What's the best process to use? Do I convert it to animated gif first, then cut it to the single jump so it loops forever, or do I cut the video, then convert it to a gif?
What programs or webapps should I use to do this? I have both windows and mac, so can run pretty much anything.
Of course if someone already has the process, tools, and time to do this, feel free to jump in - this is a one-off for me, I'm not planning on doing this type of thing frequently. If you also just happened to add haters gonna hate to it...
Seems like it would be simple enough to convert the video to an image sequence (spitting out all the frames as individual image files), delete the images you don't want, alter the ones you want altered*, then tell your image editor of choice to sequence the remaining ones as a .GIF.
*If you're going for the "haters..." caption, I recommend floating just "Haters" above the car when it's down, then "Gonna Hate" at ground level when it's in the air, and have 'em alternate like that. Just my opinion.
This would be easy to do in photoshop. Just rip the file from youtube, load in to photoshop as a video, adjust the playable timeline, throw some text over it, and then export as a GIF with the looping option enabled. I would make it now, but I only have my portable photoshop and it's never been that great at handling the video files.
Damn it! I thought this was about youtube adding that as a function and I thought WOOHOO.
Now I am disappointed. Stienman you disappointed me. I hope you are happy.
Hey I had some time at work so I decided to give it a shot.
*If you're going for the "haters..." caption, I recommend floating just "Haters" above the car when it's down, then "Gonna Hate" at ground level when it's in the air, and have 'em alternate like that. Just my opinion.
No matter what you do, there will be those who harbor in their hearts an irrational and irreconcilable animosity for those who are enjoying themselves. Be it from jealousy or prudishness or simple disdain, it makes no matter - do what makes you happy, and let the haters hate - for indeed, haters gonna hate. Nothing you can do about it, so forget them.
Now in italics to make me sound quotable in your head.