Video Game News and Miscellany


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But this whole kerfuffle is starting to turn what was one of the most promising and exciting Kickstarter projects into a disaster.
Honestly, I'm not surprised. Game development is littered with games that have run over-budget, and I think the success of the Kickstarter went to their heads and Double Fine shot for the moon to try to be worthy of their fan's expectations.

If the game never gets properly finished, I'll be happy as long as the documentary properly captures the failure. A lot can be learned from how a project goes wrong. (Suggested reading "To Engineer is Human" and "Me, Myself and Bob")
Honestly, I'm not surprised. Game development is littered with games that have run over-budget, and I think the success of the Kickstarter went to their heads and Double Fine shot for the moon to try to be worthy of their fan's expectations.

If the game never gets properly finished, I'll be happy as long as the documentary properly captures the failure. A lot can be learned from how a project goes wrong. (Suggested reading "To Engineer is Human" and "Me, Myself and Bob")
I don't see how they could not finish it at this point. Even if they have to cut it up and release it as episodic content, it would come out.
Assuming that this plan works (which if the game is set as much as it sounds like it is, seems reasonable), I don't have any problems, much less think it's any sort of disaster. A bigger, better game for no additional cost other than time? Sure, I'll take it.
And I just backed up their new project MASSIVE CHALICE.... after reading this, I'm seriously considering removing my backing on this new project especially since I already took a risk in backing a game that didn't even have any gameplay video attached to it.
I believe it's "Pay for it now to get some little exclusive stuff, pay extra for lots of exclusive stuff... and if you don't pay at all, it'll never happen." For whatever reason, that seems to work. At least for Double Fine.
Now everyone who backed it on Kickstarter get to know what it feels like to be a publisher for a Tim Schaffer game.

"Ok, it's not ready yet and I need more money"
Quotemander Prime So, I popped in Okami on my WiiU. It looks exactly the same as it did on the Wii. Looks like they didn't do anything to the software to increase resolution on the Wii. Even in the Wii menu it goes from 1080p to a lower resolution.
Quotemander Prime So, I popped in Okami on my WiiU. It looks exactly the same as it did on the Wii. Looks like they didn't do anything to the software to increase resolution on the Wii. Even in the Wii menu it goes from 1080p to a lower resolution.
That's what I was afraid of. Thanks for checking, Bowie. I'll keep crossing my fingers that Okami HD makes it to Wii U.
Funny how they keep making ports for Okami, yet Clover studio is still fucking defunct. Fleh, no use complaining about Capcom doing the wrong thing for the ubmillionth time.
Not content to shit all over Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Tactics, Square-Enix is making Kingdom Hearts X, a mobile browser game that looks like crap.

Keep sinking, Square. It's what you're good at these days.
Eh, I don't know. I'm actually sort of excited for FF XV and Kingdom Hearts 3.
They look nice. I'll probably get KH3 just to see if things are finally resolved. FFXV, I'm not trusting it.

Furthermore, they used to do more projects. But a couple years back, some exec decided that Angry Birds was the future of gaming and that a large chunk of the company's resources should go into developing casual games.
Not sure if this should go in the sale thread:

If you buy and register both Fire Emblem Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV with Club Nintendo before August 31 this year, you'll get a $30 credit for the 3DS eshop.

Already have Fire Emblem and I'm getting SMTIV the day it comes out next week, so thanks Nintendo!
Should they really call it Kingdom Hearts THREE though? Its like what, the seventh in the series? Jusayin.
KH3 will be the 8th. In story order, they are...

Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts
Chain of Memories
358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts 2
Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts 3 is PROBABLY going to take place after Dream Drop Distance. Also, there is apparently a small chance we will see Star Wars in the next game. At any rate, the devs want to see it happen.
No, there needs to be a stop in New York City and have the motherfucking Gargoyles in it! Having Goliath in your party would be the tits!
I'm more surprised that Scrooge hasn't helped you out, considering his numerous well-received games.
True, and then you have the CRAP load of comics he's in that ended up spawning an entire fictional universe so engrossing that you could say he is more of a Disney mascot than the mouse is.
The more I see about GTA V, the more excited I'm becoming. I really like switching between the three guys during missions, but I hope that doesn't become too hectic. I also really like that you can plan out the heists in different ways. That'll create some fun replay value.

But most importantly? Motherfucking bicycles are back. For that alone, I'm in. I wish I was kidding. Plus, the yoga might be fun for a side thing.

As far as other Disney characters and such appearing in KH games, I totally agree on Gargoyles, Darkwing Duck, etc. Hell, I'd be down for some Tailspin where it's all flying around and stuff. :D

Though personally, I'm surprised no one's thought to jump on the popularity of the Batman: Arkham games and make an open world Darkwing Duck game in a similar, but much lighter vein. TELL me you wouldn't be all over that like flies on shit.
I have been wanting that game for YEARS! Going from roof top to roof top, chasin' bad guys in the rat catcher, and get Jim Cummings to reprise the role! It'd be like what that PK game was meant to be, and not how it turned out.
PK the short name for Paperinik(its a pun I'm told) which is Donald Duck's super hero name. They made a game based on him a few years ago and the reviews were just about all negative.

Kinda weird how they made a new duck super hero in darkwing duck, when PK has existed since the freaking 60s but whatevs baby.


Staff member
Though personally, I'm surprised no one's thought to jump on the popularity of the Batman: Arkham games and make an open world Darkwing Duck game in a similar, but much lighter vein. TELL me you wouldn't be all over that like flies on shit.
I don't know if Darkwing Duck is recent enough to be considered for licensed games. Even if Duck Tales just got a remake. Still, I would love to see that.

On a similar note, I've always thought that Wind Waker would have been better as a Samurai Jack game.