Cannon to the left of them, Canbon to the right (BF4)


Staff member
So there is a free BF4 open beta right now. Its not well optimized yet, but if you limit your frames it will run decently if you have a good computer. I can't remember how to do this right now but I'll post how to when it goes.

As for the game, its amazing. Yeah, there is a SERIOUS cash grab at play here with day 1 DLC etc, but if you are a hardcore BF player its probably worth it. This is a VERY well done game.

Anyone playing?


Staff member
There are no golden bullets, really what you are buying is expansion pack subscriptions, double xp weekends, and quicker access to battlepacks which give you random gear that other players can unlock through leveling. The main thing is the prepurchase of the expansion packs, the other stuff is just a little glitter.

Pricey? Yes. Well made? Absolutely. Worth it? You decide. I doubt I will go for any of the 'premium' packs but I will probably be buying the game itself when it comes out.

ed: I just realized that I probably should not have called it day 1 DLC, I don't think that's the word for it since the expansion packs aren't going to be released for a while.

ed2: wtf is a canbon....


Staff member
Ok, so this has been out for 2-3 weeks and I have put in 100+ hours. This is one of the best Multiplayer FPS's I have played in a VERY long time. My only real beef with it is the lack of map rotations, and I'm not even sure that's a fair complaint. There are 7(?) maps, and 4 game modes for each map that dramatically change how it is played. Rush needs some serious balancing at the moment, its almost impossible to win right now.

The game is incredibly fun. No golden bullets. The battlepack system is tons of fun and let you optimize a specific gun if you choose to.


Staff member
meh, Origin is fine.
Not even. I barely tolerate steam because it's a fact of life in PC gaming today. Steam is a bloated, invasive, clunky browser/launcher with vaguely unsettling underlying principles and practices that I just have to hope never come into play. Origin is all that but worse - in all meanings of the term, plus being spyware. Throw into the mix that it's EA, and it becomes completely unacceptable.

I stop just short of calling anybody who acquiesces to using origin a brainless sucker actively propping up the most horrible entity in all of gaming. But only just short.
Ok, so this has been out for 2-3 weeks and I have put in 100+ hours. This is one of the best Multiplayer FPS's I have played in a VERY long time. My only real beef with it is the lack of map rotations, and I'm not even sure that's a fair complaint. There are 7(?) maps, and 4 game modes for each map that dramatically change how it is played. Rush needs some serious balancing at the moment, its almost impossible to win right now.

The game is incredibly fun. No golden bullets. The battlepack system is tons of fun and let you optimize a specific gun if you choose to.
Engineer guns are still lame though. But who cares? I'm a helicopter whore. (Maybe thats why I never get enough engineer XP--lawl)


Staff member
Not even. I barely tolerate steam because it's a fact of life in PC gaming today. Steam is a bloated, invasive, clunky browser/launcher with vaguely unsettling underlying principles and practices that I just have to hope never come into play. Origin is all that but worse - in all meanings of the term, plus being spyware. Throw into the mix that it's EA, and it becomes completely unacceptable.

I stop just short of calling anybody who acquiesces to using origin a brainless sucker actively propping up the most horrible entity in all of gaming. But only just short.
You should call us "Little Eichmann's"

ed. In all seriousness though I have had zero problems with it. Other than that stuff a couple years ago I haven't seen anything problematic with it. What is your concern?

Engineer guns are still lame though. But who cares? I'm a helicopter whore. (Maybe thats why I never get enough engineer XP--lawl)
Get the Carbines, they are exceptional. I haven't used anything other than carbines really. You should be able to level into them just using the transport helo (that xp goes directly into the engineer since there is no transport helo specific path.)

ed: Once you get the carbines you have to actually use them to advance the carbine tree
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