[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
Me too. They were my favourite strips, right after Butler strips... until Kurtz decided to ruin him by making him LolBat.

Feckin' LolBat... -.-
Table Titans.

Table. Freaking. Titans.

Starring Val.

I have no words.
Apparently the D&D team at WotC have never read PvP. Or Ding. Or that extremely brief story arc starring Val and her friends. Or the Trenches. Or Tales by Tavern Light. Or any of the other projects Kurtz has started and then eventually lost interest in. And seriously, how the hell does D&D look like the PvP logo turned upside down, aside from the upside down 'p's looking like lowercase 'd's? Did they change the D&D logo to d^d at some point, and I just missed it?
Oh, and apparently, the announcement of Table Titans has made the day "way cray-cray" (my apologies to Ceej), and he's considering skipping posting a new PvP comic today because of it.


Staff member
I do hope there's a contract. Scott's not just dealing with WoTC, he's dealing with Hasbro, which owns WoTC. I don't think he'll be able to drop Table Titans when he gets bored with it.
If his discussion about TT on the recent WW is any indication, it seems like he's got the plot of TT planned out for the next 2-3 years, so maybe he'll actually stick with it.

I'm cautiously optimistic.


Staff member
If his discussion about TT on the recent WW is any indication, it seems like he's got the plot of TT planned out for the next 2-3 years, so maybe he'll actually stick with it.

I'm cautiously optimistic.
I've said that before, too.
If his discussion about TT on the recent WW is any indication, it seems like he's got the plot of TT planned out for the next 2-3 years, so maybe he'll actually stick with it.

I'm cautiously optimistic.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Good joke. Good joke. I needed a good laugh. If TT publishes once a month he's got 2-3 years of plans made, maybe.
Wow it's happened a lot in this thread already but some of you guys are super bitchy.
I really try not to rag on Steve, but this is just something (planning out long term) that he can do. He's announced on more than one occasion that he'd plotted out more than a year of PvP in advance, and stuck to it for a month or so (actually seemed to make his productivity better) and then go off into the pasture, wander around aimlessly and forget what he was doing out there in the first place.


Staff member
Wow it's happened a lot in this thread already but some of you guys are super bitchy.
I like PvP, wish it would return to form, but I really don't like Kurtz, and there is history there for me. He went off, just off, on a couple of my old Bomb Shelter bros with no real provocation, and even I got in on it. DJ Coffman was an acquaintance and BSC friend, and I sided with him during a couple Kurtz Coffman shitstorms. Believe me, those were shitstorms that were dead center in royal clusterfucks.


Staff member
I remain pessimistic about Scott's ability to follow through with this side project. I give it a year, tops. And that's me getting into the spirit of the season.
Speaking of which, when do we find out that francis is actually getting all sweaty because its a side-effect of being controlled by kringus?
I wish Scott the best of luck in his new endeavor, but he better realize that he's not dealing with the PA guys anymore with TT.

WotC won't do this kind of thing without a Service Agreement of some kind.
I seem to recall that there was a lot of "advance planning" going into The Trenches as well, and that just hasn't been good, at all. The official D&D webcomic. Well, I guess they had to respond to Paizo's Pathfinder comic book series, which is being written by Jim Zubkavich and interior art by Andrew Huerta. Too bad all they could get was Scott Kurtz. The thing is, the whole concept that Table Titans is going for - a wacky group of gamers striving to be the best gaming group ever - has already been done in David Nett's excellent webseries "Gold". I can't help but think this is going to be the same few dozen classic gamer jokes we've all seen time and time again, with the occasional spotlight on a WotC product.


Staff member
Well, I guess they had to respond to Paizo's Pathfinder comic book series, which is being written by Jim Zubkavich and interior art by Andrew Huerta. Too bad all they could get was Scott Kurtz.
Maybe it's just that I'm a fan of Pathfinder (both the system and the comic), but this made me laugh like hell.
Personally, I don't know that I could get into a D&D comic in Kurtz's art style. It feels a little too Saturday-morning-cartoon for the sort of setting/story I'd expect.
Well, I guess they had to respond to Paizo's Pathfinder comic book series, which is being written by Jim Zubkavich and interior art by Andrew Huerta.

Holy crap... that guy was my instructor many years ago when I was doing classical animation at a small little technical school.
Today's strip was funny I guess, but it feels like its either going to be a weak plot resolution or after Cole apologizes to Francis, he and Marcy would go off somewhere in the office and secretly get it on like Donkey Kong. Edna and Seymour style.
Now Skull not being visible by Max Powers was always weird to me. The reason Brent says that Max couldn't see Skull was because he was a selfish jerk who didn't care about something he couldn't gain profit from, but was he really that selfish? I mean hell, he helped save PvP TWO TIMES(though the first was to finance his video game company that Kurtz forgot existed). I'll admit he was a might ambitious of an entrepreneur and said "Zing!" all the time but he never seemed like that bad a guy. Plus him being a jerk was kind-of retconned when he asked Brent and Cole "*Sigh* Why don't you guys like me?" This basically showed that his entrepreneurial persona was merely a guise to impress others including his supposed college friends Brent and Cole. This makes him not necessarily selfish, but merely looking for the approval of others like a normal person especially his supposed friends Brent and Cole. I guess you could say wanting people to think highly of you is selfish, but I've always thought selfish meant only caring about your self and not caring what others thing about you. So if you think about it, that story-line made the reason for why he couldn't see Skull impossible! So maybe before this story-line I could buy that he was selfish, but after it no way in hell.

Fun trivia, Skull's real pre-crisis name N'arak T'rako. Of course he could've been making this up along with his lie about being female but I still think its a cool name.