USA Federal government: CLOSED

I thought this was an interesting piece

Chinese netizens react to US government shutdown and conclude the superiority of the US system

October 1, 2013, China’s National Day and also the day when the US federal government began systematically shutting down operations for the first time in nearly two decades. How the Chinese people, more specifically, Chinese social media users, react to the coincidence?
Many people’s first reaction is making jokes about the act being a way for the US government to honor the 64th birthday of the Chinese government. For example, netizen宇文馳 asked jokingly: “Do American people celebrate China National Day, too?” Another netizen 土豆怒了 pointed out: “What shutdown? It’s the US adopting our week-long National Day Holiday.”

These jokes, however, are more than carelss sarcasm. For a long time after 1949 when the current “new” China was founded, the US has been described as a primary ideology rival, if not enemy, in official rhetoric. Even today, it’s still not uncommon to see official media using the US as the comparison to emphasize why the political, economic and social systems in China work better and more efficiently.

The image of the US being the evil imperialist and capitalist country whereas China being the superior socialist country has gradually flipped in recent years as more and more Chinese people, especially the urban young, start to view the US as a role model worth looking up to. The US middle class lifestyle is what many of China’s nouveau riche aspire to.
Nevertheless, Chinese netizens didn’t hesitate a second to use the stereotypes to make fun of the current events.

In response to the shutdown news, one netizen 叶落如初 commented: “There is such a severe lack of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ at this evil capitalist county.” Another netizen 樱桃肉丸子的冬天 commented: “The US government shuts down on China’s National Day, I feel like my world view has been put upside down. To beat the US – what we learned on Maoist Theory classes is no longer a day dream.”

Jokes aside, most people expressed disbelief. A government shutdown will never happen in China, at least not under CCP rule. Like in many other cases, Chinese netizens couldn’t help but ponder on what if the same thing happens in China. And the conclusion is that the US has a much better-functioning government. Why? Because the country runs normally even when government operations are shut down.

One netizen 怒一代 commented: “The system in the US is indeed superior. Their government can be shut down without causing any chaos in the society.”

Compare to a hypothetical similar scenario in China, the impact of a US federal government shutdown on the lives of its ordinary citizens can be said to be minimum. After all, as one netizen 段郎说事 commented: “The job of the US federal government is to serve, not to dictate.”

If the Chinese government shuts down, as one netizen 喵煮席爱大金链子 imaged, “the Chinese people won’t survive long.” Another netizen 西水东渐 chimed in: “The US government isn’t an omnipotent government. A shutdown won’t cause social unrest and instability. The Chinese government is an omnipotent government. A one-day shutdown would lead to a paralyzed society.”
“The US federal government shuts down. It’s a price of democracy check and balance. It will bring inconvenience to a lot of people, but I believe, between an inefficient government and a government without check and balance, most Americans will choose the former. This is the 18th times when the US federal government was shut down. No major social chaos occurred during the precious 17 times. A mature society can afford to have its government shut down.” Netizen 王冉 commented.​

Huh...that really is super interesting. I'm going to have to process that one.


Staff member
I can't take the right seriously as long as they fuck with the credit rating. The last downgrade, which was caused by the possibility of a default hit the stock market like a bomb. No big deal it's only money right? 5% is only 1 year of my life who cares?

The only thing that protected us was the absolute shit hole that socialist monetary systems are right now. But we can't count on that for long. And if we default, fuck me, we're done. It would make the great recession look like a picnic.

How can anyone support leadership that thinks that the ACA is more dangerous than another credit downgrade? When you have the head of Goldam Sachs pleading with the republicans to not torch the economy you know the worm has turned.

As for the ACa, what we need now is some stability. That is far more important than the ACA. Even to insurance companies. The amount of money they has put into restructure could be tossed out in a heartbeat, which would be fine if it wasn't up for another restructure as soon as democrats get back in office.

Ideals are fine and dandy until they hit the realities of operating a business. This has been one of the most unfriendly environments for business in ages because as soon as one side does something the otherwise drops everything they are doing and tries to revert it.

The only people who come out on top there are lawyers. No surprise that's who we have in congress.[DOUBLEPOST=1380772034,1380771651][/DOUBLEPOST]Only 33% support repealing it

Same poll says only 26% support it in its current form. So 20% more support repealing it.

Use whichever one you want
If the ACA is so unimportant, why aren't the democrats scrambling over themselves to drop it?

Both sides appear to believe its important enough to stop the government for. Either side could drop it if they truly felt it wasn't worth stopping/upholding.

You realize this is a two way street, right? It's fun to vilify one side or the other, I guess, but don't trivialize it.
Yeah, damn those democrats for not bowing to the GOP threatening to shutdown the government and crash our credit rating over a law they don't like that survived almost 4 years of no one trying to improve it, a presidential election, and a supreme court decision.

It's the dems fault for not doing that first with every law they don't like!
Honestly it's like the Republicans have forgotten their own tactics from their own playbook.

Draw up a bill for something SO important, that voting against it would be political suicide. Let's say... Gun control. Draw up a bill that caters to every demand that gun control advocates have been whining about for the last year. Most likely this will get thrown out by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional anyways, but worry about that later.

