I'm just not a catch. I'm really not someone that anyone should be dating right now.
The disagree's about this part, obviously
You're currently not at your peak. Yeah, okay. Neither am I, nor most people on this forum - we can't all be Doc Severin. So what? Feeling blue/down/being depressed (there's a limit to this at the bottom - if you're there, seek professional help) makes you feel like you're doing worse than you are; dating the right person might give you much more energy, make you look at things more positively, find a new reason to be active and go on; they might even inspire you to explore new job/course/lifestyle choices. Perhaps you've never considered a career in [topic] but it would be a great fit for you - only someone who knows you and cares about you and has a positive view of life can see it.
Finding someone, getting to know someone well enough to connect - those may be hard or practically impossible at specific times. But certainly not because OH NOES YOURE A BIT OVERWEIGHT. Because, hey, anyone who wouldn't date a guy who's a bit over weight probably isn't worth pursuing (again - there are limits. If you're morbidly obese, say over 300 pounds, that would be a good reason to say nope) (also, I'm not saying getting in better shape wouldn't help dating - it probably will, since first impressions are so important and so shallow).
You're funny, you have a way with words, as far as I can tell you're gentle and kind and actually care about people who are around you. You may not be Brad Pitt, but there are certainly women out there dating guys that are much, much worse for them than you could be, and there are most certainly girls out there who would be happy to be with you - because for all the things they might do for you, you can and would do much for them as well - be it providing stability, support, a listening ear, a critical voice, someone to help organize their life when it gets too much, whatever. Don't underestimate how much some people may struggle with things you might find obvious/easy/basic - just like you may struggle with things other people may perceive as self-evident or commonplace or not even a bother.