Pet Peeve rants.

How am I supposed to do that if I'm not sure they really want to be talking to me?
Well, I suppose that's a harder question to answer. In some sense, I think you're being hard on yourself: I would find it really unlikely they would have any conversation with you at all if they didn't want to. And frankly, you give me the impression of a nice guy, and I think most people like to chat. So, just... assume they do want to talk to you. Like I said in my latter post, if they're never asking about you and the relationship is onesided, then there are other problems and you may well want to follow Tress' advice. But if this is just a small-talk complaint, or an occasional problem with some friends, I would guess they're just a little self-centred: in fact, they even do want to talk to you, just... about... themselves.

Lately (by which I mean the last year or so) I've become a lot more sociable, and I find that just assuming people want to talk has done wonders. Not only have I gotten a LOT better at social interaction, I've made friends and discovered that some people really just need someone who listens, because they get stuck in a lot of those 'one-way, people never ask me about me' relationships.

You're doing the right thing by asking them how they are, and I don't mean to downplay that, by the by. I've definitely been where you are, including the insecurity about whether they even want me around.


Staff member
I just lie or joke. I don't consider how are you a serious question. Unless it comes in an actual conversation.
Same here. I actually irritate myself in conversation, because when I don't know what to say, I'll sometimes mention something that's going on with me. It seems self-centered, but really, I'm not good at asking people questions. It usually ends in some kind of embarrassment, either because I pried too far and didn't mean to or I accidentally struck a nerve with something seemingly harmless. I figure if I talk about something I did/saw/heard over the weekend, they can give me perspective on it, and the conversation can go from there.
Most of the time my conversations go like this:

Friend - Oh hi, Lisa! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?
Me - Pretty good. Been doing a lot of school work lately. How've you been?
Friend - (tells me her life in detail starting with what happened since we last spoke, including asking for advice, and the conversation lasts at least 30 minutes)
It bothers me when I'm carrying the conversation and the other person isn't asking any questions or going off on anything else I say. I give up talking to someone pretty quickly when that happens. Maybe it's more of a self-confidence issue, automatically assuming they're not interested in talking.


Staff member
It bothers me when I'm carrying the conversation and the other person isn't asking any questions or going off on anything else I say. I give up talking to someone pretty quickly when that happens. Maybe it's more of a self-confidence issue, automatically assuming they're not interested in talking.
My dad does this. It's clear he only wants to talk about what he wants to talk about. He overheard me talking to my mom once, and asked me why I never had conversations like that with him. The answer was that he just wants to monologue, not converse. He didn't like that answer much, but thankfully my siblings chimed in in agreement. Eh, nothing has changed, though.


Staff member
9 times out of 10, in my experience, the whole "how are you" thing is just a ritual, a verbal handshake required by decorum to be polite and part of expected signal negotiation, and anything other than "fine, you" or some equivalent is a tiresome delay to what actually needs to be discussed. However, among friends, the code for "talk about how you are doing" is something more akin to "so what have you been up to lately."
9 times out of 10, in my experience, the whole "how are you" thing is just a ritual, a verbal handshake required by decorum to be polite and part of expected signal negotiation, and anything other than "fine, you" or some equivalent is a tiresome delay to what actually needs to be discussed. However, among friends, the code for "talk about how you are doing" is something more akin to "so what have you been up to lately."
Exactly this. Random people = as part of a greeting as "hello". With friends/some family = I genuinely want to know how you are doing and the recent events of your life.
A serious pet peeve of mine is when you politely ask a stranger "How are you?" and you get their life story in response. I don't mind an honest but short summary of your day, but I do not want to hear the minute-by-minute breakdown of how your cat is acting that day.


Staff member
A serious pet peeve of mine is when you politely ask a stranger "How are you?" and you get their life story in response. I don't mind an honest but short summary of your day, but I do not want to hear the minute-by-minute breakdown of how your cat is acting that day.
My standard answer to questions of that nature is to say "I'm busier than a 1-legged cat trying to bury turds on asphalt today, what can I do for you?" It generally amuses them and gets them to get to the point pretty quick.
My standard answer to questions of that nature is to say "I'm busier than a 1-legged cat trying to bury turds on asphalt today, what can I do for you?" It generally amuses them and gets them to get to the point pretty quick.
Sounds like my dad's response, "I'm busier than a 1-armed paper hanger with a case of the crabs."
My current pet peeve is the misuse of the word prolific. It doesn't mean an artist who is great. It means an artist who produced a crapton of work.


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Yeah, I had comcast for 2 weeks when I moved to Houston. I cashed in my 30 day guarantee, got DirecTV and Uverse VDSL and never looked back. Uverse has a nominally lower top speed, but it is always that speed, and it's cheaper.

I'm a DirecTV convert. It's nice. You know what sells me as much as the price? The UI. They actually put an effort into making a workable UI that wasn't an afterthought. The Comcast box looked like I was playing Commander Keen or something.
Yeah as expensive as other cable companies are, you get what you pay for. Infact, whenever Comcast criticizes said companies its almost ALWAYS about the price, not efficiency. Also, I wish I could go up to the TV and change the channel again. Nowadays I NEED the remote, its impossible to change the channel other-wise. Personally I assume a conspiracy with the battery companies.
Yeah as expensive as other cable companies are, you get what you pay for. Infact, whenever Comcast criticizes said companies its almost ALWAYS about the price, not efficiency. Also, I wish I could go up to the TV and change the channel again. Nowadays I NEED the remote, its impossible to change the channel other-wise. Personally I assume a conspiracy with the battery companies.
Wait, there are cable companies out there that charge more than Comcast? Holy fucknuts, batman.
My cable/internet/phone bundle runs about $160 per month. About the same as I'd be paying DirecTV and Frontier for TV and phone/DSL.

Frontier keeps trying to get me to switch with flyers mocking cable prices. They don't mention their top speed is 1000% slower than Comcast's.
My cable connection is 1/3 of my old DSL and is 7 times faster. I can't believe that I waited so long to drop Centurytel. They're just horrible.
Job site search results that don't even remotely resemble the search terms (which aren't "sponsored" results). For instance, I recently searched for "contact center manager" on one of my go-to sites, and one of the jobs it populated into the search results was "helicopter operations specialist" aka, "firefighting helicopter pilot" for the state.


Staff member
If only my mismatches were that cool. I searched IT jobs, every so often I get an e-mail from the site about being a truck driver or research assistant (which when I read deeper into the job details really means "lab slave").
Oh! Oh! I have a pet peeve; when women make a huge deal out of having lady problems and/or "lady time." Shut the hell up. Unless you have some legit medical problems with your reproductive organs, then you DO NOT need to take a fucking day off of work because you're bloated. WOMAN THE HELL UP!
Oh! Oh! I have a pet peeve; when women make a huge deal out of having lady problems and/or "lady time." Shut the hell up. Unless you have some legit medical problems with your reproductive organs, then you DO NOT need to take a fucking day off of work because you're bloated. WOMAN THE HELL UP!
I prefer "Pick your vagina up off the floor, and get to work." Also hilarious but more sexist is "Take your balls out of your purse..."