Then you tack on your riders. Repeal Obamacare. Deal with the debt cieling etc etc. That way, when the bill gets hammered in the Senate, you can scream bloody murder about how the Democrats voted down a perfectly good bill regarding gun control. Worked for the UIGEA a few years back, why not now.

And honestly, the White House is being super-douchey about how they shut down things. The passive-aggresive tweets yesterday from fun accounts like the Mars Rover & such were just petty. I also like how the whole WWII memorial incident is now being portrayed as compassionate, that they allowed the vets to view the memorial out of the goodness of their hearts because they had all traveled so far to visit. Never mind the angry mob that was forming, I do believe they were going to see the memorial whether the government shutdown allowed it or not.

Also, I can't believe that members of Congress drawing a paycheck during shutdown is even an option. GOP representative are missing a golden opportunity for some goodwill points by not standing out in front of the Capitol building and all announcing that they are not getting paid during the shutdown. It's not like they can't afford it. Senate leader Reid made an ass of himself this morning equating the hardship of his 1100 constituents at Nellis AFB to the hardship of cancer patients who won't be able to start treatment due to the shutdown, meanwhile collecting his gubmint check.
Yeah, damn those democrats for not bowing to the GOP threatening to shutdown the government and crash our credit rating over a law they don't like that survived almost 4 years of no one trying to improve it, a presidential election, and a supreme court decision.

It's the dems fault for not doing that first with every law they don't like!
No, no, it's the democrats' fault; they threatened to shut down the government unless the GOP backed down from their threat to shut down the government over that law.

I am so gonna ace that practice journalism portion of my interview at Fox News.
On the whole opposing the health care law, people can oppose Obama by thinking he's not liberal enough but not support getting rid of him and putting a conservative in his place. So, yes, people can oppose the health care law but not want to see it repealed, since it's better than nothing.

The problem I have with Republicans opposing this law so fiercely is that for many it's just for show. It's to maintain support among the vocal minority. Hell, this is very similar to the health care plan republicans proposed themselves, which is why it was used. They thought they could gain support across the isle by using something they have supported before. But it was Obama, so it had to be opposed.

So yes, this all seems childish. Too many times Republicans have said they will oppose everything Obama tried to do, no matter what it was. It's tiring, and I hope to God the Democrats don't give on this. The republicans are being vilified for a reason. They need to quit trying to break the other kids toys just because they didn't get to play with it this time.


Staff member
On the whole opposing the health care law, people can oppose Obama by thinking he's not liberal enough but not support getting rid of him and putting a conservative in his place. So, yes, people can oppose the health care law but not want to see it repealed, since it's better than nothing.

The problem I have with Republicans opposing this law so fiercely is that for many it's just for show. It's to maintain support among the vocal minority. Hell, this is very similar to the health care plan republicans proposed themselves, which is why it was used. They thought they could gain support across the isle by using something they have supported before. But it was Obama, so it had to be opposed.

So yes, this all seems childish. Too many times Republicans have said they will oppose everything Obama tried to do, no matter what it was. It's tiring, and I hope to God the Democrats don't give on this. The republicans are being vilified for a reason. They need to quit trying to break the other kids toys just because they didn't get to play with it this time.
Now you know how non-democrats felt all during the GW Bush years of the Iraq war.

But you're right in that a lot of the republicans are only resisting for show, and in their heart of hearts they don't really have ideological issues with Obamacare. Ted Cruz even made that very claim a week or so ago. There are a great many republicans who are not at all opposed to engorging the behemoth of the federal government, because they hope to steer it one day when the pendulum swings back. It's only their fear of the tea party uprising that keeps them pretending to small government posturing.
Now you know how non-democrats felt all during the GW Bush years of the Iraq war.
Democrats fold easier than origami paper though. There isn't much to compare to.
But you're right in that a lot of the republicans are only resisting for show, and in their heart of hearts they don't really have ideological issues with Obamacare.
And that's what really bothers me. It might be different if they truly believed it was the wrong path for this country, but they don't. They're after votes. And that is coming at the expense of peoples lives. People aren't getting a paycheck to feed their families or pay their bills. People are being turned away from national parks and monuments after they have already spent their time and money to get there for what is the only vacation many will get this year, or even longer. All for some votes. Nothing more.
At least the democrats are standing by their belief that everyone should have health care.
If the ACA is so unimportant, why aren't the democrats scrambling over themselves to drop it?

Both sides appear to believe its important enough to stop the government for. Either side could drop it if they truly felt it wasn't worth stopping/upholding.

You realize this is a two way street, right? It's fun to vilify one side or the other, I guess, but don't trivialize it.
If the Democrats caved in on this one, the wouldn't there be a risk that this becomes standard operating procedure? If the Republicans succeed with gambling the operation of government and the faith and credit in the United States for partisan advantage, then won't people do the same in the future and leverage the national interest for party politics, regardless of administration? Had Clinton folded under similar circumstances, then the last 20 years might have been bumpier a ride.
It's America we put a man on the goddamn moon and were able to land multiple probes on Mars. I think we can come up with a way to create a good mass transit system if we put our minds to it.

