Thank you to
WasabiPoptart for a lovely card and authentic Hawaiian lei. To keep the old joke alive, I've been leid by WasabiPoptart and it was good for me.
Thank you to
General Specific and
dill616 for another lovely card and plushie blackfooted ferret. He holds a special place of honour on my bookshelf, next to my stuffed mooses. The doomweasels wanted to play with him but they eventually settled for stealing your card and stashing it in their hidey hole.
I also received beautiful cards from
bhamv3 and
Bubble181. The doomies wanted them too but I managed to bribe them with treats and they scampered away to plot world domination.
Thank you again to everyone for your thoughts and well-wishes. My health isn't any better, unfortunately, but coming here gives me a reason to get up in the morning and puts a smile on my face.
Snuggly hugglies to you all!