) advantage of my 3D goggles. Pretty. And a big improvement over Darkstone, too. Never played DSII, but I understand they were pretty similar.

Starcraft(and Warcraft III) - Kept me busy for years mining minerals and gas. Filled my heart with gladness every time I swarmed a bunch of siege tanks up to the enemy's base. Pro tip: When playing as Terran, make sure you are using a subwoofer. Tanks are awesome with a subwoofer. Starcraft II sits unopened, gotta wait until I upgrade my computer to play it properly (plus there's that brand new AoM I mentioned earlier). Warcraft III was also pretty entertaining, but I lost the discs (and therefore the CD key) not that far into it, so it hasn't been used in a quite a while. I know they're around here somewhere, will pick it back up (some day).

Dungeon Keeper I/II - Fun. Fun! Twisted fun with a fun twist. Turns the whole notion of the dungeon crawl on its head. Also playable as a FPS, if you decide to control your minions directly. This has the added advantage of making that minion about 5x more useful, too.

Black and White - A special case. I have never played this game further than the tutorial, but it is still one of the most entertaining games I've played. So much promise. Even the tutorial is full of plenty of quests and such. If there were some way to remove the overdependence on pet combat, it would probably still be on my computer instead of packed away.

Plants vs. Zombies - More fun than Peggle. More fun than a lot of things these days. Plenty of variety and a good TD game to boot. Also, I hate Gargantuars. Especially the super Gargantuar red-eyed ones.

Morrowind - Already mentioned by many, this is another one that really makes me glad I have a set of 3D goggles (even with the drawbacks). Plenty of backstory and some downright awesome graphics kept me coming back and staying up late for about a month straight.

Shadow of the Colossus - The whole reason I finally purchased a PS2. It manipulates my endocrine system about as masterfully as Thief did, but in a totally different way.

SSX: Tricky - This game is just . It's also one that I can pick up for a quick 20min of play and put it back down again without feeling like I've left something important unfinished. Also, there's plenty of replayability finding all the secret paths and such even after leveling all the characters to max (which I haven't done yet anyway).





Dragon Age Origins: This is what fantasy role playing games are supposed to be like... story and character driven... and I think this game delivers. I played through it multiple times too to see what all the origin stories were like as well. Basically I this is one of the few RPGS that I think measures up to Baldur's Gate II (another game I love and have played to death)
I agree mostly though I don't feel this game is anywhere close to BG2. The game deserves some merit though but I felt that the skill system was sorta flawed. Character interaction was great. Combat was annoying unless you micromanaged or simply didn't know how to make your pasty "assist" the tank or be full of fail. The AI in combat was annoying to control. Camera control was limited. Loved the music (infact i got a whole lot of the songs on my ipod). All in all, a solid game. Nothing "great" though. Alistair and Morrigan FTW. Have Morrigan be a fuck friend? no problem. then she got jealous. complex women. realistic relationships!

This little known game was a gem of the time. It is an adventure RPG type game set in medieval Germany with great combat rules and a non-linear plot allowing you to do pretty much whatever you want whenever you want. It can get a little repetitive late game but I spent many MANY hours on this great little game. It absolutely requires the most up to date patches though as the game was released in a super buggy state.
Wow, watched some gameplay. This game is interesting though very simple. I might give this a shot on dosbox. You know what it reminded me of? Buck Rogers on the Genesis. Ever play it? Very similar, GREAT STRATEGY/RPG. Needle gun FTW. The deleric spacecraft always makes me gets goosebumps.

Lunar Silver Star/Eternal Blue (A storyline for the ages, characters you feel for genuinely, villains with real purpose and feeling. Simplistic but not boring gameplay. Amazing game. Easily one of my favorite.
This was also a great RPG. I agree.

Fallout 3 (Everything great about the post-apocolypse era of gameplay, while keeping a 50s feel? Fantastic music? Amazing RPG/FPS gameplay? Insane customizations and a mod community that puts most developtment companies to shame? Yeah it's a favorite)
I probably played 50+ hours (one all evil, one all good) and felt like two complete games. I love huge non-linear worlds open to explore. I was shocked at how great the gameplay was after some initial apprehension. Oblivion with guns? Yes plz. Can't wait for Vegas in a few months. Fuck the critics. The mod community is great.

Uncharted Waters 2 (Wow Jay, I can't believe I'm not the only one here that played the hell out of that game. The premise sounds boring as all sense would dictate but wow, the game addicted me to no end. Catalina ftw!)
Catalina can suck my....

Otto FTW.

Starflight - My first 'serious' game at a time when I was experimenting with things like Space Quest, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Dark Castle, and the like. No game I have ever played since Starflight has had a larger game world, more to explore, just been that freakin' huge.
I remember this! I loved mining. And combat was kinda cool.

Thief/Thief II - Still the most exciting, adrenaline-filled game I've ever played. Skulking, hiding, trying to line up the perfect shot, getting jumped by zombies, feeling my heart pound in my ears. The only game I've played in full (4.1) surround to really heighten the experience. And oh, does it ever. When someone jumps out from behind you, they really jump out from behind you. I think Yahtzee does a pretty good review of what makes this game so good.
I hate myself for forgetting these series. Hopefully Eidos won't suck a dick while making the 4th of the series.



