Second. cloth hat&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS527US527&oq=floppy cloth hat&aqs=chrome.0.69i57j0l3.2409j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=b799f68dee735bb3&q=english ivy cap&safe=off&tbm=shop
These in many colors and patterns do I don upon my crown.
Well, if he got a real fedora, like, proper size and fur-felt material, and wore a suit, like he was walking out of the 1950s all the time... Man, that'd be cool. I actually have a really nice black fur-felt fedora (but basically never have cause to wear it).[DOUBLEPOST=1376518073,1376517947][/DOUBLEPOST]Whatever you do, do not get a fedora.
A colleague of mine rocks a variety of these. He buys a new one every time he travels somewhere, as sort of a practical souvenir. A lot of his friends wear them too so it's funny when they're out with us for drinks or something, since they all look like they're in some kind of club. cloth hat&rlz=1C1CHMO_enUS527US527&oq=floppy cloth hat&aqs=chrome.0.69i57j0l3.2409j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=b799f68dee735bb3&q=english ivy cap&safe=off&tbm=shop
These in many colors and patterns do I don upon my crown.
I've never owned a hat before, at least not one for blocking the sun, like a ball cap or whatever.
What's a cool hat that I could conceivably get within 2 weeks?
Recommend shit to someone who doesn't know better!
Ultimately I want it to block the sun from my eyes. I can do that with literally anything so mostly fashion.[DOUBLEPOST=1376518728,1376518705][/DOUBLEPOST]What is the intended purpose of said hat? Fashion? Function? NEED MORE DATA!
For working outside in hot weather I'm partial to a nice boonie hat myself. If it's for something more active like bicycling or hiking I prefer ballcaps. I do enjoy wearing my cowboy hat when it's Stampede time here.
This guy's speaking my changuage.Oh just go down to the mall and look in the skater/surfer stores for a baseball cap with a humorously subversive icon on the front. Bend the bill into approximately a 135 degree curve (no more than 150, no less than 100, CERTAINLY NOT ZERO OR 180), remove ANY AND ALL STICKERS AND TAGS, and be done with it like a normal person.
Good tip, thanks.I will say it's worth it to find a cap with a buckle back instead of fitted or the plastic peg-and-hole strap. Looks like this:
Makes it much easier to achieve a comfortable fit to your head.
An article of clothing with no logo or symbol or message on it can also be considered subversive. 90% of my T-shirts have absolutely nothing on them but the one shade of whatever color they are dyed.Except the "humourously subversive icon" part. I'll likely end up getting a flat colour ball cap.
Dude, that is the hat worn by the president of New Mexico Tech's anime club in 1997. I gave up anime for 4 years because of the kind of people who wear that hat.This is your new hat.
So, Gusto?Dude, that is the hat worn by the president of New Mexico Tech's anime club in 1997. I gave up anime for 4 years because of the kind of people who wear that hat.
You know, other than grandpas.
Never, ever, ever take any sort of fashion advice from this man.Look, I have just never seen anyone look good in a baseball cap. I like my Aussie hat. It is soft, it's good in all sorts of weather... mmhmm.