[TV] Community

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All right, NBC. American Sword Cooks and Blind/Blonde have now been announced through Community. They might have been a joke from the show, but since they were advertised, they must appear.

Your move, NBC. Your move.


Staff member
I wanted this episode to do well. I really did.

It was bad. Just bad. The new writers read the wikipedia page about Community and figured they could totally do it. The episode was like shitty fanfiction.


Staff member
I didn't think it was bad at all, just trying really hard, since the last year has been spent speculating about how much it was going to suck :/
it was... okay. the sitcom style stuff really didn't work, and the rest of the abed stuff was made bearable by the end stuff, when things got weirder than 'generic sitcom.'

what did work? A lot of the other stuff, even if it wasn't a laugh-my-arse off funny episode. the tango scene, Annie and Shirley and *especially* Troy and Britta.

line that made me laugh the most?
troys "why does this feel good?!" while being strangled by britta.
Yeah, my reaction to the episode was a strong "eh, it's OK". I also agree that the sitcom thing did not work at all.
Yeah, my reaction to the episode was a strong "eh, it's OK". I also agree that the sitcom thing did not work at all.
"Greendale Babies" even less so. I skipped through both "Winger's speech" sections. They were there apparently because the new showrunners thought there had to be a "Winger's speech" in there somewhere.
Most recent episode was an improvement over the others.

I think what this season lacks is teeth. Everyone's just a little too nice. I'm pretty sure that's how NBC wanted it--a nicer, more broadly accepted Community. By studio dictate, we likely aren't going to see it ever get back to first three season levels of greatness because the people working on the show now want to keep their shows.

Likely it isn't going to matter. NBC clearly hates this thing and is probably going to kill it at the end of this half-season.
Given that this is season 4, it seems like a good time to let them "graduate" even though community colleges don't really work on a 4-5 year system. Not just probably, unless the ratings climb to CBS-levels, there is no doubt NBC is not going to renew the show beyond this season.
Thanksgiving episode was the best of the season so far. Donald Glover seems to be getting the best one-liners too.

Season 4 DVD is up for pre-order: $31.99 on Amazon. That's fucked up. It's half the episodes as the other seasons, yet I feel like if I don't buy it, I'm contributing to the end of the show (which NBC does anyway).

NBC sucks.
I am now completely caught up with Community! I feel more whole now.

Any whoozles, I don't know how they'd continue the show with-out Pierce. Would the bring in Chang as their NEW 7th? If so, it'd seem kinda obvious to me.
I thought the season got off to a bit of a rough start, but I think they found their footing. The Thanksgiving episode was great. Lots of laughs and lots of feels.
I think you missed the point of Abed's closure in that episode--the evil Abed is gone.
Yes I did miss that, I was just wound up in the awesome hilarity that is Abed.

And I don't know what y'all are saying about the new season, I went on a Community bender and this season seems just as good as the other three.
When we started the new season, we were rewatching too. I think the first episode is as good as an episode of season 1. Two and three, not so great. Four and five are back to season 2 and 3's standards. I think people forget that season 1 was good, but the show had to find its way first. So here it had to do it again. I have no problem with the new season aside from the DVD's price.
Really? It felt like the last episode there was a solid enough conclusion to me. It was the oddest "paintball" episode, but I enjoyed it. But yeah, I'm surprised it's been renewed after a hit-and-miss season and lower ratings.
NBC sucks, but Community is still a good show. Not as great as it was, but there were still good and great episodes this past season.

I'm guessing season 5 will be the rest of the group's last semester, with Jeff coming in to visit. Sans Chevy Chase.
I admit this season wasn't as funny, but I still really liked it. I am also glad they got a season renewal, because to be honest while the season 4 finale works as a season finale as a series final nnnnnnnnnnnnnot so muuuuuuuuuuuuuch. Which is ironic, since I find that the season 3 finale would've been a better series finale dramatically. But hey, SEASON FIVE BITCHES! YES!

I am also glad that they didn't write out Pierce out by killing him off and instead made him graduate. Was anyone else worried about that happening? I know thats worst case scenario, but it was in the back of my mind. I guess I'm just a worrier, 'swhy my friends call me Whiskers.
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