[Brazelton] City of Heroes (and Villains) to end

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Ending the game with a Rikti invasion is kind of a book-end, as the first invasion is what sparked the need for the new heroes when most of the old ones died during the war. It's still really stupid because the current story ended with Statesmen dead, a villain with god-like powers, and no one to stand up to him except maybe Lord Recluse (the big bad of the setting).

Honestly, I'm really fucking pissed. There really aren't any legitimate reasons for the closing of the game, but the likely ones are...

- They closed it to funnel the production money into Blade + Soul or one of the other NCsoft games which was bombing. In a choice between keeping a popular but outside developed game or trying to save one of the Korean one, NCsoft is notorious for trying to save the home built ones.

- They wanted to declare the game a loss for the tax credit, similar to what they did with Tabula Rasa (and THAT was a cluster fuck involving lots of illegal shit). Basically, NCsoft hasn't been doing well the past few years because Guild Wars 2 was still in production so they needed a way to pad the numbers to keep the investors happy and to ensure their own bonuses.

Whatever the reason, NCsoft wasn't interested in selling the franchise because they didn't want to look like idiots if someone else was able to make it more successful than they ever did. It'll likely be a year or two before they even consider it, but who knows... if NCsoft doesn't pick up soon, they might have to sell it just to make some quick cash.

I wasn't there at the end, but I did log in last night to get screenshots of my fav characters. So here's Dr. Ashburner, looking to get the fuck out of town before the last invasion hits.

Yeah I hope NCsoft swallows their pride and sell it. It's probably the best MMO I've played. The only problem I had with it is that over the years it accumulated too much content in the form on new travel zones. By the time you were level 25 there was like 10 different areas you could go fight and do missions in. Even though all these areas were pretty awesome it still meant players were too spread out.

Where can I go now to make a character looking any damn way I please, using powers any damn way I want! "Heal this!" <(bubble)>.
Where can I go now to make a character looking any damn way I please, using powers any damn way I want! "Heal this!" <(bubble)>.
Champions Online is pretty good about this, but it still uses narrowly defined roles. Your still going to be ether a tank, a DPS, or a support. It's not as solo friendly ether unless you buy a free-form slot. The Secret World is pretty good as well, as you have a lot of freedom in what powers you want to take, even if you can't change them much.

It's not surprising that most of the CoH population is going to those two games.
I'm going to bet for the hardcore long time subbers it was pretty emotional. At least they didn't blow up the servers with the big bad ala UO/EQ.
Yep, lots of teary goodbyes and thank you's to everyone, as well as a few "Who wants to burn NCSoft to the ground?".
That's the least of what the CoH crowd has been doing. They also been sabotaging the reviews for Guild Wars 2 on sites like Amazon, as well doing everything they can to wreck Blade + Soul. There is no gaming community motivated more than the one for City of Heroes... they aren't going to take it lying down.
I fucking loved playing as Doug the Troll, but I'll be honest. I hadn't played the game actively or consistently in years. I wanted to hang out in-game one last time but I forgot all about it until late yesterday. By the time I would've had everything downloaded, installed, and updated, it would've been too late. :(
In remembrance of my Level 50's from CoH:

Googie the Jester
Illusion/Force Field Controller
Googie and Crew.jpg

Mosh Pitt
Dual Blades/Willpower Brute
Mosh Posing.jpg

Liberty Dawn
Martial Arts/Fire Scrapper

Rest in peace.
I didn't have fun playing this game, but I'm sorry you guys are losing something that looks like it was a lot of fun for you and rewarded creativity.
Sad. I haven't played in many years, but it is where the my user name came from. First toon I rolled on the game, when I won it as a door prize or something.
For what it's worth, NCsoft's stock took a plummet when they announced the closure of the game and hasn't recovered at all since. It's becoming very apparent that they won't be able to survive much longer.


Staff member
For what it's worth, NCsoft's stock took a plummet when they announced the closure of the game and hasn't recovered at all since. It's becoming very apparent that they won't be able to survive much longer.
It's amazing to me how often the people in charge of a company (online, offline, even the one I work for) have no idea what they're doing, and just grope in the dark, bumping into things and hoping something makes them rich.
It's amazing to me how often the people in charge of a company (online, offline, even the one I work for) have no idea what they're doing, and just grope in the dark, bumping into things and hoping something makes them rich.
It's not even that... this is standard operating procedure at NCsoft. Auto Assault, Exteel, Tabula Rasa, and Dungeon Runners were all western developed games that were dropped in order to support Korean developed titles in need of quick cash flow. It has NEVER worked out for them. It's one of the reasons the company has been in such dire straits the last few years. They are gambling everything on Guild Wars 2 and I barely know anyone who plays that anymore.
Also, am I wrong in thinking that - with some few exceptions like WoW - that there just isn't a market for MMOs anymore?
No, there's a market... It's just that the continued existence of WoW is messing with expectations. Rich people see WoW and think, "Yeah, I can do that." Except they can't because WoW's user base has too much time sunk into it to leave willingly. You can only have one "super MMO" on the market at a time. Until those people leave the game, it's unlikely another game will rise to dominance.

Besides, F2P MMOs are doing well. Champions Online, Lord of the Rings Online, DC Universe Online, and others are doing excellent business right now, pulling in millions of dollars in profits. Even City of Heroes was pulling it in!
That was the thing that puzzled so many people in the first place: CoH was actually making profit. Though maybe it just wasn't ENOUGH profit for NC Soft.
Maybe if their financial struggles continues they will be forced to sell off their IPs cheaply. As it is now they seems to be strangely attached to them. Like they think the stink of dead MMOs somehow make them more attractive.
There's definitely a market for MMO's, game developers and publishers just have to have realistic expectations of how well it can do. I've brought up EVE before, but it is still going strong with a very dedicated and loyal player base, and is still turning a tidy profit. In fact, a new expansion comes out in 3 days.

The reason so many MMO's seem to fail is because they look at WoW, which is a statistical outlier, and base their business model around duplicating it.
Maybe if their financial struggles continues they will be forced to sell off their IPs cheaply. As it is now they seems to be strangely attached to them. Like they think the stink of dead MMOs somehow make them more attractive.
It's about keeping competitors off the market. They don't want anyone taking these IPs and turning them into successful games.
I've said this multiple times. The game itself gets pretty boring because the missions and instances recycle the same stuff over and over again. That being said, I've never experienced a better community on any MMO before or since.
I'd be a happy happy camper if they sold the rights to Tabula Rasa to anyone. I'd take that game being revamped again by anyone at this point.
Besides, F2P MMOs are doing well. Champions Online, Lord of the Rings Online, DC Universe Online, and others are doing excellent business right now, pulling in millions of dollars in profits. Even City of Heroes was pulling it in!
Maybe they should've renamed it City of Heroes Online and it would've done better.


Staff member
This sucks. This was one of the only MMOs I actually liked. People got into their characters, and roleplaying wasn't some afterthought to boring stat maximizing. I really liked the mood, too. You felt like somebody important, and the missions felt alive. You didn't just go kill 20 wolves, you went to get a bad guy holed up in a warehouse. Yeah, it was the same warehouse set, but the story was interesting. The music moved with the plot, and zones had distinctive story-relevant feels to them. More than I can say for other MMOs


Staff member
I think, in most MMOs, actual ROLEplaying is pretty much a thing of the past. A lot of the early MMOs had it - everquest, COH, UO... I just don't see it much any more these days.

But for everything else you list... DCUO is a fairly good ersatz COH substitute.
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