Spewing out of the the Final Fantasy thread, I'm curious about some of people's favourite games and why. Any system, any era, etc.
Some of mine, in no particular order:
1) Final Fantasy IV: Final Fantasy I was the first RPG that I played, but this one endeared me in every possible way. The characters, the story, everything just fit together perfectly for me. I have never gotten tired of playing it.
2) Civilization: Specifically, Civ IV these days, but I've probably clocked the most amount of hours in this series than any other. Just one more turn...just one more turn...
3) Gabriel Knight (Sins of the Father): I basically grew up on PC adventure games. They're likely my favourite game genre, to be honest. But Gabriel Knight, especially the first one? Man, I must've played and replayed that so many times. I love the story, characters, mythology, setting, everything.
4) Full Throttle: Any of the LucasArts adventure games could easily go here, but for some reason, Full Throttle always comes to mind first, for me. I think it was the wickedly awesome soundtrack. But really, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango. Any of them could easily be here, too.
5) WWF No Mercy: I'm loving Smackdown 2010, but for the longest time, I thought No Mercy was the best wrestling game. I clocked in so many hours making my own characters and such. And speaking of the N64...
6) Conker's Bad Fur Day: Just pure fun from beginning to end. The jokes were hilarious, the gameplay never got boring and the movie references were awesome. Top notch.
7) Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past): I'd played the other two on NES, but I loved this one most of all. I really didn't dig the later Zelda games, like on 64 and on.
8) Chrono Trigger: Sadly, I never played this on SNES; just an emmulator. But goddamn, I love this game. I keep meaning to go back and try playing it again for all the different endings.
9) Saints Row 2: This is basically how I wish the Grand Theft Auto games would be: fun, over the top and not taking itself even a bit seriously. Basically, a lot like the earlier GTA games.
10) Turtles in Time: If it wasn't adventure games I grew up on, it was arcade beat-em-ups like this. Every Sunday, after church, my parents would go to the flea market. I'd fly through it, looking at the tables briefly. Then my dad would give me $2 to play games in the arcade until they were done. And man, I loved those 4-player clusterfricks.
Honorable mentions: Deja Vu, Shadowgate, Noctropolis, Nightshade, Prototype, Dead Rising, Battletoads.
EDIT: Crap, I knew I forgot something. Half-Life 2 and its (thus far) two episodic sequels would be very high somewhere on this list, too.
Some of mine, in no particular order:
1) Final Fantasy IV: Final Fantasy I was the first RPG that I played, but this one endeared me in every possible way. The characters, the story, everything just fit together perfectly for me. I have never gotten tired of playing it.
2) Civilization: Specifically, Civ IV these days, but I've probably clocked the most amount of hours in this series than any other. Just one more turn...just one more turn...
3) Gabriel Knight (Sins of the Father): I basically grew up on PC adventure games. They're likely my favourite game genre, to be honest. But Gabriel Knight, especially the first one? Man, I must've played and replayed that so many times. I love the story, characters, mythology, setting, everything.
4) Full Throttle: Any of the LucasArts adventure games could easily go here, but for some reason, Full Throttle always comes to mind first, for me. I think it was the wickedly awesome soundtrack. But really, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango. Any of them could easily be here, too.
5) WWF No Mercy: I'm loving Smackdown 2010, but for the longest time, I thought No Mercy was the best wrestling game. I clocked in so many hours making my own characters and such. And speaking of the N64...
6) Conker's Bad Fur Day: Just pure fun from beginning to end. The jokes were hilarious, the gameplay never got boring and the movie references were awesome. Top notch.
7) Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past): I'd played the other two on NES, but I loved this one most of all. I really didn't dig the later Zelda games, like on 64 and on.
8) Chrono Trigger: Sadly, I never played this on SNES; just an emmulator. But goddamn, I love this game. I keep meaning to go back and try playing it again for all the different endings.
9) Saints Row 2: This is basically how I wish the Grand Theft Auto games would be: fun, over the top and not taking itself even a bit seriously. Basically, a lot like the earlier GTA games.
10) Turtles in Time: If it wasn't adventure games I grew up on, it was arcade beat-em-ups like this. Every Sunday, after church, my parents would go to the flea market. I'd fly through it, looking at the tables briefly. Then my dad would give me $2 to play games in the arcade until they were done. And man, I loved those 4-player clusterfricks.
Honorable mentions: Deja Vu, Shadowgate, Noctropolis, Nightshade, Prototype, Dead Rising, Battletoads.
EDIT: Crap, I knew I forgot something. Half-Life 2 and its (thus far) two episodic sequels would be very high somewhere on this list, too.