Might surprise you, but I'm probably around that same level as stienman. I believe I've made my choices, you can make yours, and I have to live with what those choices produce.
Little do you know I'm in the process of converting you all.

Just very, very slowly.

Mua ha ha ha ha!
Well, I am gradually coming around to the idea of having special underwear for special occasions.

On a more serious note though, I never knew Steinman's a Mormon, and to be honest I don't think I should care. To me he's a good guy for the intelligent and insightful posts he makes, and for the funny stories of massive breeding power. That's all I need to know.
I was raised Roman Catholic, I wouldn't suggest it to my worst enemies. I had my bad teenage moment when during easter I was forced to go to confession. The priest asked me what I had to confess and I told him something along the lines, "religion to me is a non point, I don't care if there is a god or no god, I have nothing to confess. I have made some mistakes, but I am not going to feel bad because I am not choosing to do evil, I try my best every day and sometimes I end up doing things I regret, but I learn from my mistakes and try to move on from them." The priest just kind of smiled at me, I got screamed at by my teachers for being an obstinate little shit. This lead to my coming out as an atheist to my parents, who have come to accept me for who I am, but it was rocky going to a catholic school and being an atheist. I realize that sounds silly, just my thoughts as an aside.

Edit: sorry for the bad english skills, I tired to fix it up a bit
I feel like this is taking a small sample size and extrapolating it to the whole quite unfairly. Obviously it was wrong of your teachers to act as they did: I mean, first of all, they should not have known what you confessed; the Sacrament of Reconciliation is supposed to be done in private! If not, it should certainly not be commented upon by a witness (who may have been their accidentally, not with malicious intent).

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I don't believe it's fair to say you'd never even want your worst enemy to be raised Roman Catholic. I was raised Catholic, and though I am now and atheist (or as I like to say, a very very lapsed Catholic), I have good memories of the Church. The tradition, the community, the kind priests, the friendly nuns, the amusing stories one of our priests would say before the Homily... There is much I continue to love and reflect on fondly about Catholicism; and there is much that confuses or bothers me, from dogma to faith that I don't have. But to say that Catholicism is the problem is disingenuous. The Catholics who treated you badly were the problem. In no ways either do I suppose Catholicism is responsible for my fond memories so much as the good Catholics I was lucky enough to be surrounded by.

I have a friend who is a Brother in the Catholic Church, and he often says, "I love God with all my heart... It's his ground crew I'm not so sure about."
I have a friend who is a Brother in the Catholic Church, and he often says, "I love God with all my heart... It's his ground crew I'm not so sure about."
It's the Ghandi quote that I know. "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”
Also, more random stuff. Happy belated birthday to Joan Jett, who yesterday turned ... 55.

Hey man, you were just doing your job. Busting clowns who can't read street signs is just one of the perks...
I would be fighting the ticket because the sign really is legitimately buried by a tree...if it didn't also have a flashing yellow light above it. It's just before the cooling pool for a manufacturing plant, so I assumed the light was for the "foggy area ahead" sign and not an actual speed change as well. Live and learn.

I love little shop of horrors! Dentist and Skid Row and my favorite songs, well, that I remember anyway... My wife and I got to see a production of it at a local theater and it's wonderful live, though it is different in a number of ways.

So why is today little shop of horrors day?
We also saw the play a few years ago and have loved it ever since. We also love the movie - Suddenly Seymour takes the cake for me. Probably because I sing it to Nate all the time.

Today is Little Shop of Horrors day because the story takes place on the 23rd of September.

Hm. They were loud booms, though. Much more than a simple firecracker would produce, and not something you'd expect from even a big gauge shotgun. A transformer explosion would produce this kind of sound. It was at a significant distance, though, so it wasn't window rattling for us. No reported wide area power outages, and again the various dispatches don't mention anything, so perhaps it was a smaller explosion closer to me.
Transformer explosions were actually the first thing I thought of by your description. Keep in mind that you don't have to explode a transformer to get that sound. A squirrel or a branch can also make that same kind of sound by short-circuiting the mains, and without more than a momentary interruption until the recloser resets itself. I've had this happen at an apartment, where there was a loud BOOM from just out front concurrent with the power going out for a second or two, and when I went out there to check (certain that I would find a car smashed into a pole or something), all I found was the still warm, completely hairless corpse of a squirrel (which had no doubt been the cause of the explosion) lying on the sidewalk under the power lines that run alongside the road in front of the complex.

My dad's cancer is terminal. 3 to 6 months, they said.
I'm trying to stay calm. I feel a lot of gratitude for being able to say good bye, love and take care of him. It would've been worse to see him leave one day and then just never come back. I get to tell him every day for the last bit of his life that I love him.
"Delete my browser history and my torrents, then bequeath my computer (with Steam account) to my best friend. Then just toss my corpse into the sea, I don't care."
Part of the packet I was putting together icluding login info for this forum and another one I frequent.

I should probably include my Steam info too... such as it is. *grins wryly*

I feel kinda bad, because the packet has sections for all sorts of things like Will, financial account info for my wife to access etc.... and I don't have any of that. I REALLY need to sit down and do a will at some point, but honestly, it's all going to go to my wife, and knowing her like I do, I know for a fact that she's going to look out for our children first, simply because that's the kind of person she is. I guess I could ensure that the benefits get put into some sort of trust fund, access contingent on graduating college or something like that...
Part of the packet I was putting together icluding login info for this forum and another one I frequent.

I should probably include my Steam info too... such as it is. *grins wryly*

I feel kinda bad, because the packet has sections for all sorts of things like Will, financial account info for my wife to access etc.... and I don't have any of that. I REALLY need to sit down and do a will at some point, but honestly, it's all going to go to my wife, and knowing her like I do, I know for a fact that she's going to look out for our children first, simply because that's the kind of person she is. I guess I could ensure that the benefits get put into some sort of trust fund, access contingent on graduating college or something like that...
I swear to god if we hear you went down in a blaze of glory THREE DAYS BEFORE RETIREMENT, I will eat my fishhat!
Part of the packet I was putting together icluding login info for this forum and another one I frequent.

I should probably include my Steam info too... such as it is. *grins wryly*

I feel kinda bad, because the packet has sections for all sorts of things like Will, financial account info for my wife to access etc.... and I don't have any of that. I REALLY need to sit down and do a will at some point, but honestly, it's all going to go to my wife, and knowing her like I do, I know for a fact that she's going to look out for our children first, simply because that's the kind of person she is. I guess I could ensure that the benefits get put into some sort of trust fund, access contingent on graduating college or something like that...
I know it seems unnecessary when it its all going to your wife, but even so, having a will is so much better/easier/smoother on your family than dying intestate (without a will). Everything of my father's is willed to my mother, and even so, he has drawn up a full will (of which I am the executor, which feels weird. Although executor is a great word.).