It won't be cheap probably won't be a huge money maker but a good transit system is the greatest thing a city can have going for it.
There certainly is nothing that makes it impossible to do so. The good thing about those sort of problems is that they tend to get fixed if you just throw enough money at them. They'll just have to decide if the benefits are worth the costs.


Staff member
Democrats fold easier than origami paper though. There isn't much to compare to.
I'm fairly certain republicans will buckle on this one. I think you give them too much credit.

And that's what really bothers me. It might be different if they truly believed it was the wrong path for this country, but they don't. They're after votes. And that is coming at the expense of peoples lives. People aren't getting a paycheck to feed their families or pay their bills. People are being turned away from national parks and monuments after they have already spent their time and money to get there for what is the only vacation many will get this year, or even longer. All for some votes. Nothing more.
At least the democrats are standing by their belief that everyone should have health care.
Oh, you misunderstand me - these republicans don't think obamacare is good for the country, they think it's good for the federal government. And really, the democrats are the same. This isn't about medical care. The 47 million figure was a farce, the crisis is largely manufactured (yes some people get really sick and can't afford it, but people are not dying in the streets left and right as some would have you believe) and the ACA barely does anything to address any of the raised issues in question while simultaneously spending a trillion more dollars (so far) and tightening government regulatory grip over a sixth of the (formerly) private economy. It's not about medical care, for these politicians. It's about control. Because once they hold your medical care in their hands, you cannot stray from the flock.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only reason the Dems haven't buckled on this one is because they don't want it to become a standard play for ether side... because it would if it works.

Also, there is no way that any of them would be doing this if this was an election year. I'd LOVE to see the senators with balls enough to try that.
I don't buy into the idea that most of the republicans are only toeing the line for votes. But that, I suppose, is a topic for the obamacare thread.
Honestly I will give it to the Tea Party folks, even if I think they are nuts, they are willing to (at least they seem willing) destroy everything to get their way. Thats conviction. Which is, you know, something I guess.

I guess part of me respects that while the other part goes, you know, this could have some really serious consequences that I don't think the majority of us citizens are prepared to handle (except Gas, any room in your shelter buddy?).

I am very bothered by the clips of rich white folks with nice teeth (RWFWNT) blabbing about how the shutdown is "no big deal" and "it's not effecting me so who cares!". Then I see articles like this:


Staff member
There's a petition, probably multiple petitions, trying to get suspended pay for congress during the government shutdown. Aside form the fact that congress is barred from altering the pay for the current session, it doesn't seem like people are thinking this through. Cutting off the pay to congressmen isn't going to effect them evenly across the board. Those with enough investments and savings, or second sources of income, are going to be far less bothered by having their wages stopped, than those who rely on their paycheck. So, cutting their pay seems like a good way to really upset the balance of the system, unless someone has researched the financials of all the current congressman and weighed who is likely to cave because of the pressure.
I had similar thoughts p[reviously, saying that they shouldn't get paid as well, but as I thought about it I figured the reality is that only rich wealthy congresspeople will be able to stomach it for a few days or weeks, the rest will have to go home. Do we really want the richest congresspeople making our country's financial decisions?
I would actually be pretty down for a "maximum net worth/HHI" limit for politicians in general. I'm aware this would boot out 90% of people currently in congress and the President, too, but it's not like rich folks lack other ways to influence politics.


Staff member
Honestly I will give it to the Tea Party folks, even if I think they are nuts, they are willing to (at least they seem willing) destroy everything to get their way. Thats conviction. Which is, you know, something I guess.
From their perspective, they're saving the country from the destruction obamacare will wreak upon it, and the government isn't critical to day-to-day life anyway. I don't think even they expect the shutdown to go long enough to imperil the debt limit raise, though I'm sure there are some who don't care because they oppose raising the debt limit, too.

I guess part of me respects that while the other part goes, you know, this could have some really serious consequences that I don't think the majority of us citizens are prepared to handle (except Gas, any room in your shelter buddy?).
Mmmmmmaybe. We'll be repopulating the species, remember, so, know any chicks you can bring? And in the name of genetic diversity we need as many as varied as we can get...
I would actually be pretty down for a "maximum net worth/HHI" limit for politicians in general. I'm aware this would boot out 90% of people currently in congress and the President, too, but it's not like rich folks lack other ways to influence politics.
Nah, that won't work. A corporation which doesn't like a congressman would be able to remove him by just giving him an outsize gift, thereby pushing him over the limit.

Nah, that won't work. A corporation which doesn't like a congressman would be able to remove him by just giving him an outsize gift, thereby pushing him over the limit.

Supposedly, that's illegal already. What congresscritters should do in that situation is make an immediate, documented, donation in that corporations name to a cause that they hate.
Krisken: did you see that Duffy got accosted as he was walking out of his office and heading over to the Capitol?


Staff member
ABC affiliate just said the female suspect had attemped to force her vehicle past a white house checkpoint, failed, was chased by police to the senate building where she was shot. Three officers have been wounded.