Frankie Williamson

My favs that I can remember right now:

1. Star Control 2 - Easily my favorite game of all time. A game about you rebuilding humanities failed alliances and taking back your freedom from oppressive Ur-Quan and their minions, only to find out everything is even more dire than anyone had originally thought. The interactions with all the alien species, the combat, the exploration, the humour, it had everything. No one has ever mixed open ended adventure, action and RPG together nearly as well as this game did.

2. Planescape: Torment - My favorite western RPG by a mile. The gripping story of the Nameless One is not one I'll ever forget. As much as I'd like to give this spot to Baldur's Gate 2, I think Planescape was the more original and better game overall.

3. Baldur's Gate 2 - Also awesome, just not as awesome as Planescape. I dig WRPGs.

4. Fallout - The original adventure of the vault dweller and his dealings with the supermutant menace.

5. Castlevania 3 - One of the hardest games I've ever finished, when I was 8. Have you tried it recently? Holy fucking shit does this game get hard. Ridiculously so. Also, it's awesome.

I'll add more.




I have way to many favorite games to list but here are the first ones that come to mind in no particular order.

Legend of Zelda: OoT
Legend of Zelda: LttP
Super Mario World
Chrono Trigger
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Kingdom Hearts
Mario Kart 64
Super Smash Bros.




I forgot about Castlevania, SotN. I have no idea what I would knock out of the top 10 to put it in.




I agree mostly though I don't feel this game is anywhere close to BG2. The game deserves some merit though but I felt that the skill system was sorta flawed. Character interaction was great. Combat was annoying unless you micromanaged or simply didn't know how to make your pasty "assist" the tank or be full of fail. The AI in combat was annoying to control. Camera control was limited. Loved the music (infact i got a whole lot of the songs on my ipod). All in all, a solid game. Nothing "great" though. Alistair and Morrigan FTW. Have Morrigan be a fuck friend? no problem. then she got jealous. complex women. realistic relationships!
I actually loved the combat but it's probably because I was really good at the micromanagement (I also had some pretty good custom AI settings that worked well for me). I loved the music... I bought the full album by Inon Zur on iTunes and it regularly plays while I'm at work. The character interaction is what really did it for me though... I love the infighting, bickering, supporting, cultural differences and everything that happens between the party members. Priceless... :)

Wow, watched some gameplay. This game is interesting though very simple. I might give this a shot on dosbox. You know what it reminded me of? Buck Rogers on the Genesis. Ever play it? Very similar, GREAT STRATEGY/RPG. Needle gun FTW. The deleric spacecraft always makes me gets goosebumps.
I definitely recommend Darklands... I really enjoyed it when I was younger and I still dosbox it every once in a while. I honestly have never played Buck Rogers, I've heard of it but never got around to trying it out. Maybe with your recommendation I'll give it a shot and see how it pans out.




Try it on an emulator for the Genesis. They are somewhat similar albeit I believe Buck Rogers is far more linear.


General Specific

General Specific

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars - Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Dead or Alive 3
Soul Calibur 2
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2

I know I'm missing some from earlier in my gaming career, but can't think of them at the moment.




Final Fantasty Tactics - A fantastic game from start to finish. Good difficulty curve, as well. Ramza I think is the best Final Fantasy hero to date.
Ogre Battle - absolutely a beast to play through, but somehow very worth it. However, it took so much to get through I don't really want to replay it.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - still the best Castlevania game. If they want to make another one, make it like SotN with upgraded graphics instead of what they've been doing.
Chrono Trigger - must have played through it 5 or 6 times on the SNES, and again on the Playstation.
Final Fantasy XII - I like the gambit system - it takes some of the grind out of grinding and Ivalice feels like a more complete world.
Resident Evil 4 - While it lacks the tension of a lot of the previous RE titles, it's boatloads more fun to play. Still working on getting the Handcannon. However, if they did an RE:Make for RE2 or RE3, with the same game engine as RE4, I think that might top it.
Burnout 3 Takedown - A nearly perfect videogame; you can play it for 10 minutes, or all night, and enjoy it either way. Much better than Burnout: Revenge, which added a lot of things it didn't need.
Legacy of Kain Defiance - the same strong plot and peerless voice acting as the majority of the Legacy of Kain series, combined with a game that was actually fun to play (combat in Blood Omen 2 was a chore, the constant backtracking in SR2 was annoying, the environments in Soul Reaver were a pain)
God of War - if you've played it, you need no explanation.
Persona 3 & 4 - quirky but fun games that kind of defy explanation but aren't afraid to go for the funny, and actually acheive it.
Soul Calibur 2 & 3 - quirky AI aside, great fighting games with plenty of extras.
Tekken 3 & 5 - awesome games occasionally marred by absolutely cheap fucking end bosses.
Robotech: Battlecry - a must-play for fans of the original Robotech Macross saga that's just a few minor flaws away from being a complete classic.
Armored Core 3, Silent Line - Giant Robot games done well, with plenty of customization, before the madness of Nexus and Last Raven.



Some really good choices here. I loved Planescape: Torment, Ogre Battle, and the Civilization series.

Then again, nothing can top .
